L.A. Colors Enchanting Review & Swatches

Image of L.A. Colors Enchanting** This post was written by Fiona. She no longer blogs for Swatch And Learn. However, Mary still continues to blog and will be happy to reply to your comment. **

I get excited trying out new brands. Whether the product is a dud or a stud, I like knowing that I have the option to choose from a wide range of brands at various price points. I even like it more when the product I try turns out to be a winner.

Take L.A. Colors Enchanting for example. It’s my first experience with L.A. Colors, and I never expected the shade to have so much depth and personality. It’s a duochrome that reminds me of a cornucopia, perfect for autumn. But to heck with that: I’m wearing it in the summer anyway!

BTW, happy August, everyone!

L.A. Colors Enchanting Swatches & Pictures

*~* 3 Coats with Top Coat in Natural Light *~*

Image of L.A. Colors Enchanting

Image of L.A. Colors Enchanting

Image of L.A. Colors Enchanting

Image of L.A. Colors Enchanting

*~* 3 Coats with Top Coat in Flash *~*

Image of LA Colors Enchanting

Image of LA Colors Enchanting

Image of LA Colors Enchanting

Image of LA Colors Enchanting

*~* 3 Coats with Top Coat in Artificial Light *~*

Image of L.A. Colors Enchanting

Image of L.A. Colors Enchanting

Image of L.A. Colors Enchanting

Image of L.A. Colors Enchanting

Image of LA Colors Enchanting

Image of LA Colors Enchanting


      High gloss


      Quick drying

      Long-wearing formula


Key Notes

  • Name: L.A. Colors Enchanting
  • Amount: 0.50fl oz or 15ml
  • What I Paid: $1.49 USD
  • Price Per Unit: $2.98/fl oz or $0.1/ml
  • Other Colors Available: Antique Burgundy, China Gold, Red Carnation, Luscious Wine, Plum Wine, Berry Red, Purple Ice, Pearl, Black Velvet, Blue Velvet, Cranberry Red, Purple Passion, Grape, French White, Silver Glitter, Gold Sparkle, French Cream, Pink Pearl, Barely Lavender, Plum Frost, Brick, Sky Blue Glitter, Cotton Candy, Topaz, Dark Gray, Lilac, Rainbow Glitter, Crystal Glitter, Vibrant Violet, Apricot, Sea Green, Silver Lining, Gold Dust, Metallic Steel Blue, Purple Glitter, Sparkling Apricot, Pretty in Pink, Metallic Mocha, Solar Gold, Sand Storm, Metallic Silver, Metallic Pink, Metallic Green, Metallic Purple, Metallic Blue, Metallic Copper, Breathless Blue, Barely Opal, Pink Satin, Blue Treasure, Green Satin, Lilac Frost, Reflections, Lemon Ice, Sheer Bliss, Sheer Impulse, Sheer Ecstasy, Sheer Passion, Hint of Silver, Berry, Dark Brown, Chocolate Shimmer, Grain, Caribbean Pink, Mauve Glaze, Caribbean Pink, Blue Paradise, glitzy Pink, Sheer Beige, Sugar Plum, Gold Digger, Pink Sizzle, Romanticize, Shocker, French Nails Creme, French Nails Pink, French Nails Purple, Crystal, Pink Diamonds, Flashy Fuchsia, Raspberry, Hot, Apricot Fizz, Suede, Serenity, Bronze Bombshell
  • Where to Buy: Cherry Culture, CVS, some drugstores

LA Colors Enchanting Review


I don’t actually like browns on my nails. I keep thinking that it’ll look I’m either a messy chocolate eater or I’ve got… something gross on my fingers. But LA Colors Enchanting is going to usher me into a world of brown nail polishes!

The duochrome on this color is pretty easy to see in both outdoor and indoor lighting. In certain light, it looks like a red with a tinge of purple. But move your fingers a bit, and you’ll see a rose-gold bronze shining through.

Consistency & Application

LA Colors Enchanting applies like butter. It’s thin enough to spread easily, yet has a slightly creamy consistency. It self-levels on the nail for a super smooth and awesomely glossy finish.


Unfortunately, Enchanting by LA Colors is a 3 coater. If you’re not applying it carefully, you might need to put on even a 4th coat. No fun.

Drying Time

It also takes a bit longer to dry than normal. I touched the nail after about 7 minutes, and it still felt a bit tacky. I only applied medium-thick coats like I normally do. I’d wait about 10 minutes before applying another coat or your TC.


On their website, it says specifically that Enchanting by L.A. Colors is toluene- and formaldehyde-free. However, I checked my bottle, and it doesn’t list DBP as one of the ingredients.


  • Toluene-, DBP- & formaldehyde free
  • Super affordable
  • Beautiful color
  • Easy to apply

  • Needs 3 coats
  • Takes longer to dry than other nail plish

Final Verdict: 8/10

It’s my first experience with this brand, and I’m quite impressed. So that means: Sorry, wallet. There’ll be more L.A. Colors purchases in the future. 😛

Have you ever tried L.A. Colors? What’s your experience with it? Do you like brown nail polishes?


18 thoughts on “L.A. Colors Enchanting Review & Swatches

    1. Fiona Post author

      Aww. Sorry if the photos didn’t turn out well. I didn’t look at my camera until after I had taken the polish off. I should always check first!

    1. Fiona Post author

      Yes, a cheapie and goodie!

      Mary has promised to lend me Orly Fantasea (which she has previously reviewed). I will quickly do comparison swatches maybe this weekend so you can see! 🙂

      1. Carmela

        I’ve been wanting Orly Fantasea since I saw your swatches, Mary, but I haven’t seen it anywhere. The site I usually order from (bec of free shipping over just $29!) doesn’t have it either. So if I can find that LA colors one (and if it’s a fairly close color) at Urban Planet, that would be really awesome. 😀

        1. Mary

          Aww…that’s sweet of you to say that! 😀

          Do you have a Sally Beauty Supply store near you? They usually have it in stock whenever I go. Also, I just checked now and Head2Toe, Trans Design, and the Sally Beauty Supply website all have Orly Fantasea in stock. If you’re planning to order more than just that polish, it could be worth it. 😉 (Excuse to buy more…hehe)

          1. Carmela

            Oh wow, I didn’t even know there were Sally Beauty stores in Toronto. @_@ I just found one that’s fairly close so I might pop in this weekend. So excited!

            About the websites you mentioned, have you ordered from them before? I’m wary about ordering stuff from the US because returns can be a PITA and I find Canadian companies are just generally nicer all around. 🙂 How are these 3?

            1. Mary

              Yeah, there aren’t too many of them in Canada, but if there’s one close by, definitely check it out! If you’re just going for Orly Fantasea, you might want to call the store ahead of time to ask to make sure it’s in stock to save yourself a trip.

              Yes, I’ve ordered from Trans Design lots of times. If you order up to 9 bottles, you can use the flat-rate shipping method that’s $20 USD. Also, I didn’t have to pay any extra fees when my package arrived. I’ve ordered from Head2Toe twice. They were okay. No problems. As for the Sally Beauty Supply website, I’ve never ordered from them just because the shipping isn’t worth it when I just want a few items and I can just go to the actual Sally Beauty store and buy the same stuff.

              1. Carmela

                Oh, I’m going for all things Orly (and possibly other brands I might not regularly see elsewhere) so I expect some major haulage. 😀

                Wow, $20USD shipping with no extra fees is not a bad deal! I saw a few things I wanted to get, but now that I know I can get it my wallet is reminding me that patience is a virtue. 😉

                Thanks for the tips, Mary! 😀


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