Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm Lemon & Chamomile Review & Pictures

Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm Lemon & Chamomile SPF 25 Review & PicturesFor those of you who follow Swatch And Learn, you’ll know that I’m a huge fan of the Jack Black lip balms not only because they have SPF 25, but mainly because they work miracles.

Even if your lips are incredibly chapped and sore, the Jack Black lip balms heal them and make them feel supple and healthy again.

I’ve previously reviewed the Jack Black Natural Mint Intense Therapy Lip Balm as well as went into great detail about how well it works.

For this post, instead of rehashing it all again in terms of efficacy (they work exactly the same), packaging, and animal-friendliness, I’m just going to tell you about the scent of the Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm Lemon & Chamomile SPF 25!

Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm Lemon & Chamomile Pictures

Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm Lemon & Chamomile SPF 25 Review & Pictures

Jack Black Lemon & Chamomile Lip Balm SPF 25 Review & Pics

Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm Review & Pictures Lemon & Chamomile SPF 25

Jack Black Lemon & Chamomile Lip Balm Review & Pictures SPF 25

Jack Black Lip Balm Lemon & Chamomile Flavor Review & Pictures SPF 25

Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm Lemon & Chamomile Ingredients

Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm Lemon & Chamomile Ingredients, Review & Pictures

Edit: Trevor, one of my readers, sent me a photo of the ingredients listed on the Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm (Lemon & Chamomile) that he recently bought. Looks like they reformulated the ingredients!

If you’re trying to avoid parabens, you should double-check the formula to see if you get the one I did or the one Trevor did.

Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm Changed Ingredients



Provides superior skin conditioning
Soothes & relieves dry, chapped, irritated lips
Penetrates quickly to provide instant relief
Has broad-spectrum sun protection (SPF 25)
Guards against windburn & temperature extremes
Contains lemon and chamomile to refresh & calm

Key Notes

  • Name: Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm Lemon & Chamomile SPF 25
  • Available Scents: Natural Mint & Shea Butter (aka Original), Lemon & Chamomile, Grapefruit & Ginger, Black Tea & Blackberry, Vanilla & Lavender, Shea Butter & Vitamin E (Limited edition) & Mango & Mandarin (Limited edition)
  • Amount: 7 g (0.25 oz.)
  • What I Paid: $7.50 CAD (bought on Sephora website. They’re $8.50 CAD in Sephora stores.)
  • Where to Buy: Jack Black Website, Sephora stores, Sephora website & several other online stores

Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm Lemon & Chamomile Review


I was hesitant to try this at first because even though I really love the Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balms, I wasn’t sure if I would love the lemon-scented one.

There’s a fine line when it comes to lemon fragrances. Sometimes they smell of too much citrus, which yields a fragrance that’s reminiscent of housecleaning products. (Yeah, it’s not exactly something that you’d want to smell right on your lips.)

But I think that Jack Black did it right. This lemon comes across sweet like a meringue dessert. And the chamomile blends in nicely to make the overall lemon scent very comforting.

Although I use the Lemon & Chamomile Lip Balm by Jack Black any time of day, I especially love using it right before going to bed because I find the scent relaxing.

This doesn’t have any minty tingling at all, so for those of you who aren’t fond of that feeling on your lips, this is a great alternative.

Moisturizing Efficacy, Packaging, Etc.

To read more about how well this lip balm hydrates, what I think of the packaging, etc., please refer to my other post on the Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm Natural Mint since my thoughts on that are exactly the same as for this one.


  • Yummy sweet-lemon scent
  • Lasting moisture & soothing effect
  • Provides SPF 25 protection against UVA & UVB rays
  • Hygienic squeeze-tube with slanted tip applicator
  • Reasonably priced
  • Available in several different flavours
  • Unisex design makes it great for both women & men
  • Provides a slight sheen
  • A little product goes a long way
  • Cruelty-free

  • Is there a con?

Final Verdict: 10/10

I can’t stop recommending the Jack Black lip balms to everyone I know. At first you might think – spending over $7 on a lip balm is pricey, but when you take into consideration that it works the second you apply it, it comes in so many different scents, a little bit goes a long way, it has SPF 25, and the tube is hygienic and easy-to-use, I think it’s totally worth it, especially since winter’s only going to make our lips drier as the months go on.

I’ve only tried this and the mint one. My current favourite is this lemon one. (I’ll be trying out grapefruit and the 2 limited-edition ones: Mango & mandarin and Shea Butter & Vitamin E. I may review them at a later date.)

Have you tried other Jack Black lip balm flavours? Which is/are your favourite(s)?


31 thoughts on “Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm Lemon & Chamomile Review & Pictures

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Erin!

      Do you have a Sephora store near you? You can find it in the “Men’s Skincare” section. Usually they have it in a clear plastic cup.

  1. maddy

    I love Jack Black lip balm. When I first read your review, I rushed to Sephora to buy them. My lips were really chapped and I was using Vaseline which taste and feels disgusting. When I got to Sephora, there were only 2 left, the Lemon and Chamomile and the Natural Mint. I got the last 2 and when I tried it at home, it was amazing. I use it often and my lips are great.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey maddy!

      I hear ya! So many people like using Vaseline on their lips, but I just can’t stand it because it’s so greasy-feeling, the taste is nasty, and I’m not a fan of even the smell. Plus it’s really thin and slippery. (If people who like Vaseline try Jack Black, I bet they’ll switch over. Plus you have to love the high SPF, which Vaseline doesn’t provide.)

      Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought that Sephora only carried those 2 scents (Mint and the Lemon) in their stores. I’ve never seen any of the other scents, which is why I ordered the other ones online. Well, I also ordered online because they have limited-edition lip balm sets that are discounted and that have the holiday scents. I wish I could find all the scents in the store. Then I could save on shipping.

      1. maddy

        I don’t know if they have the other flavours becasue those are the only ones I saw. Maybe they don’t sell the other ones.

        1. Mary Post author

          Oh, okay. I’ll have to take another look the next time I go. If they do have the other flavours, I’ll kick myself (gently…no bruises) because I paid for shipping…haha!

  2. Barbara

    One of my Christmas presents to myself was Jack Black Black Tea & Blackberry based on Vampy Varnish’s review . Haven’t tried it yet with all the holiday madness! Since I love tea scents I hope it is more tea than blackberry. Lemon & Chamomile sounds good.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Barbara!

      Please let me know how you like the Black Tea & Blackberry one after you try it out a bit. I’m curious about how that one smells.

      1. Barbara

        Hey Mary! Tried out my Black Tea and Blackberry and I really like it. It is all blackberry to me and no black tea which is kind of disappointing but I do like the product itself, even though I’m not a big fan of fruity fragrances. I would try like just a vanilla fragrance too, but not with lavender!

        1. Mary Post author

          Yes, it seems like a strange combination for lip balm: vanilla and lavender. I don’t know many people who want a floral fragrance on their lips…even if they love floral fragrances in general.

          I’m glad that you liked your Black Tea & Blackberry one, even though it didn’t smell much like tea to you, though. The good thing is that it works, and at least the scent didn’t gross you out. Sometimes even when a product works well for me, I’m turned off if there’s a baaadddd scent.

  3. Vivian

    Haha I like what you put down as a con. This is not my favorite scent, but I completely agree with the moisturizing factor. Best stuff I’ve put on my lips! I wish the packaging was just a tiny bit bigger. Like 0.33oz instead of 0.25, because this stuff is uber expensive per ounce. I hope you had a great xmas Mary!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Vivian!

      I’m a Jack Black lip balm groupie! 😉 Haha!

      My Christmas was pretty good, thanks! How was yours? Did you have any relatives from overseas come visit?

      1. Vivian

        Yep, you should work for Jack black. You’d be able to sell their lip balm like no other. Think about all that commission!! lol. My xmas was pretty good too. I went down to the states to visit my mother. I forgot how much cheaper things down here are compared to Canada.

        1. Mary Post author

          If I worked for Jack Black, I’d try to convince the company to expand their line to include nail polish. 😉 It all comes back to lacquer, doesn’t it?

          Glad to hear that your Christmas was great. I’m sure that your mom was really excited to see you.

          Did you buy any beauty products in the States while you were on vacation?

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Soo!

      Was the Blackberry one more berry or more tea-like? Also, for the Vanilla & Lavender one, which scent overpowered, or were they equal? Those are two that I haven’t bought yet.

      1. Soo

        hey Mary, I didn’t get an email about your reply back and so I didn’t read your respond until now. I don’t have the Blackberry one with me, but I want to say that it’s more berry like. the Lavender one is very lavender-y and smells floral, I honestly don’t smell the vanilla, which is probably why I don’t like it. mine is just sitting here and not getting used, so if you’d like me to mail it to you, I’d be glad to. I’d definitely sanitize it before mailing, and send along an additional sanitary wipe. anyway, let me know in an email if you’d like it!
        Soo recently posted: Newark with Christine & Anna

        1. Mary Post author

          Currently my commenting system doesn’t allow for e-mail notification of replies, unfortunately. I looked into it a little, but haven’t been able to implement anything just yet. Another reader expressed interest in that feature, so I need to get on it. Sorry about the confusion!

          Oh, thanks for describing the scent. Hmm…I really don’t like floral smells too much, especially when they’re on my lips. Your offer is extremely generous, but I’ll have to pass. Thank you for thinking of me!

  4. PinkGlitter

    I have been a loyal Burt’s Bees chapstick fan for years, however, BB has since been replaced since I tried Jack Black. I have the blacktea & blackberry and lavender & vanilla lipbalms. I can’t believe how well these work! I will be adding it to my monthly favorites on my blog soon.
    PinkGlitter recently posted: Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey PinkGlitter!

      Glad that you love them so much, too. When my Shaklee lip balm got discontinued, I was SO GLAD that these Jack Black lip balms filled that major void.

      How would you describe the two scents that you have? Are they true to their names?

        1. Mary Post author

          Based on your descriptions, I can picture myself liking the Blackberry & Black Tea one. Hmm…I’m not a fan of floral fragrances, especially on my lips, so I’m going to pass on the Lavender & Vanilla one. Thanks for letting me know! 🙂

  5. Carmela

    I’m grabbing a tube of this the next time I hit a Sephora. My lips have been chapping like mad and they’re PAINFUL! I’ve been trying out a new lip balm from Caudalie in hopes it’ll do the trick (since my good ol’ Vichy Lipidose finally kicked the dust) and alternating it with a Burt’s Bees balm I got in a set with the Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream that I wanted to try. No luck! Amusingly, the Maybelline Baby Lips balms have been more effective than any of the two above. Jack Black is definitely going on the shopping list now!
    Carmela recently posted: Nail Art Wednesday: Red Jelly and Gold Glitter

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Carmela!

      That’s pretty funny how the Maybelline Baby Lips balms have been more effective for you. I haven’t tried them, but I thought that they wouldn’t be that moisturizing. Good to know they work!

      I’m not surprised about the Burt’s Bees lip balm, though. I wasn’t impressed with it, although I do like how it’s natural.

      Definitely give Jack Black a go! (I don’t think I’ve heard anyone being disappointed in their balms.)

  6. Michelle

    After reading the detail review I finally brought one yesterday. Absolutely love it! Now I want to go back and pick up all the rest of the favors. Thanks for always showing us great product and reviews. Keep up the good work!

      1. Michelle

        I ended up with Grapefruit & Ginger. I was at Sephora so had the chance to try on all their favors. Other than Vanilla I loved them all! And I did see the limited quad set with the other two favor you mention. Thinking I’ll go back to Sephora and pick those up as welll. Can we say addicted much? =P

        1. Mary Post author

          It seems like a lot of people who’ve tried the vanilla one didn’t like it. Maybe the company will change it to make it just vanilla.

          Hahaha, addiction for lip balm is a good thing! 😉 Just like it is with nail polish. Of course, maybe I’m a LITTLE biased here…

  7. Katie

    The mint Jack Black lip balm is my favorite lip product by far. I love how much moisture it provides. Someday I have to try their other scents like the lemon one. While these balms are a little more pricey their performance makes up for it. Great review!
    Katie recently posted: My Christmas Manicure

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Katie!

      Glad that you think they’re also worth the price. I would also rather use something that works really well (like this) instead of paying less for something that doesn’t work.


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