CLOSED! Giveaway: Canadians, Win the Entire OPI San Francisco Collection!

OPI San Francisco Collection Giveaway SwatchAndLearn

Yesterday I blogged about Swatch And Learn’s 3rd blogiversary. The response I received from my amazing readers made my eyes water. It’s an incredible experience to feel the love and support from people who inspire me and support me! 

To celebrate this milestone, I want to treat my loyal Canadian readers to a massive nail-polish giveaway as a token of my appreciation. (Psst, I will be having a worldwide nail-polish giveaway next week so that nobody will be left out!) Edit: Click here to enter the worldwide giveaway that’s now live!

I reached out to OPI’s PR team to ask if they’d be willing to collaborate with me on this special occasion. To my delight, they said yes and were generous to offer a huge prize that I know readers will love!

Until Friday August 9 at 11:59 pm Eastern, you can enter for your chance to win the entire 15-shade OPI San Francisco Collection!

Please read the rest of this post for the details.


Edit (August 10): Congratulations, Amanda! You’ve won this giveaway! She replied quickly to my e-mail to claim her prize, so this giveaway is officially closed. Thanks to everyone for participating! Remember, my 2nd giveaway (worldwide) to win the entire a-england Burne-Jones Dream Collection is still going on until August 16th!

Giveaway Details:

  • Starts: Now
  • Ends: Friday August 9 at 11:59 pm Eastern
  • Who Can Enter: Canadian residents (International readers, check back again soon! I have a worldwide giveaway coming up next week!)
  • Prize: The entire OPI San Francisco Collection (15 full-size bottles!) To see the exact shades, click on the link. It leads to the official press release and links to the swatches and reviews I’ve done. I’ve reviewed all the colours, which I received when I attended the OPI San Francisco Collection launch party where I met Suzi Weiss-Fischmann a 2nd time!
  • How Many Times You Can Enter: One entry per person. Even if you comment more than once, I will only count it as a single entry.
  • How to Enter: Leave a comment on this blog post. (It can be about anything! You could tell me about the nail polish you’re currently lemming, what movie you recently watched, what TV show you’re hooked on, etc.)
  • Selecting the Winner: I’ll be using to randomly select the winner. I’ll announce the winner sometime on August 10 or August 11. The winner will have 48 hours to reply to my e-mail to claim the prize. Failure to do so will force me to randomly draw another winner. After the winner sends me the mailing address, I’ll forward it to OPI’s PR, and they’ll send you the prize directly! (Please add to your Safe list so my e-mail doesn’t accidentally go to the Junk folder.)

Please Support Me on These Social-Media Platforms!

Facebook / TwitterGoogle+ / beautylish / Pinterest / BlogLovin’

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Feel free to tweet about this giveaway, blog about it, and help me to spread the word! 🙂

Good luck, and thank you for being awesome readers!

If you’d like to see my reviews and swatches of every single shade in the OPI San Francisco Collection, check out the links below:

To see the press release and my first sneak peeks of the bottles plus quick swatches, go here:


118 thoughts on “CLOSED! Giveaway: Canadians, Win the Entire OPI San Francisco Collection!

  1. Priscilla

    Currently really loving a good skincare routine! Learned that the foundation (no pun intended) and basics are the most important to maintain healthy skin!

  2. Pascale

    Hi ! I love your blog and OPI nail polishes of course ! My favorite color of the collection is Alcatraz … Rocks !

  3. Jolène

    Today I was given my severance package at work and my blog is once again proving to be a wonderful salve. Amazing how a hobby can give one something productive to focus on. I’m glad blogging helped you after your dad passed away, too — it was wonderful to read your last post, it made me feel like I understood a bit of your journey. Keep on truckin’. 🙂
    Jolène recently posted: Lady Luck

  4. Linda

    Congratulations on your anniversary.I love this OPI collection.I really look forward to seeing them in person and buying at least one or two of them.

  5. Kayla

    Can I just say WOW! What an amazing giveaway! Thanks you so much for having such a great blog! I may not comment very often, but I am a loyal reader! It was your Loch Ness Monster mani that I just happened to stumble across one day that started my nail polish obsession!
    Congratulations on your Blogaversary!

  6. @messy_manis

    Congrats on your third anniversary. You should be very proud of yourself, this blog is a great accomplishment. I’m currently lemming Alcatraz rocks, I share your passion for the liquid sands polishes.

  7. Norma

    OOH Thanks for this amazing give away!! Current lemming is Alcatraz…Rocks! Allll the way. I’ve been fretting ever since I saw it on your nails the first time!!

  8. Jess

    Congrats on your 3 year anniversary! Your tribute to your father was beautiful. I too have lost a parent and related to many of the feelings you shared in the aftermath of his death. I am so glad that this blog has brought you such joy and purpose!
    Canadian crossing my fingers:)

  9. Julie

    Thanks for the amazing posts you have made in the last 3 years. Keep it up! Always a pleasure to read your blog. Love, Julie xox

  10. Mellinail

    Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary, Mary! This is a great giveaway!

    Right now i am watching Flashpoint. It made me realize what good TV shows we make here in Toronto.

  11. Marine

    Happy bday again dear blog! thank you again for this amazing chance Marie…I know very few blogs that award us with giveaway so often! SWATCHANDLEARN FOR EVER!!!!
    All my love!

  12. Terra TF

    Been following you a long time, Girl!! You are still me favourite nail blogger (the only one I receive by email!). Keep up the fantastic work and Happy Blogiversary!!

  13. hng23

    Good to see a Canadian beauty blogger; there aren’t too many of you around. Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary, and keep up the good work!


  14. Carly

    Love your blog! Hope there is many more blogiversaries to come! I’ve lost both of parents, yesterday was the 5 years anniversary of my dad. Thanks for your story yesterday! I really hope I win then I won’t have to chose between all the pretty colours. 🙂

  15. Suzanne G

    Congrats on your anniversary and I love reading your blog about the nail world. Thanks for the great chance to win this collection.

  16. MC

    Happy anniversary, my favourite blogger! 😀 I recently saw Pacific Rim and am in awe. I had originally dismissed it as a Transformers knockoff but I should know better coming from Guillermo del Toro! His love for the genre, its origins and culture really shine through. I know it was a box office disappointment but I’m hoping it made enough to greenlight a sequel! Fingers crossed!

  17. Brittany Jensen

    OMG I love all the colors in this except the liquid sand ones. Would love to have all of those colors!

  18. Elizabeth C

    Wow, congrats on your three-year blog-iversary!

    I found your blog last year when I first got *into* nail polish (beyond the usual, no-collector normal-person level of owning a couple bottles and using them from time to time). It was your reviews of the OPI Germany that got me following you — and inspired a few purchases fro that collection (actually, who am I kidding – I own all of those except the neutrals!).

    Glad you’re still at it after three years – blogs are such a labour of love. Keep posting and I’ll keep reading!

  19. Kat

    Congratulations on 3 years, hope there are many more! I’m currently wearing William Tell me about OPI and I am really hoping to rock Alcatraz… Rocks!

  20. Kelsie Rogers

    Congrats on 3 years blogging, I’ve been following you for about a year now and I just love your blog and LOVE that you’re Canadian too! 🙂 I just recently got my hands on “Dining Al Frisco” but would love to add the rest of the collection to it so it won’t be so lonely. *crosses fingers and toes*

  21. Julia

    Thanks for the giveaway Mary!

    I have to say I’ve finally ventured into the huge world of indie polishes, and I’m a little scared of how many beautiful shades there are out there! The only problem is that they sell out so fast!

  22. Karin Dollery

    Congratulations on your 3 years. Oh my a whole OPI San Francisco collection, how exciting. Right now I’m using a Sally Hansen Lilac shade on my toes and fingernails. On my toes I also painted 2 full nails with my new Magnum Real Gold polish and the tips of 2 other toes with the same shade (gold). I’m not usually so inventive while doing my nails but with all the awesome colors, shades and textures out there, the artistic bug has bit me . Thanks for the great giveaway and love your blog. Cheers 🙂

  23. Guppy5700

    I just found you through Moms makeup stash. Enter me please and looking forward to your future posts!

  24. Olga

    Love your blog and Pinterest boards! Always checking it for new colours and ideas! You always choose something new and unique.

  25. Bcteagirl

    Wow congratulations! And than you for the contest! I went and looked at the swatches, they are all fantastic. I think Muir muir and sourdough are my favourites though.

  26. Melinda L.

    Congrats on 3 wonderful years!! I’m attending a wedding this weekend, so excited for my friend!!

  27. Jenn

    Yay, happy Blogiversary!, Mary! This giveaway is amazing, this collection looks amazing! For my random comment…I just put on Essie Avenue Maintain, and it’s one of the most perfect blues I’ve ever tried! 😀
    Jenn recently posted: A Short Break

  28. Roberta Chan

    The entire collection? This is exciting!!! I would love Peace & Love & OPI.
    Congrats on your 3rd year anniversary!!!

  29. Cristina

    Oh man, I can’t wait for all the Fall collections to start coming out! Fall is the best season for polish. imho. Happy Blogaversary, Mary! 🙂

  30. maddy

    Hey Mary!
    Great giveaway! The nail polish I am really lemming is Dance Legend TermoTRIO No.1. I think the concept is so cool and I want to buy it one day. Congrats on the 3 year blogiversary!

  31. Tina

    Hey girrrl, (I love your blog), right now I’m experimenting with my new favourite thing: water marbling with Zoya Pixie Dust. It turned out amazing !!!

  32. Jess

    Congrats on the 3-year Blogaversary, Mary! And thanks for another awesome giveaway! I am currently lemming…so many polishes, ha ha! Although I recently killed one when I finally found Dior Saint-Tropez for a good price on evilBay. Fingers crossed it reaches me safe and sound!

  33. Victoria

    A CANADIAN nailpolish giveaway? Be still my beating heart!
    I always love fall and winter collections; darker tones are my favourite.

  34. maria

    Thanks for the giveaway!!! I have been enjoying my summer going to the beach as often as possible. Would love to win these amazing nailpolishes for fall!

  35. PW

    Hi Mary! Thank you for the giveaway – I am really lemming Butter London Sprog, which is exclusive to the US website and US Ultas. The new OPI collections are also amazing, and I think the Pixie Dusts from Zoya are really beautiful too. I have too many polishes that I want and too little money…

  36. Elizabeth

    Just read about your second meeting with Suzi! Sounds like you really got so much out of the experience. Congrats!

  37. Irene Tang

    Congrats on your 3rd year! Love reading your blog and really great choice for a giveaway! Good luck to everyone even though I secretly want them all to myself 😀

  38. Margo

    Awesome giveaway! Congrats on 3 years! I finally got around to watching the Iron Man movies over the weekend (I know I’m like years behind) – better than I expected actually, Robert Downey Jr. has the BEST humor.

  39. Kristina

    Happy 3rd blog anniversary! I’m very excited for the liquid sands in this OPI collection, specifically Alcatraz…Rocks! I can’t wait to get my hands on that one (be it through winning this contest or buying it on my own 😀 )

  40. Amelie

    When I first saw the promo for the collection I was like “Hummm a few of these look great but nothing amazing” and then I saw your swatches and my thoughts changed to:”Aaaaaahhhh! I need them all!!!”

  41. Rachel

    Congrats on the 3 year anniversary. I am currently craving the new china glaze gel colours, can’t wait for their release!

  42. michelle

    Thanks for the BM plate review, I really think I want to purchase guess not to bad for the price. I’d love to win these. just started a small nail polish collection. and these would just top it off. 🙂

  43. Montréalaise

    Congratulations on your blogging anniversary! I love your blog and I can only imagine how much work goes into it.

  44. Kristine

    I really wanted to get Cashmere Bathrobe from the Fall 2013 Essie collection, but when I saw the display on vacation I forgot which one it was that I wanted and I ended up picking up a polish that I didn’t want as bad. That is my story. Just thought I should tell it to somebody who might be remotely interested. 😛

  45. MG

    Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on 3 yrs! These giveaways are on my list of why I love being Canadian lol! 🙂

  46. April

    Happy Anniversary!!! Congrats on a such an amazing achievement and wishing you many more years to come!!! Thank you for celebrating with a very generous & thoughtful giveaway. 🙂

  47. Jenna

    I’m working through making my MUST have for fall list… even though it’s still summer and I LOVE sunshine… makes me happy to look forward to the cooler season with a list of polishes I MUST own!!

  48. Melissa

    Wow, what a generous giveaway!

    Currently, I am impatiently awaiting my new subscription boxes from Bondi New York.

    Congrats on your blog-iversary!

  49. Katie

    I ordered Butter London’s full spring 2013 collection and the polishes came yesterday. Absolutely in love <3

  50. Joyce

    I’m so eager to get my hand on this set. But I have to wait until my ankle is fully recover from fracture, then I’ll be able to have pedicure done.

  51. Jaimie

    Ahh I cannot wait to get my hands on this collection, whether it be winning it or purchasing it when it is officially released. The colours are so gorgeous, and I am already outlining the blogposts I will be writing including these polishes!

  52. maria

    Thanks for the giveaway!! I love nailpolish and would love this set for fall. I have already started buying fall clothes.

  53. Valerie

    Just can across your blog and I must say you do great reviews! Can’t wait to get my hands on Alcatraz… Rocks!!!

  54. Tiffany J-W

    Great giveaway! I haven’t tried any of the textured finish polishes so I’d love to win this collection!

  55. Lisa Thai

    Thanks for the awesome contest. I love trying different brands. Right now I’m hooked on A England She Walks in Beauty, golden sunshine in a bottle 🙂

  56. Alanna

    Congrats on the anniversary!! What a great giveaway. After seeing swatches I am definitely now lemming Alcatraz … Rocks.

  57. Amy

    I always get excited when I see that a contest is open to Canadians. I’d like to see If Incognito in Sausalito looks the same in person as it does in pictures.


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