L.A. Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It? Review & Swatches

Image of L.A. Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It? ** This post was written by Fiona. She no longer blogs for Swatch And Learn. However, Mary still continues to blog and will be happy to reply to your comment. **

Ever loved doing something that you know you suck at? That’s me and bowling. I go just for the fun of it, not to win (at least that’s what I tell everyone). Anyway, every year, I get involved with a fundraising bowling event hosted by a local food bank. I wore L.A. Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It? just for this special occasion. It was cosmic bowling, and the Disco Brites Collection is supposed to glow under black light!

I admit: I got this nail polish for the novelty of it. I mean, really. How often am I under black light? It’s not like I work for CSI or anything. It’s only during bowling that I get to really let this color truly shine.

BTW, my final score that day was 68. Shame. Shame. Shame! But my team did win a few trophies: Best Male Bowler and Top Fundraising Team. 🙂

L.A. Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It? Swatches & Pictures

*~* 3 Coats Without Top Coat in Natural Light *~*

Image of L.A. Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It?

Image of L.A. Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It?

Image of L.A. Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It?

Image of L.A. Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It?

*~* 3 Coats Without Top Coat in Flash *~*

Image of L.A. Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It?

Image of L.A. Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It?

Image of L.A. Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It?

Image of L.A. Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It?

*~* 3 Coats Without Top Coat in Black Light *~*

Image of L.A. Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It?

Image of L.A. Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It?

Image of L.A. Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It?

Image of L.A. Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It?


    Bright & vivid
    Long lasting
    Adds strength

Key Notes

  • Name: L.A. Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It?
  • Amount:0.47fl oz or 14ml
  • What I Paid: $2.50 USD
  • Price Per Unit: $5.32/fl oz or $0.18/ml
  • Other L.A. Girl Disco Brites Colors Available: Disco Ball, Psychedelic, Retro, Light Show, Dance Craze, Stayin’ Alive, Disco Diva, Freak, Chic, Platforms, Boogie, Disco Inferno, Disco Fever, Rock n Roll, Groovy, Hustle, Turntable, Vinyl Record, Funakdelic, Deejay, Dance Studio, Phenomenon, Strobe Light
  • Where to Buy: LA Girl, Cherry Culture, nail salons, some Forever 21 stores

LA Girl Can U Dig It Review


LA Girl Can U Dig It is the perfect springtime green. (But wear it in the winter, too, to brighten up the season!) It’s a grass green that’s fresh, bright and happy. I normally don’t go for this type of green. It’s one of those colors that I got just because it’s different from my collection, perfect for when I need a change in my nail color.

Under black light though, it turns into a light baby blue. I was so happy and excited to see it a different color during cosmic bowling (I literally jumped up and down; people thought I was crazy). But I was disappointed that it doesn’t glow. It only changes colors; there is no radioactiveness to it like the laces on your bowling shoes.

Consistency & Application

L.A. Girl Can U Dig It has a thicker and goopier consistency than I’m used to, even when I compare it to polishes by the same brand.

Application isn’t the easiest thing. I normally go over the nail a couple of times in the same coat to ensure it’s even. The brush has a tendency to take off any already-applied polish, leaving bald spots. Also, there is some streakiness.

It also takes 3 coats for LA Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It? to be completely opaque. The first 2 coats won’t get you full coverage. By the 3rd coat, the bald and streaky spots disappear completely.

Drying Time

Disco Brites Can You Dig It by L.A. Girl takes heckish long to dry. It feels like you’re waiting for at least 15 minutes to feel safe to put on another coat! I like to touch the nails after 5 minutes just to test how dried it is, and this still felt very tacky.

I accidentally dinged my middle and fourth fingers before the polish completely dried. So I had to reapply all the coats again. I was less patient that time around so I didn’t wait the 15 minutes. It resulted in some bubbling on the nails, as you can see in the swatches. Sad face.


OK, so I don’t like the process of applying the polish. I love what it offers after it dries though. It’s really glossy; my swatches are without a top coat. It dries completely even, except for the bubbling in the middle and fourth fingers.

Staying Put

This stuff sticks to your nails. I took it off after 4 days, so I can’t say exactly how long it lasts for. However, I didn’t see any chipping or tip wear when I took it off. It looked fresh even into the 4th day! And I didn’t wear a top coat for protection. Anddddd I went bowling – sure, it’s not a full-contact sport, but I know I banged my fingers inside the ball a dozen times.

  • DBP-, toluene- & formaldehyde-free
  • Bright, happy color
  • Changes color under UV light
  • Lasts a long time
  • Glossy finish
  • Thick & goopy consistency
  • Takes a long time to dry
  • Can bubble if you don’t wait long enough between coats
  • Needs 3 coats
  • Goes on streaky & with bald spots
  • Doesn’t “glow” under UV light

Final Verdict: 7.3/10

It’s a novelty polish, but since it only costs $2.50, it’s a cheap thrill. The novelty aspect of it saved this polish for me. I mean, I like the color, but the application definitely dragged down its score. But if you loooove to bowl, then the LA Girl Disco Brites Collection might be worth checking out for you!

For other polishes and makeup I purchased on my Cherry Culture mega haul, please see this post.

What do you think of this color in normal light compared to in black light? Do you think it’s worth it to get Can U Dig It?  just to see it change colors?


6 thoughts on “L.A. Girl Disco Brites Can U Dig It? Review & Swatches

  1. Ruthe

    OMG this looks so cool under black light!! Of course, it also looks super pretty under normal light. Lol I got my Disco Brites polishes because of the novelty, too. I mean, hello?? Polish that glows under black light?!? Must get! 😀
    Ruthe recently posted: Top Ten Award

        1. Fiona Post author

          Oooh. I wonder what color they’d glow to be under black light. You totally should go bowling just to test them out! Hahaha!

  2. Lady P

    I love this polish! Ive had it on for 4 days, 2 coats, and no chipping! I’ve washed dishes and I am a Cosmetologist, so I am constantly washing hair and using products. I have never had a long lasting polish like this. I however do not likethe drying time, but its worth the wait! Im a “Disco Chick”!!

    1. Mary

      Hey Lady P!

      Very cool how this polish lasted you for so long AND it’s wallet-friendly! 🙂

      Have you tried using a fast-dry top coat like Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat in combination with this polish?


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