Haul of Shame: Urban Decay Goodies, Nail Polishes & Eye Shadows

Urban Decay Haul of Shame Nail Polishes & Eye ShadowsSorry for this blog post being published a few hours later than usual. But it’s up now…woo hoo! Hope you’re all having a great weekend so far!

Lately I’ve been very good about limiting my purchases on beauty products, however this time, I splurged and did some retail therapy.

I didn’t go ballistic, but I plunked down a good amount of change. Also, all of the items were available at great prices, so it would be crazy not to snatch them up. 😉 Hehe, that’s how I’m justifying it…

I ended up with some makeup by Urban Decay, Prolana nail polish (which is a brand that’s new to me), and some Wet n Wild eye shadows.

Come take a closer look at the goodies! And if there’s a specific item that you’d like to see a review on first, please let me know in the comments, and I’ll see what I can do. 🙂

Urban Decay Haul of Shame Nail Polishes & Eye ShadowsLet’s start off with the eye liners, since they’re the things I’m most excited about! My love for the Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-on Eye Pencils is no secret.

When the Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-on Eye Pencil 15th Anniversary Collection came out last year, I bought 2, because for the price, it was an incredible value-packed set. (You can view my review and swatches of the Urban Decay 15th Anniversary Set here.)

This year, they’re offering a limited-time, online-only holiday set called the Urban Decay Ocho Loco 24/7 Glide-on Eye Pencil Set.

For $70 CAD, you get 8 full-size eye pencils and a double-barrel pencil sharpener featuring a hole for these standard-sized pencils and one for larger pencils such as the NYX Jumbo Eye Pencils.

These are the colours included: Mushroom, Hustle, Rockstar, Psychedelic Sister, Perversion, LSD, Junkie, and Stash. Of those shades, 4 of them are new.

Considering that each pencil retails for upwards of $18 CAD, this set is value-packed! Plus I used up my 2 Rockstar eye liners (my favourite purple these days), so this set came out at the perfect time!

I purchased 2 of these sets, which is excessive, but just in case I liked the new colours a lot, it’s a good idea to have a back-up. Haha, and I know that I’ll burn through Rockstar really fast anyway…Urban-Decay-Ocho-Loco-24-7-Glide-on-Eye-Pencil-Set-Holiday-2012

The next item is the Urban Decay Breathless Customizable Palette!

It’s a square 4-pan palette that comes with one exclusive, full-size shadow, Breathless. Breathless is a soft neutral, which is an eye-shadow colour I don’t have a lot of.

This was a great value, too, because Urban Decay single shadows cost exactly the same amount as this entire palette that includes a free shadow – $22 CAD.

If you have any single Urban Decay shadows, you can pop them out of the packaging and put them in this palette so all your most-used shades are together in one place.

Since I already have the Rockstar eye shadow, I figured this would be a good place to put it. I can see myself buying 2 more to fill this palette up. (You can see my Urban Decay Rockstar Eye Shadow review and swatches here.)


The Wet n Wild Color Icon Eye Shadows have been around for a long time, but since I rarely shop at Wal-Mart (and these shadows are mainly sold there), I never really got to see these in person.

I’ve tried the 3-pan shadows from them before, thanks to a sweet friend who picked some up for me. (You can see my review and swatches of the On Cloud Nine Palette here.)

One day while grocery shopping at Loblaws, I was surprised to find the end of an aisle with a full Wet n Wild display!

If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, you saw that I posted a photo of the display. 🙂

I came home with the Blue Had Me at Hello and the Petal Pusher palettes. Each was only $3.99 CAD!

The odd thing was that the smaller 3-pan palettes cost more – $4.99 CAD each! It was too bad because I wanted to get Walking on Eggshells (again because I don’t have many neutrals), but paying more for less seemed like a rip-off that would make me feel guilty.

(I know that’s a bit ridiculous…Here I am spending $70 CAD for each of those Urban Decay eye-liner sets, and I don’t feel guilty. Yet if I were to buy the $4.99 CAD Walking on Eggshells, I’d feel guilty. Hahaha, I’m not very logical…but my illogical nature is logical to me. Haha, did I confuse you?) 😉


Here’s Petal Pusher up close:


And here’s Blue Had Me At Hello saying, “Hello!”:


I also found some Prolana Nail Lacquers on clearance for just $1.95 CAD each!

Since this is a new-to-me nail-polish brand, and since I’ve never seen these in stores before, I had to pick up 3.

(Well, I picked up 4, but didn’t include that last one since I’m going to be giving it to a friend as a just-because gift. She reads my blog, and I didn’t want to spoil the colour surprise.)

These polishes don’t contain any Formaldehyde, Toluene, or DBP.

The 3 shades I got for myself are: Wild Orchid, Con Artist, and Cold Hearted.


Here’s Wild Orchid:


But this was the real reason why I bought a pink polish – BOOOOOOM!


Con Artist looked a bit like Chanel Paradoxal in the store…




Finally, here’s Cold Hearted, which actually is my favourite in the bottle. For some reason, when I photographed it, you can’t see how pretty it is. There’s pink and golden microshimmer! (When I wear it as a manicure, hopefully it translates onto the nail and also can be captured on camera.)


Although it looks like just a purple chrome, it’s not! (Funny how I like a lot of polishes that tend to play hard to get with the camera…)

NO BOOM! 😉 Haha…


So…there you have it – that’s the damage I did to my wallet! 😉

Which item(s) would you like to see a review on first? What are your recent beauty splurges?


8 thoughts on “Haul of Shame: Urban Decay Goodies, Nail Polishes & Eye Shadows

  1. Janet "The KnitMaster"

    Nice haul, Lucky girl! You’ll ♥♥♥ the Urban Decay eyeliners and Rockstar truly does rock!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Naomi!

      I’m looking forward to trying them out, and they’ll surely be reviewed on here. Not sure yet if I’ll review them as a collective or individually yet.

  2. Kay

    Hey Mary!

    I can totally understand why you wouldn’t go for the smaller Wet n Wild palette – It’s a ripoff due to the fact that you’re paying more for less colors, whereas for the UD pencils, even though they’re more expensive, you get bang for your buck!

    So I can totally understand your logic 😉

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Gelic’ nail art!

      How’s the powder and foundation from The Body Shop? I’ve never tried any of their makeup, and I don’t hear many people talking about it, either, so I’m curious now.


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