Haul of Shame: What I Bought with My 20% Sephora VIB Discount

Sephora VIB Discount Canada November 2012So…I did some serious damage. No, I didn’t go buck wild with a sledgehammer, but it sure was a harsh blow to my wallet!

Yeah, I’m talking about the current Sephora VIB sale! (VIBs get to use a 20% discount on anything in the store November 8th through the 12th.)

Since Sephora hardly has any storewide sales like this, I had to take advantage of it, and boy did I. Although the products I got aren’t colourful or fun, they’re practical and I’ll be using them all (well, except for one, which is a gift for my mom).

Haha, maybe you’ll think this is the most boring Haul of Shame post on here, but I’m still sharing it with you. (It’s okay…go ahead and yawn. I won’t be offended!) 😉 And, yes, I’m embarrassed by how much I spent in a single trip (and literally in less than 15 minutes)!

Did you get anything from the VIB event, or are you going to?

A closer look at the not-so-fun-but-very-practical items:

Sephora VIB Discount Canada November 2012

I introduced my mom to Shiseido skincare last year, and she seemed to like it. 🙂

Since her birthday is coming up this month and she finished the tub I bought her before, I decided to get her a replacement.

She’s pretty tricky to shop for because she dislikes makeup, nail polish, and fragrance. My mother is a straight shooter – i.e. she’s the most practical and frugal person I know. She truly doesn’t care for frills, nor is she tempted by them.

And she’s pretty funny because even though the Shiseido moisturizer I bought her last year was one of her favourites, she won’t buy it for herself because it’s more than $15. So, I’m always the one who treats her to quality skincare. 😀 Makes me feel good to give her something practical that she’ll use and love.

(Haha…I’m like the opposite of my mom because I like pretty things, beauty products, and things in fancy packaging.)

(I’m thinking about going back to Sephora and buying her the matching day cream with SPF 15 since you can use the 20% VIB discount as many times as you want until November 12th.)

  • Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist24 Night Cream: Reg. $68 CAD

Sephora Canada VIB Discount Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist24 Night Cream

I’ve never used any anti-aging skincare before. I’m very lucky that I inherited good genetics from my parents, so I’ve gotten away with not doing anything special and people who meet me for the first time think that I’m 10 years younger than I actually am.

However, I don’t want to wake up one morning and realize that my ‘good genetics’ have decided to pack up and head to Fiji. Prevention is always the key. And, of course I’m not hoping to look forever young. As long as I age gracefully (and not experience accelerated aging), then I’ll be content.

But, I have to admit that I’ve been curious to try anti-wrinkle creams and serums. So…these two Shiseido products are my very first anti-aging skincare products! I’m curious to see if it’ll make any difference in the skin around my eyes. (I feel like that’s the first place where people start to get wrinkles.)

Shiseido is my absolute favourite skincare brand. Yes, their stuff is so expensive that my palms get sweaty when I merely pick up the package, but they always make my skin feel so good.

When it comes to skincare, I believe that it’s worth to invest in products that work well. Of course, I wouldn’t buy a $200 cream (it still has to be within reason and within my budget). To me, Shiseido is an extremely expensive brand, and it’s my only major beauty splurge.

  • Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist24 Day Emulsion SPF 15: Reg. $62 CAD
  • Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist24 Night Emulsion: Reg. $68 CAD

Sephora VIB Discount Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist24 Day Emulsion Night Emulsion

The one beauty product I’ve been very curious about for a year or so was this setting spray by Urban Decay.

From what I understand, you’re supposed to spray it on top of your foundation, and it’s supposed to help your makeup last for hours longer than if you hadn’t used it. I’ve never tried any setting spray, but because I’m a huge fan of Urban Decay (because their products really are top-notch), I thought I’d give this one a go. (And, apparently, this spray is made by Skindinavia, a company that makes their own setting spray that has gotten rave reviews.)

I plan to test this setting spray out on top of mineral foundation as well as the new Urban Decay Naked Skin foundation that I’ve been loving for several weeks now. (Review on that foundation will be coming soon. I need to test one more thing, though, but I do plan to review it.)

Urban Decay All Nighter Long-Lasting Makeup Setting Spray: Reg. $35 CAD

Sephora Canada VIB Discount 2012 Urban Decay All Nighter Long-Lasting Makeup Setting Spray

Jack Black lip balms are my Holy Grail lip products because no matter how dry my lips are, when I use them, my lips become soft and smooth very quickly.

Hmm…very strange. I only realized it now, but the formula I think has changed for these. They don’t say on the package anymore that they have SPF! Ahhhh, did they change the formula? (I also didn’t see any ingredients on the package…Very weird. I’ll have to look into this, and I may have to do another review since my previous ones are no longer applicable if the formula’s different!)

Aww…I’m bummed out now. The SPF was a huge selling point for me. And I hope these will still moisturize well… (I’ll let you know!)

Wish the official Jack Black website shipped to Canada! The limited-edition packs they’re selling have the lip balms with SPF 25 and a new flavour…I would totally order 10 packs of them because I use them daily and even got my mom hooked on them.

(I heard that there’s a shipping service that Canadians can use to order stuff from American sites and still somehow get it shipped to Canada. Does anyone know what it is? I may want to use it expressly for Jack Black lip balms!)

Jack Black Lip Balm Duo: Reg. $11.50 CAD (1 mint & 1 lemon per pack)

Sephora VIB November 2012 Discount Jack Black Lip Balm

Since I made a purchase with my Sephora VIB 20% discount, I also got this free Sephora tote and a few random beauty samples. (None of the samples really excited me, so I didn’t bother taking photos of them. One of them was a men’s cologne…Haha, I won’t be testing that out!)

Sephora VIB 2012 Canada Free Sephora Tote

Did you purchase anything during the Sephora VIB event? What items did you get or do you want to get? Do you splurge on skincare, too?


18 thoughts on “Haul of Shame: What I Bought with My 20% Sephora VIB Discount

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Tessa!

      Haha, thanks for not yawning! 😉 Although if someone does yawn, maybe this post would make for an effective treatment for someone with insomnia…

      The original formula for the Jack Black lip balms (the ones with SPF 25) are AMAZING! They moisture so well. Even if your lips are super dry and cracked in the winter, the lip balms will bring them back to health very quickly. (In case you’re interested, I have a couple of reviews on two of the flavours. You can find them by clicking on the link in this post or on the Jack Black link in the “Search by Brand” section on the horizontal navigation bar.)

      I hope that this new formula (without SPF) is still as moisturizing. But…where is the SPF? 🙁

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Icequeen81!

      Haha, that’s so cute you took it literally! 😉 “Haul of Shame” is just supposed to be a play off of “Hall of Fame”. The “shame” is because I’m always embarrassed about spending so much on my shopping hauls…haha!

      Yeah, I’m so sad that Jack Black removed the SPF from their lip balms (at least from the ones here in Canada). But, I hope they’ll still moisturize well…Then at least I can still use and love them. But I’ll need to get hold of the American version with SPF because I need that in the summer, especially!

      1. Icequeen81

        hehe actually wat I meant was that the face creams can be worth it, But the lip balms are too expensive for the lip balms hehe

        1. Mary Post author

          Oh no! This is actually a really good price for these lip balms. And they work better than any other lip balm I’ve ever tried, so they’re worth every single penny to me.

          Have you tried them?

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lizzy!

      Nice! I hope that you post an unboxing of your haul on your blog. I’d love to see what you got! 🙂 Aww…I wish that Canadians could use the promo online, but we can only use it in-store. Well, maybe that’s a good thing because I would’ve spent even more. 😉

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey OPI Addict!

      Wow, lucky you! You got some great stuff! Sadly, all the free samples I got were things I probably wouldn’t use. :S

      Really curious to hear your thoughts on the Ojon oil. Please let me know after you try it out!

  1. Mara

    That was a great haul! I used the promo to try Clinique redness solution moisturizer and make up remover, back up of lotion 1 (from the 3 steps), illamasqua jo’mina, laura mercier hand cream in Creme Brulee and Marc Jacobs Eau So Fresh, which I use everyday…. I hope you feel less guitly after reading my purchases lol

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Mara!

      Hahaha, thanks! I do feel a little better after hearing what you got. 😉

      Umm…whaaaat? There’s a creme brulee hand cream? I must go back to the store and smell it! (If I get it, I’ll blame you…hahahaha!)

        1. Mary Post author

          Hmm…I haven’t even noticed any Laura Mercier counters in the mall. I’ve only ever seen that brand at Sephora.

          A complete creme brulee line? AHHHHHH! Even if I can’t afford it, I must smell it at least! (Gosh, that came out pretty creepy, didn’t it? Haha)

  2. MC

    Oooh love the lip balms! I got the Ciate mini mani month… what an adorable presentation! And the best part is, unlike chocolate, I get to “re-use” every day 😀

  3. Sparkled Beauty

    A reader gave me her invitation but they didn’t let me use it without her being there lol I wanted to get a fragrance as gift. Btw, if your mom likes Shiseido, watch out for their warehouse sale and save $ 🙂

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Sparkled Beauty!

      That was super nice of her! Oh wow, the employees actually checked who was the VIB? Interesting!

      I’m really curious about going to the warehouse sale (the one at Lisa’s Cosmetics later this month)! Is that the one you’re referring to, or does Shiseido have their own warehouse sale?


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