Haul of Shame: MAC Archie’s Girls Lipsticks, Lipglasses & Brushes

MAC Archie's Girls HaulWhen I caught wind months ago about a collaboration between MAC Cosmetics and Archie, I knew that my wallet would be wailing.

Unfortunately for Mr. Piggy Bank, I wasn’t wrong.

At the end of January, the MAC Archie’s Girls Collection went live online. (I’ve never rushed home so fast! I literally was running in heels!)

Yes, the collection will hit stores in a couple of days, but for limited editions like this, it can be hard to get hold of because the demand often outweighs the supply.

Since I wasn’t interested in rubbing elbows with others to get what I wanted, I tried my luck online. Thankfully, running home like a maniac after work paid off. I got everything that was on my To-Buy List. To put the insanity in perspective, some items sold out in around an hour or so!

MAC lip products are my Kryptonite. (Oddly, I’m never tempted by their nail polishes.) Maybe it’s that their lip products come in every single shade and finish that you could ever want or need. Perhaps it’s their yummy vanilla-cake-batter scent. Or maybe it’s because they come out with cool themes for limited-edition collections!

Whatever the case, MAC waved their magic wand over me, and I fell prey to the cosmetic curse. 😉

This MAC Archie’s Girls Haul was a major splurge for me, and it’s not my typical beauty-shopping habit to drop a couple of hundred dollars in under 5 minutes. (Heck, if I shopped like that, I’d be broke in less than an hour!)

My birthday is near the end of this month, so I’m considering this as an early present to myself. I don’t really go all-out for my birthday celebrations, and I hardly ever get birthday presents from others, either, so I felt like it was time for a treat…one that wasn’t nail-polish-related! 😉

By the way, you may not have known, but my first beauty addiction was actually lip gloss! I used to have tons, but then I found nail polish, and lip gloss was forgotten. I fear that the MAC Archie’s Girls Collection reinvigorated my love of lip products! (Ahh! Haha!)

So here is the damage I did. Well, maybe I should take a photo of my wallet and put a tired face on it. 😉

MAC Archie's Girls Haul

These are all the lip products:

MAC Archie's Girls Lipsticks & Lipglasses Haul

A closer look at the boxes that the lipsticks come in:

MAC Cosmetics Archie's Girls Lipsticks & Haul

I got these colours. Obviously Betty Bright is from the Betty collection. The rest are from the Veronica collection.

I’m a big fan of Veronica Lodge from the Archie comics. Betty Cooper was nice, but Veronica had attitude. Her stories were usually crazier and more interesting to read. Plus she had an extensive wardrobe and a fun fashion sense, so my eyes were usually drawn to her.

MAC Betty Bright, Daddy's Little Girl, Ronnie Red & Boyfriend Stealer

This post won’t have any swatches, just photos of the products because this is a haul. I’m a little weird, but the first time I use a lip product, I always have to wear it on my lips and not just swatched on my arm.

I think that I’ll review a few items from this MAC Archie’s Girls haul, so you’ll see some swatches eventually.

Also, although a lot of the products I’m showing are sold out on both the Canadian website and U.S. website, I’m still sharing them with you in case someone finds it helpful. You may be able to track them down when they release in stores, and countries outside Canada and the U.S. actually have launch dates that are much later.

MAC Betty Bright, Ronnie Red, Daddy's Little Girl, Boyfriend Stealer Lipstick Haul

Left-Right: Betty Bright, Ronnie Red, Daddy’s Little Girl & Boyfriend Stealer

MAC Betty Bright, Ronnie Red, Daddy's Little Girl, Boyfriend Stealer Lipsticks Haul

I just received my MAC order on Monday (which is the day I prepared this post), so I haven’t had a chance yet to truly test any of these.

Based on my initial impression when I opened the MAC lipsticks, I have a feeling that Daddy’s Little Girl will be my favourite. And, I’ve been looking for a good bold red, so I’m hoping that I can pull off Ronnie Red.

MAC Lipstick Haul Betty Bright, Ronnie Red, Daddy's Little Girl, Boyfriend Stealer

The Betty Cooper lipsticks all have this cute packaging. The tube is white with a black middle band. Below is our fair-haired gal smiling and dreaming about redhead cutie, Archie Andrews.

MAC Betty Bright Lipstick Haul

When you turn the tube, you can see a little picture of Archie in her ‘heart bubble’.

MAC Betty Bright Lipstick Pictures

Turn the tube some more, and there are more hearts.

MAC Betty Bright Lipstick Photos

This is what MAC Betty Bright Lipstick looks like. It has a Satin finish.

MAC Betty Bright Lipstick Haul & Pictures

MAC Betty Bright Lipstick

The Veronica Lodge lipsticks have the same concept:

MAC Veronica Lipstick Haul

MAC Veronica Lipsticks Haul

MAC Archie's Girls Lipstick Haul

Here’s MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick. It has a Matte finish.

(Click here to see my MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Swatches & Review!)

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Haul & Pictures

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick

Here’s MAC Daddy’s Little Girl Lipstick. It has a Satin finish.

MAC Daddy's Little Girl Lipstick Haul & Pictures

MAC Daddy’s Little Girl

This is MAC Boyfriend Stealer Lipstick. It has a Cremesheen finish.

MAC Boyfriend Stealer Lipstick Haul & Pictures

MAC Boyfriend Stealer Lipstick

I ‘only’ got 3 MAC Lipglasses (which is their way of saying lip glosses). Mall Madness is from the Veronica collection. (Got 2 of these.) Kiss & Don’t Tell is from the Betty collection.

MAC Mall Madness Lipglass MAC Kiss & Don't Tell Lipglass

Here’s what they look like side-by-side. I turned the 2nd Mall Madness around so you could see the ‘heart bubble’.

MAC Mall Madness Lipglass MAC Kiss & Don't Tell Lipglass Haul

MAC Mall Madness Lipglass is a mid-tone pink violet. Sometimes I thought I could see peach glitter, but that may have just been a reflection of the light.

MAC Archie's Girls Mall Madness Lipglass Haul & Pictures

MAC Mall Madness Lipglass

MAC Kiss & Don’t Tell Lipglass is a bright coral.

MAC Kiss & Don't Tell Lipglass Haul Pictures

MAC Kiss & Don’t Tell Lipglass

The cardboard box for the MAC Archie’s Girls Brush Kit had this on the front.

MAC Archies Girls Haul

The brushes come in a collectible tin box. I think I’ll use this to store all my MAC lip products.

MAC Archie's Girls Brush Kit

I tilted it so you can see it’s a shallow tin with silver piping and an embossed front.

MAC Archie's Girls Kit with Brushes

When I took the lid off, I saw that they neatly wrapped the brushes in tissue paper.

MAC Archie's Girls Brush Kit Pictures

Here are the  mini brushes you get:

  • MAC 266 Small Angle Brush
  • MAC 226 Small Tapered Blending Brush
  • MAC 242 Shader Brush
  • MAC 168 Large Angled Contour Brush
  • MAC 167 Face Blender Brush

All of the above are labelled “SE”, which stands for Special Edition, I believe. That’s because they’re smaller than the regular MAC brushes.

MAC Archie's Girls Brushes Kit

Since I spent an insane amount of money on this MAC Archie’s Girls limited-edition Collection, they sent me a free large pin.

When I saw it on the website, I thought the pin was going to be tiny, but it’s much bigger. I’m not going to pin this on anything. It’ll be a souvenir, kept in the package.

To get this, you have to spend $90 CAD or $75 USD. The pin’s nice, but I wouldn’t hike up my order just to get it.

MAC Archie's Girls Pin & Haul

So…there you have it. That’s everything I splurged on. Can you hear that? It’s my wallet, panting, out of breath… 😉

Do you prefer Veronica Lodge or Betty Cooper? Have you bought or will you buy anything from the Archie’s Girls Collection? What’s your favourite item from the entire collection? Have you ever splurged like this on beauty products?


22 thoughts on “Haul of Shame: MAC Archie’s Girls Lipsticks, Lipglasses & Brushes

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Naomi Hing!

      The cool packaging definitely pushed me over the edge to buy even more! MAC’s marketing team sure knows what they’re doing. 😉

      1. Icequeen81

        I will be waiting 🙂 for the swatches, actually it is pretty sheer, the shade is kind of plumberry like a soft Mac rebel

        1. Mary Post author

          I’m not sure if I’ll swatch all the colours I got. So far I’ll definitely be reviewing Ronnie Red because I’ve worn it a few times since buying it, and I LOVE it! 😀

  1. Sparkled Beauty

    Great birthday gift for yourself 🙂 Now I see why you tried to avoid the Shoppers sale. I still wouldn’t though lol

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Sparkled Beauty!

      Yeah, I’ll have to pass up that awesome bogo at Shoppers. My wallet needs a little break. 😉 In the meantime, I’ll shop vicariously through you!

  2. Kat

    The Betty Cooper shades are right up my ally! Too bad I’m living off a teenage girl’s allowance… Because I am a teenage girl… :F

      1. Mary Post author

        I agree with Dani – don’t rush through it. Enjoy every moment of high school. You’ll have a lot of wonderful memories that will last a lifetime, as cheddar-cheesy as it sounds.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Kelsey!

      Hahahaha, thank you for making me feel less guilty about my insane splurge! 😀

      And thank you for the birthday wish! Seems like the time from my last birthday to now flew by! *Zoooooooooooooom*

  3. Jessica

    Oooh, great haul! That packaging is to die for, and very appropriate for Valentine’s Day. Haha I loved the Archie comics as well, but I was more of a Betty fan–maybe because I related to her more? I most likely won’t purchase anything from this collection because I am a college student on a tight budget 🙁 but every time I see collections like this I hope to myself that MAC comes out with equally awesome collections in the future when I finally have enough money to buy from them :).

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jessica!

      I agree – it’s perfect for Valentine’s Day with all the cute little hearts and the ‘love triangle’…haha!

      That’s a great attitude you have. Instead of being too bummed out now, just think about the amazing collections MAC will have in the future that you’ll get your hands on. 🙂 And it’s always good to be financially responsible, which it sounds like you are. No matter how gorgeous beauty products are, they’re never worth going into debt for or making crazy sacrifices like skimping on food. (I’ve known some people who eat like a bird because they spent money on makeup. That is a no-no in my book. Life priorities!)

  4. Dani

    Ooooooo , this is my Porn! & you bought the same lippies as me! (only I have to wait until the 7th for Ronnie Red! I am really curious about Mall Madness as originally I was gung-ho for that one. I LOVE THE SPARKLES IN IT. And Kiss Me Coral!
    And girl, MAC lippies are the addiction. Nail Polish who?? LOL.

    Dani recently posted: Corallista 2 YEAR INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Dani!

      Hahaha, I know exactly what you mean. Nail polish and beauty products are my porn, too. I could drool over photos of them for hours if I don’t pull myself away from the computer or cell. 😉

      You’re going to love Ronnie Red! I wore it today for the first time, and wowwww, the pigmentation is great, and the lasting power on my lips was incredible! I hope the other lipsticks I got are equally amazing! Ronnie Red set the bar high so far.

      Yup, I got 2 tubes of Mall Madness because of the interesting sparkles. 🙂

      Hahahaha, oh, nail polish will always be my major addiction. Even if my love of lip products resurfaces in a big way, it’s still be second place to polish. Me and polish are like this. *Crosses fingers*

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lizzy!

      Same – I had soooo many Archie comics, but I was foolish and sold the majority of them for around $0.25 each at my friend’s garage sale back in high school. 🙁 I regret it because, yes, I agree with you – the Archie comics out now are so different.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey ahhhdri!

      Yes, it’s very difficult to resist. When makeup comes callin’, our wallets will start bawlin’. Haha, I tried to make that rhyme. It’s awful! Oh well! 😛

      Your choices are great picks! (It’s amazing how quickly Betty Bright sold out online!)


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