Haul of Shame: Brand New 2012 Bundle Monster 25-Piece Set

New 2012 Bundle Monster 25 Piece Image Plate Set Review & PicturesNot long ago, I found out that there was a new 2012Β Bundle Monster 25-Piece Set, which just dropped!

Well, you can bet your acetone that I leapt onto my computer to place an order.

Stamping image plates are the easy (and fast) way to do amazing nail art. Even if you don’t think you have an artistic bone in your body, trust me – try stamping image plates, and you’ll become a Polish Picasso in no time.

I placed my order on June 19 and received them on June 28. That’s not too bad considering that they were going from Hawaii to Canada. (Heck, if I was in Hawaii, I might just stay there and enjoy the weather and the scenery.) πŸ˜‰

In this post, I’ll share photos of each plate so you can see all the unique designs offered. Hopefully it better helps you decide whether or not you ‘need’ this set.

Hehe, the second I saw the owl designs, it instantly became a must-have. πŸ˜‰

Bundle Monster Image Plate Pictures

Note: I apologize in advance for the blurriness. Thought I had my Macro setting on, but I had it on Automatic! Still, you can see the images alright…just not super sharp. :S

New 2012 Bundle Monster 25 Piece Image Plate Set Review & Pictures

New Bundle Monster 2012 Image Plates 25 Piece Set Review & Pictures

Guess I was so excited to photograph all the plates. Looking back now, I’m not sure why I didn’t arrange them in a 5 x 5 square. Hmm…

Bundle Monster BM-301 & BM-302 Image Plates Pictures & Review

The full-nail patterns on the left & right of plate BM-301 look interesting. Never seen stamping designs like those before. And look at the cute bunny on BM-302!

Bundle Monster BM-303 & BM-304 Image Plates Pictures & Review

I really love all the happy faces on the BM-304 plate. And look – you can even stamp half a smile on a nail. That’s very creative! Hmm…on BM-303, the single lip image is cut off on the left. I would’ve preferred if it wasn’t cut off. Did yours come like that, too?

Bundle Monster BM-305 & BM-306 Image Plates Pictures & Review

The devil on BM-305 looks so cool. And I like the bolts of lightning. I can already picture creating bold looks with that one. I also think the hydrant, bones & paw prints on BM-306 are cute.

Bundle Monster BM-307 & BM-308 Image Plates Pictures & Review

Gotta appreciate food designs for nails! I’m getting hungry…Maybe I shouldn’t have been blogging about this before dinner.

Bundle Monster BM-309 & BM-310 Image Plates Pictures & Review

The owl designs on BM-309 were what made me rush to my computer to buy the set. πŸ™‚

Bundle Monster BM-311 & BM-312 Image Plates Pictures & Review

The numbers on BM-311 are really nerdy, but I like it! πŸ˜€ And the full-nail design at the very top of the same plate make it possible for you to create newspaper nails without newspaper! πŸ™‚

Bundle Monster BM-313 & BM-314 Image Plates Pictures & Review

I’m already envisioning crazy-good manicures with the full-nail designs on BM-313.

Bundle Monster BM-315 & BM-316 Image Plates Pictures & Review

The standouts here for me are the pattern on the top of BM-315 and the one on the top of BM-316.

Bundle Monster BM-317 & BM-318 Image Plates Pictures & Review

I’ll probably use the hearts for a Valentine’s Day manicure.

Bundle Monster BM-319 & BM-320 Image Plates Pictures & Review

Hehe, the dolphin with stars reminds me of Lisa Frank.

Bundle Monster BM-321 & BM-322 Image Plates Pictures & Review

Ribbons – perfect for a Breast Cancer Awareness manicure.

Bundle Monster BM-323 & BM-324 Image Plates Pictures & Review

I’ve never used any of the French-tip designs. Have you?

Bundle Monster BM-325 Image Plates Pictures & Review

Hehe, the skull king is fun.

How the Bundle Monster Image Plates Come Packaged

Stamping Image Plate New 2012 Bundle Monster Review & Pictures

They come in a padded envelope. Think of it like padded walls for an insane patient…because these plates are crrrraaaazzzyyy. πŸ˜›

Bundle Monster Stamping Image Plate Set Review & Photos

This time, they’re nicely packaged in a box.

BundleMonster Stamping Image Plate Set Review & Pictures

Each plate has a plastic film to protect the surface.

BundleMonster Image Stamping Plate Set Review & Photos

Before you use the image plate, you must peel off the blue plastic film.

Bundle Monster Image Plate Set Review & Pics

There’s paper backing. This ensures that the plate isn’t sharp.

  • Name:Β 25pc Nail Art Stamping Image Plates 2012 Collection
  • Amount: 25 image plates
  • What I Paid:Β $21.99 USD
  • Where to Buy: Bundle Monster website & Amazon.com

Will you be ordering this set? Do you have any of the other 2 Bundle Monster sets?


36 thoughts on “Haul of Shame: Brand New 2012 Bundle Monster 25-Piece Set

  1. Marta

    Loooooove this post.
    And if my plates don’t arrive shortly I will need a padded envelope for myself to live in πŸ˜‰

    Love that you are excited about images that I wasn’t drawn to at fest glance πŸ™‚ I look gmforward to seeing what you create! πŸ™‚
    Marta recently posted: This Zebra’s Accent

      1. Mary Post author

        Hey Kelsie Rogers!

        Haha, I hope it arrives to your home and Marta’s home ASAP! Don’t they know that you can’t keep a dedicated nailphile waiting? πŸ˜‰

        There are so many fun designs to choose from. My mind is spinning. Not sure which one I should test-drive first! πŸ˜€

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marta!

      Even if you were put in a padded envelope, you’d be able to stamp your way out faster than you could say, “Image plate!” πŸ˜‰

      As always, I can’t wait to see your creations. And I’m also hoping that you get your set soon so that we can do our twin/triplet post!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey laura!

      You’re most welcome. How could I not share something as cool as this? Image plates for nail stamping always get me so excited. Hehe, in fact, I was going to blog about something else for today’s post, but then when I got home yesterday, I saw this in the mailbox…Couldn’t resist!

  2. Candice

    I have the first set, but I don’t use it much. I always make a mess when I do, lol. This set is really cute! I like the barbed-wire, the bows, the owls, the numbers…. There’s plenty of variety here. I never use the french tips either… I can never get them straight.
    Candice recently posted: GOSH Blissful and Heat Wave #2

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Candice!

      I have all three sets, and between the first two, I use the second one more. I think, though, that I’ll end up using this third set the most. There are so many unique designs that you don’t see on the other plates or even on Konad plates!

      With the French tips, guess we just need more practice. πŸ˜‰ But…I honestly haven’t tried any of those designs even once. I should!

  3. Frosso

    Thanks for the great close ups! I didn’t jump on this like everyone else. I have a bunch of RA and Konad stamps that I never use so I didn’t want to get more and not use them. But I see at least one image on every plate that I would want to use. Maybe down the line I’ll eventually get it. I only did french tip stamps once and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done on my nails. I literally tried for 4 days straight and then finally got it, but it took me hours to do. Would of quit after day 1, but it was sent for a review lol. I want to try it again though…maybe.
    Frosso recently posted: KB Shimmer Sugar Scrub

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Frosso!

      You’re welcome! I’m actually thinking about redoing them if I get a chance because having my camera on Automatic instead of Macro and using the flash really compromised the image quality. There’s way more detail that’s missing!

      Yeah, the French tips seem like they’d be hard to put on straight. Never tried them because they intimidate me, but also because I don’t really wear those kind of designs. But…maybe I should start! πŸ˜‰

      Wow, you were really dedicated. Hats off to you! Four days of trying! πŸ˜€

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Angie!

      Out of all 3 Bundle Monster sets, I think the 2nd and 3rd ones are the best in terms of the variety you get. Yes, maybe one day you should get it…like tomorrow. πŸ˜‰ Hehehe!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Brianna!

      That was very responsible of you to wait and think it through before just making an impulse purchase! πŸ™‚ Haha, I usually do that, but with these plates, I really jumped straight on it.

      Glad that you appreciated seeing each plate up close. If I have time, I may redo the images because I’m not satisfied with the photo quality.

      Oh yes…full designs are my favourites! πŸ™‚ But I should try the French tip ones someday.

  4. Melissa

    Hi Mary,
    These look neat. I have never seen these before. I don’t really do anything besides paint my nails and at that I’m having a hard time decideing what to wear next :~). I don’t think I’ll be buying any of these any time soon. Awesome job as always. Have a great weekend. :~)

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      Thanks, as always, for your encouragement. It really helps motivate me to continue blogging! πŸ™‚

      Hope you have a wonderful weekend, too.

  5. Heidi

    Dang! I just got the newest batch of MASH plates and now this. I am going to have to wait on these since I have barely broken into my latest set yet. I can’t wait to see what masterpieces you create with these.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Heidi!

      How are the MASH plates, by the way? I’ve never tried any of them and was wondering how the quality is.

      Which design are you going to use first from your MASH plates?

      1. Heidi

        I think they’d work well if I could get the hang of stamping. I like the designs a lot and they seem to be well engraved but I don’t have the technique down yet so my designs always turn out really sloppy. I have tried several of the small designs but haven’t gotten up the courage to try any of the full nail designs yet. I got them because of the design in the middle of plate 36, it is my husband’s tattoo, and I thought would be a good way to talk him into letting me stamp his nails.

        1. Mary Post author

          Actually, you should really try the full-nail designs. I think they’re easier to stamp than individual images!

          Hahaha, if you finally convince him to let you stamp his nails, you must (MUST!) take photos of his manicure and show me! πŸ˜‰

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Nieszka!

      Thanks for your excitement! πŸ˜€ It’s infectious! I can’t wait to try these new designs out. The hardest part is picking which one to use first.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey maria emma!

      How are the Shany plates? I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen them before. Do you have a favourite design from your set? ($11.99 is quite a good deal!)

  6. Trang

    Hi Mary!

    Thanks for sharing the images of the new Bundle Monster plates. I can’t wait for mine. I hope they arrive Monday morning for – it’ll be a great way to start my week. There are so many great designs in this set. Still working on the Polish Picasso though πŸ˜‰ I can’t wait to see what looks you come up with! Cheers, Trang

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Trang!

      You’re very welcome – it’s my pleasure! πŸ™‚

      Hehe, you’ll become a Polish Picasso soon enough. πŸ˜‰ As long as you’re having fun and come up with manicures that make you smile, that’s what counts.

  7. Gatton

    I ordered them today! So excited, my first stamping plates! Finally ordered some since Konad’s are too expensive for me, and I heard about the full nail designs on the previous Bundle Monster plates being too small. Or did they resolve that already in the second set, do you know?


    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Gatton!

      YAY! I’m so excited for you. Hope you have fun playing with the different designs!

      I have narrow fingers and small nails, so the 2nd and 3rd sets have full-nail designs that fit my fingers just fine. The first set, however, the full-nail designs were a bit too small. I’m not sure if they fixed their first set, since when I bought their first set, it was when it just came out. I’ve heard, however, that they’ve adding paper backing to the first set (which they didn’t have before), so maybe they have improved other areas of it, too.

      1. Gatton

        My fingers are bigger than average so my nails are wider than those of the average woman (just sadly can never get them to grow too long because of work, and well, they’re pretty fragile so everything rips. :/ It’s easier to keep them long on my left hand since I’m right handed is my guess!

        Also looking into ordering Red Angel and maybe the number 2 set of BM maybe in a while… Konad’s just a tad too expensive for me with the wage I’m earning at the McDonald’s! πŸ™‚

        1. Mary Post author

          Hey Gatton!

          That’s okay. Even though Konad’s image plates are really amazing and are of good quality, Bundle Monster makes some really cool designs. Some are even similar. You’ll get more value with the Bundle Monster plates, so it’s smart that you’re considering getting those. πŸ™‚

          1. K

            I agree that the value you get for the plates is really good but do you have any suggestions for use? I’m having trouble getting the polish to adhere to the stamper πŸ™ I’ve used Konad before and no issues so I bought the Bundle Monster but been trying it last night and couldn’t get a darn image to stick to the stamper lol

            1. Mary Post author

              After removing the plastic film off the plates, have you tried cleaning it with acetone polish remover? Also, you may want to use a file to buff the stamper.

            2. Jenna

              I just got a set of 2012 plates. I’ve only used 5 or 6 images so far, but I cannot get ANYTHING to pick up off 309β€”and I was so looking forward to those owls, and the flip-flops! I’m a pretty experienced stamper, and even all the tips and tricks won’t get good pick-up of the images from this plate. I contacted BM customer service, and they kindly agreed to replace the set (several of the plates came scratched, too). I just hope the second set doesn’t have any issues, because I was really looking forward to giving 309 a workout!

              1. Mary Post author

                Hey Jenna!

                How odd that the plate gave you trouble! Maybe they had a coating that made it slick. It’s good that Bundle Monster sent you a replacement, though.


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