Giveaway: Canadians, Enter to Win the Entire OPI Germany Collection!

Update (August 1): Congratulations go out to Jan! You’ve won the giveaway! Please check your e-mail and claim your prize within 48 hours. (I sent the e-mail at 12:17 am Eastern.)

Thanks to everyone for participating, and stay tuned! You know that I’ll be organizing another giveaway for you. πŸ™‚


As you know, I had been planning this OPI Germany Collection giveaway for quite some time.

I teamed up with OPI PR and chose July 25 well in advance (because today marks Swatch And Learn’s 2-year blogiversary)!

Win the OPI Germany Collection SwatchAndLearn

So…here it is! The huge giveaway that I’ve hinted at on many social-media platforms leading up to today!

Canadians, enter to win the entire 12-bottle OPI Germany Collection!

Please read the post for information on how to enter.

When:Β Now until July 31 at 11:59 pm (Eastern)

Who Can Enter:Β Canadians only. (Sorry! I will try to organize something international.)

How to Enter:Β Leave a comment telling me about anything! (e.g. Did you watch the new Batman movie? What’s on your nails? What makes you smile?)

Prize:Β The entire 12-bottle OPI Germany Collection!

(Psst! If you want to see the press release for it or any of the swatches I did for 6 of the shades, click here.)


  • One entry per person (regardless if you comment more than once)
  • I’ll select the winner using &Β the winner will have 48 hours to reply to my e-mail to claim the prize.Β (Failure to do so will force me to choose another winner.) I’ll e-mail the winner on August 1. After I receive your reply with your name and address, I’ll forward that to OPI PR so they can send you the nail polishes directly!
  • Please add to your Safe List in your e-mail inbox so that my message doesn’t wind up in your junk folder by accident.

Please Support Swatch And Learn:

  • Comment on my other posts
  • Support me in these avenues:
    • β€œLike” me onΒ FacebookΒ (Swatch And Learn)
    • TwitterΒ (@SwatchAndLearn)
    • Google+Β (Mary)
    • beautylishΒ (Mary)
    • PinterestΒ (Mary)
    • Feedburner – RSS Feed & E-mail SubscriptionΒ (Swatch And Learn)
    • I would mention to follow me onΒ BlogLovin’, but lately it’s not working properly for me and instead of showing 200+, it got knocked down to zero! I need to contact them to find out if they can fix it.

Feel free to tell all your Canadian friends about this giveaway so that more people have a chance to win this amazing prize!

Good luck, everyone!

Edit:Β It totally made my day when Trade Secrets wished me a happy blogiversary! πŸ™‚



229 thoughts on “Giveaway: Canadians, Enter to Win the Entire OPI Germany Collection!

  1. Stacy R

    I just… you JUST… walked in from work (it’s 12:21 pm now) – sad, i know. And all evening, i’ve been thinking about what my next mani and pedi will look like.

    going to have to go through some more swatch and learn tutorials πŸ™‚

    (that sinful colors thing is horrible. i saw some on sale for $1 and i left them ALL just cause i though of how they treated you)

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Stacy R!

      Did you decide what your next manicure and pedicure will be? (I need to paint my nails tonight. Been wearing the same shade for a while.)

  2. michelle

    My nails right now look like crap – I need to go out and buy nail polish remover how I ran out I have no idea. Before they looked great, my 5 year old son picks out my nail colors. They were lime green and purple alternating colors as he liked the pattern. Oh taking advice from a 5 year old.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey michelle!

      Haha, only true nailphiles know the alarming feeling of running out of nail-polish remover. Speaking of which…I ran out of my favourite Beauty Secrets one (from Sally Beauty Supply), but they were out of stock. I’ll need to pick some up next weekend. But, for now, I’m using some drugstore brand. The Beauty Secrets one really worked fast compared to the one I bought by Quo.

  3. Stephanie

    I have not seen the new Batman movie, however all my friends went last night and I was stuck at home studying soooo I did Batman nails to make up for it!! πŸ˜€

    This is an amazing giveaway! I’ll be here to support you through anything, you’re one amazing person and through interacting with you on your blog and twitter I am honoured to have ‘met’ you through this amazing community. <3
    Stephanie recently posted: A Polka Dotted Floam

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Stephanie!

      I haven’t seen it yet, either, but everyone says how incredible it is. πŸ™‚ I’ll be seeing it in a few weeks. Hopefully it won’t be AS crowded as it is now.

      Thanks for your support – I appreciate it! πŸ™‚ You’re right – this community IS so amazing. I’m very honoured to be part of it.

  4. Kaicea

    Just discovered your blog today, unfortunately because of the Sinful Colors fiasco. Wish I had known about your blog earlier! I’m enjoying reading your swatch reviews and it’s great to have a Canadian Nail and Beauty blogger I can check out every day!

    Cheers from Vancouver BC,

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Kaicea!

      Welcome to Swatch And Learn! πŸ™‚ Hope that you’ll enjoy your stay and that you interact with me in the future. I love getting to know my readers. πŸ™‚

      Yay for fellow Canadians!

  5. Amy

    I can’t describe the disappointment that I felt when I saw that the Zellers by my house (which will be one of the first to switch to Target, and has almost everything on sale) started carrying Butter London polishes, but didn’t have them on sale.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Amy!

      But at least it’s cool that they have Butter London! πŸ˜€ And who knows? Maybe it’ll go on sale later. We can only hope, right? πŸ™‚

  6. Amanda C

    My philosophy on nails is this, anything goes…i love mixing colors and designs and textures…my nails get really funky at times but I love it πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Amanda C!

      That’s a great philosophy because you don’t bind yourself – you’re free to explore, get creative, and you’re not afraid to have fun or be silly. That’s when nail polish is the most fun.

  7. Karen

    Wow Mary! Congrats on the 2 years blogging! Keep up the awesome work! πŸ™‚

    Something interesting about me..humm… Sometimes (most) I put doing my nails above house work, untill I’m done. I’m also first generation German living in Canada, so winning the Germany collection would be just plain awesome πŸ™‚

    On another note, I’ve been reading & following the drama of SC last night & I am sorry this happened to you or anyone in the np community.
    Karen recently posted: Joe Fresh Nail Polish Swatches Part 2

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Karen!

      Thank you so much! I can’t believe that it’s been 2 years already. Where’s Time going? Oh, Time is going to get more nail polish. It’ll be right back with the top coat, too. πŸ˜‰

      Hehe, your priorities are hilarious – you sound like a bona fide nailphile. Love that!

      Thanks for your support!

  8. lawren

    It’s great to see that you have so much support behind you with that issue (:

    I currently have China Glazes’ Exotic Encounters on my nails :3

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey lawren!

      Yes, it’s really amazing how tight a community we have. That’s what I love about blogging – the people (readers and bloggers) are so inspiring!

      Thanks for your continued support. πŸ™‚

      Yay for Exotic Encounters!

  9. Erica

    Hey Mary! Happy Hump Day! And Happy Blog Anniversary!! πŸ˜€ Congratulations on 2 years, your blogs are great! Yours was the very first blog I followed and it inspired me (along with other people saying how they want to start up their own nail blog) to start my own. I hope to be able to keep it up as long as you have πŸ™‚ And out of all of the blogs I follow now, yours is still my favourite πŸ˜‰
    I also have to say that you are doing a great job with this whole Sinful Colors thing. I am so proud that so many people have stood behind you through this, supporting you no matter what! You know you have loyal fans/followers when they recognize your nails outside of your blog πŸ˜€
    (My commentluv still isn’t working, so here is my most recent post:

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Erica!

      Happy Hump Day to you, too! Thanks for your continued support. πŸ™‚ I really appreciate it!

      I’m honoured that mine was the first blog you followed and that I’m your favourite! WOWWWW! That’s a huge compliment.

      (My first was Scrangie, and I still read her blog regularly to this day. She’s amazing!)

      The funny thing is that my own mother doesn’t recognize my fingers as well as my readers do. She once saw a photo of my nails and mentioned how the woman had misshapen nails! Hahah…then I told her, “Those are MY fingers!” πŸ˜‰

  10. Shalon

    I’ve been lurking on your blog for awhile now – first came here when I was looking for polish tutorials. I look forward to checking your blog everyday and seeing what new polish/product you are reviewing. Just so you know, I’ve spent a lot of money because of you! hehe…but that’s definitely not a bad thing. I trust your reviews and appreciate all the hard work that goes into your posts.

    Thank you for the awesome blog and the giveaway contest. Congrats on 2 years!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Shalon!

      Okay, even though you say that it’s not a bad thing, I still feel guilty for making you spend money. I really hope that I’ve also helped you SAVE money. That’s very important…to know when to steer clear of certain things.

      Thanks for the encouragement. It means so much to me. Thanks for leaving comment, and good luck in the draw!

  11. Kayla

    Happy 2 Year Blogiversary! I hope things work out with the sinful situation.
    I am currently wearing Cult Nails I Got Distracted for my mani right now, and boy can I ever say that I LOVE IT!
    The new OPI collection also looks great, I tend to gravitate towards darker vampy shades so this is right up my ally!!
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Kayla!

      Thanks for your support! πŸ™‚

      Yeah, if you like vampy shades that have that lit-from-within look, this collection is pure love (and lust)!

  12. Jackie

    I did my first jelly sandwich the other day! I used OPI You Callin’ Me A Lyre? from the NYC ballet collection as the jelly, and OPI Pirouette My Whistle and I LOVE it. So feminine and simple.

  13. Aylene

    Sorry to hear about the Sinful Colours fiasco! πŸ™
    I enjoy reading your blog and always look forward to nail news especially as it is for Canadians.
    Just got back from Iceland very late last night (haven’t even unpacked my bags yet. Love the Icelandic fashion sense. Anything goes for all ages! But it all comes together to look fun and funky, never dowdy or thrown together. Bought a new blue polish in Reykjavik, the same colour as the background of their national flag.

  14. Ayla

    Right now I am wearing butter London Scouse. My husband brought it back from a business trip for me. Its such a beautiful color.
    Congratulations on your 2-year blogiversary! I’m so glad I found this blog. I really enjoy reading your posts.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Ayla!

      How sweet of him to get that for you while away on business! He’s a keeper…hehe!

      Thanks for saying that – glad you found Swatch And Learn. Hope that you’ll keep coming back and drop me a note now and then. I love learning more about my readers. That’s what makes blogging so rewarding.

  15. Ashley

    I think these colours will be great for fall, not so much for summer. For summer I’m wearing bright colours by essie mostly, but right now I’m wearing a light pink because I had a presentation yesterday.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Ashley!

      Yeah, they’re dark and vampy for summer, but I loved wearing it now anyway. πŸ™‚ I’m weird like that. And I love wearing neons in the winter. Try it – with the show, neons look even brighter and more blinding!

  16. Margo

    Congrats on 2 years! I don’t always comment, but I have been reading your blog for months and months – your nail designs are always so inspiring and beautiful and I also love reading the non-nail posts, most recently your post on homelessness was really touching. Looking forward to many more years of Swatch and Learn πŸ™‚
    Margo recently posted: Julep Melissa and O Canada

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Margo!

      Thank you so much! πŸ™‚ I’m glad that you enjoy my nail posts so much, but that you also like my Smorgasbord Sundays ones. Those are really fun to write because the topics are so random.

  17. Time On My Nails (Julie)

    Someday, when I move to Germany, these polishes are going to come in really handy…

    This whole mess with Sinful is a shame, but the support and unity as a result have been amazing. Hopefully this will make a long-term difference in how companies treat the intellectual property of bloggers! Revlon/Sinful Colors deserves to be made an example of.

    Also, The Dark Knight Rises was amazing. The pacing was flawless, and it was an excellent end to the trilogy. Christopher Nolan is blows-my-mind talented.

    Thank you for your blog! I love it, and your attitude and that you are also Canadian! Don’t let this madness get you down too much :).
    Time On My Nails (Julie) recently posted: Summer Holographic Fun with Ludurana and Ozotic

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Julie!

      Whereabouts in Germany do you want to live?

      I can’t wait to see The Dark Knight Rises! But I’m going to wait a few weeks so hopefully it won’t be quite as crowded.

      Thank you for your support and motivating words! Means a lot to me. I’m trying to keep my chin up, but not my nose in the air…hahah!

  18. KC

    Congrats on 2 years!
    GAHHH!! I would love to add this to my collection! Cossed fingers over here!

    Lately im obsessed with pastels!
    Lime Crime came out with their pastel collection but they dont ship polish to Canada so currently Im searching for a close second pastel collection.
    In the mean time, my nails are usually painted with a nice pastel purple from Gosh.
    But the search continues…

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey KC!

      Thank you very much! πŸ™‚ I can’t believe that it’s already been 2 years. Time flies!

      You know what? I’ve never tried anything from Lime Crime. But I’ve seen swatches of their lipsticks…bright and fun, although I don’t think I could pull them off just yet.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey maria emma!

      That’s nice of you to wish the other participants good luck in this draw. πŸ™‚ I hope to have an international giveaway sometime. I usually open it to US and Canada, but this one was special for my local readers.

  19. AminaM

    I’m debating whether or not to redo my current manicure. It’s China Glaze I Herd That, and it hasn’t chipped at all, so I don’t even have that excuse. I’m a tad lazy, but also a bit sick of it! Heh.
    Clearly I have a lot of time on my hands.

  20. Nessie

    I’m just about to head out to meet some friends so we can continue working on our Sailor Scouts cosplay. I’ll be Sailor Jupiter! :3 We’ve discussed what nail polish we should wear, even though we’ll have gloves. Doesn’t matter! Nail polish <3

  21. Laura

    Just wanted to let you know I’ve been following the Sinful Colors thing very closely and I hope you’ll let us know what happened. According to a response on Revlon’s facebook page, they will be trying to get in touch with the bloggers affected.

    By the way, thanks for hosting this giveaway!
    Laura recently posted: Rainbow Honey: Celestia

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Laura!

      I won’t keep people in the dark. But please understand that I can’t speak about it at this time.

      You’re welcome! I was looking forward to announcing this giveaway for quite some time. πŸ™‚

  22. Harmony B

    Congrats on your 2-year blogiversary! I always look forward to receiving your posts in my email:)

    Lately ive been enjoying reading books on my e-reader outside. I heart summer!

  23. Amanda

    Congrats on the two years!

    I’m wearing Zoya Charisma and China Glaze Fairy Dust on my nails. My toes have CG Love’s a Beach and Fairy Dust.

    I’m excited for the Olympics to start!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Amanda!

      Thanks! πŸ™‚ Many more to come, I hope!

      Same – which is the Olympic event you’re most looking forward to?

  24. maddy

    Great giveaway and I’m really sorry about the Sinful Colors situation. Well, besides that summers fun and I’m out swimming with my friends now. I haven’t seen the Batman movie but I would like to. On my nails right now, I’m wearing OPI Be A Dahlia. And congratulations on the 2-year blogiversary!!

  25. Samatha

    Congratulation Mary on the two years, I have not been with you the whole time on your nail journey but I’m glad I’m here now I love your blog keep up the good work!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Samatha!

      Thanks for the encouraging words – I hope to keep blogging for a long time. It never gets boring because I’m constantly learning new things along the way!

  26. MC

    Happy blogiversary, Swatch and Learn! Right now I am wearing Nomad by Illamasqua. And I haven’t seen the new Batman movie yet…waiting for the crowds to thin out a little! But my friend saw it and said she wasn’t all that thrilled with Anne Hathaway…

  27. Nicole

    Check your site daily – but was specifically checking for an update on the Sinful Colors situation. Please keep us posted…..and know that you have a tremendous amount of support!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Nicole!

      I won’t keep my dear readers in the dark forever, but at this time, I won’t be talking about it just yet. I have reasons, or I wouldn’t play my cards like this. Thanks for understanding!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Candy!

      Yeah, and an OPI giveaway for an entire collection just for Canadians, too! That’s why I was so excited to be able to offer this to my Canadian readers! πŸ™‚ It feels as good as actually having the polishes myself…haha!

  28. Anna Z

    I have yet to purchase an OPI polish so this would be the perfect beginning to my new addiction πŸ™‚
    Congrats on 2 years and good luck with your current battle!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Anna Z!

      Wow, imagine…your first OPI lacquer could be TWELVE at once! That’s pretty cool!

      Thanks for your support!

  29. Sandra

    What an exciting giveaway! I currently have Revlon’s Posh Pink on my nails, and my accent nail is pink caviar micro beads (purchased from the $$ store no less!). It looks just like the much more expensive caviar nail set that’s apparently selling now. Thanks

  30. Melissa

    Happy 2nd year blogiversary! Glad I found your blog. I enjoy all of your blogs. You do an amazing job every time! Sorry, that I don’t live in Canada, would like to be able to enter this giveaway. Good luck to everyone. Keep up the awesome job and have a great day. :~)

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      I’m glad that you found my blog, too! πŸ™‚ WELCOME! Hope you’ll come back again – don’t be a stranger. I’d love to hear your comments in the future. That’s how I learn!

  31. Alicia

    Today I’ve been trying to work on a anniversary present for my boyfriend. We’ve been together for 10 years now!
    I haven’t had much luck shopping (always end up in the beauty section.. hmm… lol) so I’ve been trying to paint or make something. He has all the gadgets and nic-nacks he wants anyway.
    Trying to draw and paint a large X-wing watercolour is more difficult than I thought. He might just end up with a glittery macaroni art card!

    Congratulations on 2 years!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Alicia!

      Cool! I haven’t done any macaroni art since I was in kindergarten, but you just took me back down memory lane! Good times!

  32. Dini

    I always sucked at doing my own nails and now I think I’ve gotten the hang of it…and started experimenting with nail art…these polishes would be awesome to have!
    Anddd…I did see Batman..and it was sooo good!!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Dini!

      Haha, I’m going to be the last person to see Batman, probably. My friends and I are going to see it later when the crowds die down more. Looking forward to it!

  33. Brittany

    I popped in here after reading your Sinful Colours post, completely floored that your hard work was taken to make a profit by a company that really, by all reaches of the imagination, can afford to paint and photograph their own product. Good for you for picking yourself back up and continuing on. This giveaway is too cool!

  34. Julisa

    Congratulations on the 2 years of running this blog!
    Also very impressed with how you are handling the SC scandal, best of luck!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Julisa!

      Thank you so much! Hopefully there will be many more years to come. I’ve been having a blast blogging and connecting with so many different (and similar) people. πŸ™‚

      And THANK YOU for the huge compliment and your support!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Cathleen!

      Then this is definitely the right giveaway for you! πŸ˜‰ Best of luck in the draw. I can’t wait to make one of my readers’ day! πŸ™‚

  35. Jenny

    Happy blogaversary!
    I have a fat orange cat sitting on my forearms making it hard to type. He wants his dinner, which shouldn’t happen for another 90 minutes!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jenny!

      Thanks! It’s been quite a journey, and I don’t see my blogging days coming to an end anytime soon.

      Hehehe, that’s funny about your cat! I love cats and how they truly are creatures of comfort.

  36. Joelle

    Thanks for another great giveaway! And happy blog anniversary πŸ™‚

    I’m currently sporting china glaze jungle queen right now and I love it!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Joelle!

      Thank you so much! I don’t think I could have this strong desire to continue blogging if not for the constant encouragement from my amazing readers.

      Glad you’re enjoying Jungle Queen! πŸ™‚ It’s such a chic shade.

  37. chelsea

    Awesome giveaway! I almost feel guilty entering – even though I own a helmer full I haven’t worn polish in about 3 months. Gardening season means my polish chips way too quickly to justify it. The annoying thing is that without the polish my nails are so much healthier. Man that kills me!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey chelsea!

      Nah, don’t feel guilty. Hehe, you can never have too many polishes. Well, maybe, but…shhh…I won’t say anything! πŸ˜›

  38. Lisa

    What’s on my nails… Nubar lavendar, Nfu Oh #38, Mash plate 32 in Konad white. Love your blog – thanks for the fabulous giveaway!

  39. Katherine

    Congrats on the blogiversary!
    And although the Sinful Colors debacle is really frustrating, I was happy to see Temptalia posted it about so you could get some recognition. Now you’ve got thousands of people supporting you. πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Katherine!

      Yeah, I saw Temptalia’s blog post!

      I feel very blessed that I have so much support. It’s truly incredible and touching!

  40. Amy

    Wearing Flirty Tankini….and wondering how close it is to Flip Flop Fantasy?? Good luck to all! πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Amy!

      I don’t have Flirty Tankini, but Flip Flop is a creme coral-pink polish that dries matte, so you need a glossy top coat to make it look gorgeous. My favourite neon polish so far! Flirty Tankini has shimmer.

  41. Desiree

    I just signed the online petition to Revlon/Sinful colors. Shameful behaviour on their part, and good-on-you for not putting up with it!
    Now for something happy, today I am rocking Glitter Gal ‘Copper Holo’. It’s been a very holo summer! πŸ™‚
    Great giveaway! I love OPI!!! I love Germany!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Desiree!

      Oh yes, Glitter Gal knows how to do holos well! Can you believe that I don’t even own a single bottle by them? (That must change!)

      I was so surprised when someone started that online petition. The support that I have from all of you is incredible.

  42. Marta

    Oh Mary, I am shaking with excitement at the prospect of winning this collection… I lived in Germany when I was little 5 years to 9 years (in Berlin). I remember those days quite fondly as it was a time ‘before’ my family started showing its cracks and slowly breaking apart. I used to speak fluent German and loved reading children’s literature in Germany. I also formed my first boy-band crushes there (NKOTB and Marky Mark) at the very young age of 9.5 (when I was still way to young to fully appreciate what a crush was πŸ˜‰ ).
    A fond memory, in connection to all of this is that when I came to Canada and we were reading “The Diary of Anne Frank” in class, my favorite teacher EVER asked me to translate all of the German parts for her πŸ˜€ I felt like I had a special skill πŸ˜€ Wow, I’ve rambled πŸ˜‰

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marta!

      Oh, I didn’t even know that about you…that you spoke fluent German! Very cool!

      And despite your family have its cracks, you sure turned out to be a strong and inspiring person because of it. I truly believe that people who lead easy lives aren’t as interesting or as strong as people who’ve been through hardship and struggle. So, life’s setbacks are like blessings in disguise.

      By the way, I LOVE The Diary of Anne Frank! Amazing book.

  43. Carmela

    I was lucky enough to see TDKR last Saturday on IMAX and good gosh, it was pretty darned awesome! I’ve read some bad reviews about plot continuity/inconsistency, bad editing, Alfred’s perpetual “I told you so” spiel and Bane’s annoying PA voice but I think Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s John Blake and Anne Hathaway’s Selina Kyle were pretty spot on. I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed how the latter gave Selina Kyle an air of vulnerability that none of the previous incarnations had. And my, who knew she could put the sultry on?? I would *love* to see a Nightwing franchise spin off!! πŸ˜€

    Also, I can’t bear to take off Cult Nails Annalicious so I might do a gradient to cover tip wear. XD

    PS. Thanks for this awesome giveaway, Mary! And for Canadians only, too! Woot! πŸ˜€
    Carmela recently posted: Nail Art Wednesday: Shooting Star Nails

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Carmela!

      Niiiiice – seeing it at IMAX must’ve been quite the awesome experience! When I go see it, it’ll probably just be at a regular theatre.

  44. Nicole

    Hey Mary,

    What a fantastic giveaway! I am currently wearing Deborah Lippmann’s Physical Attraction on my fingers, and Candy Shop on my toes. As stunning as these are, I wish I never started DL because I can NOT afford this new found addiction! I am so excited for what OPI has in stores for the rest of 2012. Keep me posted on twitter about the Sinful Colors debacle, and I hope they make this up to. P.S. Absolutely love that Canadians finally have a giveaway!!!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Nicole!

      Hahaha, I know how you feel. Deborah Lippmann polishes are so beautiful, but also so expensive! Even the bottle design looks so luxurious, so at least they justified the price.

      I’m Canadian, so I do my best to open up my giveaways to Canadians! πŸ™‚ Gotta support my local readers.

  45. Lacquerliciouslove

    Hello Mary!!
    I want to congratulate you on 2 years blogging, that’s huge! I also love that you’re Canadian, I live in Red Deer, Alberta and love seeing other Canadian nail blogs, I wish there were more! I have seen TDKR, I loved it. And I also loved that Christian Bale actually went and visited the victims of the Colorado shooting. I think that was a really nice thing to do.
    Right now on my nails I’m just wearing a Sally Hansen glitter, I only did it last night but my SV ate the polish so I think I might redo them lol.
    Thanks for this great giveaway and I look forward to your future posts!!
    Lacquerliciouslove recently posted: Revlon Sunshine Sparkle

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lacquerlicious!

      Seems like the 2 years just flew right by in the blink of an eye! πŸ™‚ That’s when you know you’re having fun – when you don’t realize how fast it goes by.

  46. J

    Hi I’m a new twitter follower!

    This is a super awesome contest! I love OPI Polishes.

    It’s always great discovering good Canadian blogs!

  47. Cristina

    I’m one of those weirdos who has a polish schedule – I usually change my polish on Tuesday and Friday (for the weekend). I have on a polish right now that I applied REALLY badly and kind of hate because of it…but I feel like I should keep it on until Friday! Ahhh, my polish OCD is killing me right now…and it’s also a chunky glitter that I’m not looking forward to removing, so that doesn’t help either. Ha. πŸ™‚

    Thanks so much for the amazing giveaway!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Cristina!

      You sound very organized! πŸ™‚ I usually just change my polish based on my mood. Hehe, I know how you feel about procrastinating when it comes to removing chunky glitter – I always feel that dread. πŸ˜‰

  48. Paula

    I love your blog. Always looking forward to your take on products. Really angry/dismayed at the SC issue. Won’t be buying them anymore. Soo loving the OPI Germany swatches lol:) hope I win:)

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Paula!

      Thanks! I’m glad that you’re enjoying it, and I hope that you’ll stop by again soon and leave me more comments. I not only love reading them, but I try to reply to each and every single one.

      Good luck in the draw! πŸ™‚

  49. Carole

    So excited to see a giveaway that is open to Canadians! I really enjoy reading your blog, congrats on your 2 year anniversary!

    Right now I am wearing Essie shine of the times mattified over a nude. Just started a new job and still finding the limits for crazy polish colors. Right now I am really missing my summer neons!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Carole!

      I’m so happy to hear that! πŸ™‚ And thank you for well wishes. I’m going to blog for as long as I can – it’s been very rewarding, and my blog readers are the best!

      Congratulations on your new job! I hope that it brings you many challenges and opportunities for growth.

  50. Monica

    Firstly, thank you for hosting a give away that is Canadian friendly!! I really enjoy your blog, the fact that you’re being mature in the situation (sorry to bring it up, I just think it’s great to see someone having a good head on their shoulders!) Keep up the great blog πŸ™‚ Those colors look beautiful

  51. Roberta

    I just found your blog, but sadly it was due to the talk about the Sinful colors issue. I am glad I found your blog though, I’m always happy when I find a Canadian blog because then I can tell when products will be released, etc. I saw Dark Knight Rises on Sunday. I absolutely loved it.

    Happy 2nd anniversary!

  52. Robyn Isherwood

    I am currently wearing OPI’s Fly on my nails with a holographic top coat (Girly Bit’s Hocus Pocus). It’s stunning! I can’t wait for the Germany collection to come out!!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Robyn Isherwood!

      Nice layering combo – and while I don’t have Hocus Pocus, it sure is a beauty. Lucky you for getting your hands on it. πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey amanda!

      Hope your recovery after the surgery is quick and that you’re feeling 100% again. Best of luck in the draw!

  53. Daphney

    This giveaway is so amazing! I am currently wearing CHANEL’s Holiday 617 on my nails. It’s a beautiful tangerine-like colour. I’m loving orange right now.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Daphney!

      Sounds like a really fun colour to wear, especially in the summer. πŸ™‚ The only Chanel polish I own is Peridot.

  54. Kelly

    I’ve been having a really bad, really expensive week – backed into a car costing me $2000 and my poor pup needs surgery since she swallowed a needle. Some nail polish would make me feel a bit better, thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Kelly!

      Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that your week has been very trying. Just remember that things will look up in time.

      That’s so scary how your dog swallowed a needle! OUCH! Hope she makes a speedy recovery!

  55. Kymberli

    I was thinking of skippng the polish this week after I spilled some OPI Stone Cold on my light gray rug but after some scrubbing and time I decided to go with nude nails with gray and orange flowers.
    Happy 2 Years!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Kymberli!

      Were you able to get all the polish out of the rug? I’ve never spilled polish before on a carpet. How did you remove it? Did you use acetone? But wouldn’t that ruin the rug?

  56. EricaO

    I’m so glad I found your blog! I really have no plans to watch the new Batman movie, but I have a bad feeling that my husband is going to drag me to it in the next few weeks.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey EricaO!

      I’m so glad that you found me, too! The more amazing readers, the merrier! πŸ™‚ Hope that you’ll stop by again soon.

      Haha, not a fan of Batman? Maybe this movie will be a pleasant surprise. Who knows?

  57. Nicole gets Nailed (@nearlynailed)


    1. I never use my ipod because I’m scared that when I have the earphones in someone will attack me from behind.
    2. I’m right 99.9 percent of the time and I have no problems admitting that.
    3. I watch Degrassi Junior High religiously and I’m way beyond the age when that is considered normal.
    4. I wash my hands for as long as it takes to sing happy birthday – twice.
    5. I sing when I can’t sleep.

    Happy 2 Years!!
    Holla, N
    Nicole gets Nailed (@nearlynailed) recently posted: Knee Yawn Pink

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Nicole!

      Haha, thanks for sharing some random (and interesting) things about yourself!

      I actually use my iPod nearly daily…but I think the next time I use it, I’m going to be thinking about what you said about a person attacking from behind! :S Haha!

      Hehe, your second point on the list made me giggle! πŸ˜€

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Chantal!

      Hehe, that’s cool. You don’t often hear about dogs liking peaches. Sounds like quite a character! πŸ™‚

  58. Jodi

    Firstly, thank you so much for the giveaway… for us polish lovers, its similarly close to winning a lottery!! Secondly, happy 2nd anniversary!! I check your blog everyday and its one of my favorite’s. Keep up the good work!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jodi!

      Hehe, no problem! It’s my pleasure! And you’re right – it is like the lottery for a nailphile – good analogy. πŸ˜‰

      Thank you so much for the huge compliment. I’m glad that you love Swatch And Learn so much!

  59. Gwen

    I just came here from a post that you’d made on Kelly’s blog (Vampy Varnish). I am so happy to have found a Canadian blogger! Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary! I will be definitely following you now that I’ve found you. I think it’s awesome to have a give-away just for us Canadians! Thanks so much!

    Right now, I’m wearing Pretty Serious’ CGA. It’s nice, but I had to use 3 coats just to get the colour, so I’m not hugely impressed with the formula.

    I also saw Batman on the weekend. I liked it, but my husband thought it was a bad movie and not nearly as good as the second Dark Knight movie.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Gwen!

      Thank you for clicking through. Kelly’s amazing, isn’t she? I really love her and her blog. I also adore Scrangie (she was the first beauty blogger I ever came across, and I still visit her blog religiously now).

      High five to a fellow Canadian beauty lover! πŸ™‚ Welcome to Swatch And Learn – hope that you’ll leave more lovely comments. I enjoy seeing what my readers think. It also gives me an opportunity to learn from others that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to. Plus my readers always seem to know how to put a smile on my face. I’m so grateful for the support I continually receive. Seems unreal at times! πŸ™‚

      Wow, really? Why did he think the movie was bad? Was it the acting or the plot?

      1. Gwen

        Yeah, Kelly is great. I just love her blog.

        My husband thought the acting was fine, particularly Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman (which I thought she nailed!), but the plot holes and the overly contrived 5 month plot to destroy Gotham was a little much. He said Bain was a waste because he didn’t really do a lot of Bain-like things (according to the comics), Alfred waaaay too weepy and for his money, most of it didn’t come together at all. It didn’t help that we saw it at the IMAX theatre, where they tried to deafen us. Oh well.

        I liked it. But then, I shut my brain down for action movies and just enjoy them. I ignore plot holes until they’re too much and I try not to think about the many laws of physics that they break. πŸ™‚

        On another note, I am so very sorry about the Sinful Colours situation that you are going through. I hope it resolves to your satisfaction.

        1. Mary Post author

          Hehe, yes, sometimes it’s best to just suspend your disbelief and enjoy movies at the surface level. πŸ˜‰ Otherwise you could really pick them apart for all their faults.

  60. Katherine

    OMG this would be so great to win; I don’t have much money at the moment (unemployment) and would love to fill out my nailpolish collection with these! Right now I have one of the SallyHansen magnetic nail polishes on (red-ish purple one), and I’d love to get my hands on German-icure!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Katherine!

      If you’re looking, hope that you’re able to find a great job that makes you happy and that pays the bills!

      Nice – I was just looking at those Sally Hansen magnetic polishes the other day in the drugstore!

  61. Terra

    Hi Mary,

    Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity!

    Right now I am wearing a-england Avalon, topped with Nfo-Oh . I must say the wear has been great!! (I tried out the OPI fast-dry topcoat, pretty good me thinks…)

    btw sorry to read about the theft of your image – I’ can’t believe the theft and that (well I guess I can) they would use a “swirl” that was a stamp!! While it’s a bit of a compliment, it is SO WRONG. best wishes on sticking it to ’em!!!

    Keep up the AWESOME blogging girl!!!!!

    1. Mary Post author

      Thank you so very much for the support! Seriously, my blog readers are the best, and people like you encourage me to continue! I appreciate it! πŸ˜€

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Maya Sanchez!

      Any good TV shows you can recommend? These days I’m watching MasterChef, Hell’s Kitchen, Love in the Wild, and Big Brother.

  62. Jen Nielsen

    Thank you so much for an amazing giveaway for us Canadians! I’ve been following your blog for awhile and i love all your posts, especially the subscription box reviews!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jen Nielsen!

      Thank you so much for following my blog! πŸ™‚

      And I’m glad that you enjoyed my beauty subscription box reviews. Unfortunately, I’ve unsubscribed to all of them, so there won’t be any more from Loose Button or Topbox on here.

      At first it was really exciting to get surprise samples in the mail, but then the novelty wore off for me because I prefer saving my money and putting it toward products I 100% want to try.

  63. Sharon M

    Thank you for the giveaway! I love OPI polishes but the beauty supply store in my city which stocks them never seems to have much variety in colours. The Germany collection looks ideal for a couple of months from now. Good luck to everyone entering and it’s very cool to (finally) find a Canadian nail blogger — I found your site through a post made on Nouveau Cheap. πŸ™‚

  64. Laura

    What a great prize! I love this collection; I loved the Holland one too, but this one has some great shades I can’t wait to try.

    And yes, I have seen the new Batman movie, and I enjoyed it quite a bit; as for what I have on my nails, I’m just trying to decide that now: they’re cleaned and ready, but I’m lacking inspiration.

  65. Jenn

    I am about to leave for work which today will consist of a bunch of werewolves running around in the woods, so that should be fun! ( lol I work on a TV show.)

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jenn!

      Hahaha, I’m glad that you added that part in brackets because your first sentence made me think you were crazy…hehehehe!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Blair Block!

      That’s really very flattering – THANK YOU! I’m glad that my posts could provide you with some ideas.

      Hehe, and if you read it while you’re working, please don’t get caught. I don’t want you to get in trouble with your boss! πŸ˜›

  66. Shelly

    Hey I love OPI nail polish!!!! I’m so excited
    For the Germany collection!!!! It is my dream
    One day to go to Germany!!!! My Grandparents
    We’re born in Germany!!!! I think it’s wonderful
    to discover your heritage! I hope I win this collection,
    The colors all look lovely.

  67. Kim

    Love reading your blog! It’s my “lounge around Saturday Wrap up/Catch up” guilty pleasure! Thanks for the give away!

  68. Sarah

    Starting a brand new job Monday and I am so nervous. I am packing all my things and feeling very sad and excited at the same time. This is my first real job since finishing university and my first time moving away from home.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Sarah!

      I’m sure that you’ll do a wonderful job. Be yourself, and have fun meeting new people. I hope that you’ll be faced with interesting challenges, and that you’ll find the job rewarding and exciting!

  69. Katherine

    I like that you are Canadian! This is the first Canadian nail blog that I’ve come across, so yay! Sorry to hear about the issue with Sinful Colours, that’s lame! Great blog πŸ˜‰ right now I’m wearing Rina by Zoya…sooo green and shiny. <3 bar glitter! Also, I just liked you on facebook. Yayyy!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Katherine!

      Hurray for fellow Canadians! πŸ™‚

      Ooohh, green nail polish is my favourite. So I’m a little biased when I say GREAT CHOICE! πŸ˜‰

      Thanks for “Liking” me on Facebook, by the way.

  70. Maude

    I’m quite a new follower of yours πŸ™‚ I’m also a new blogger! Fun fact about my blog, it’s bilingual so I can reach more people! Also, I’m quite jealous of your blog and I feel like I’ll be getting inspiration from you quite often! I’ll finish with a random fact about me, I wish I was a Jedi! Thanks for this giveaway πŸ™‚
    Maude recently posted: Mon premier "Indie" / My first Indie

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Maude!

      Welcome to Swatch And Learn and to the blogging world! You’re going to have a blast. Even though some days, it’ll feel like a lot of work, it’s all worth it in the end. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

      Aww…don’t be jealous. I’m sure that your blog will make its mark, and that you’ll achieve the goals that you set for yourself as long as you put in the effort. All the best!

  71. Kas

    Congrats on your 2 year blogiversary!

    Is it weird that I’m no excited for the Olympics? I mean It’s great that they happen but I just can’t get into them. To me it seems like even people who don’t like sports go gaga over it. But I just can’t. I may watch a few thing but I doubt I will be glued to the screen.

    Also I’m getting my wisdom teeth out in Oct. That stinks. At least my teeth wont get jacked up in the future πŸ™‚

    I also wish Toronto had unicorns like your header. That would be pretty cool.
    Kas recently posted: London 2012!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Kas!

      No, it’s not strange. The Olympics aren’t for everyone. That’s okay!

      Oh, good luck with your wisdom teeth! I got mine out several years ago (all 4 of them at once) and my cheeks swelled up like crazy, but it healed up very well pretty quickly.

      Hope that you’ll make a speedy recovery. Leading up to the surgery, I suggest eating a lot of your favourite food that you have to chew. When you get your wisdom teeth out, you’ll have to eat soft food and liquids for a few days.

  72. Melissa P.

    Wow, a giveaway open only to Canadians? I think I’ve never seen one of those before! *excited squeal*

    I’ve noticed that you don’t have anything related to Julep polishes yet. I’ve seen on other nail blogs about the Julep VIP Blogger Program, where they’ll send you an intro box for free for a review, and then you host a giveaway for your readers. Anyways, I’ve heard of many good things about Julep polishes (I also own a few), but surprisingly, my other (cheaper) polishes last longer than Julep! I love their formulas, but for some reason, with a base coat, 2-3 coats of polish, and a top coat, I’ve found that my Essence polish last MUCH longer than the Julep polish. (The Julep polish starting peeling at the cuticles after 2-3 days, whereas Essence was still going strong for 5 days, until I got bored of it. xD) But besides this thing, I think Julep’s a great brand to check out, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on it! πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Melissa P.!

      Yup – had to give my local readers an even better chance of winning something exceptionally cool. πŸ™‚ And, thanks to the generosity of OPI’s PR team, I was able to make that happen!

      Oh, I have 3 bottles of Julep polish. Actually, I bought them when the company just launched, but haven’t worn any of them yet! (Oi!)

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Chelsey Thornton!

      YAY for having got your hands on Joe Fresh Twilight! That polish is so cool, and I remember being so excited that us Canadians finally had our very own flakie polish! πŸ™‚

  73. Tiffany

    Yay for a Canadian giveaway! I’m so often disappointed to discover that giveaways are only for residents of the US!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Tiffany!

      I understand how you feel. I feel bummed out when I can’t enter giveaways, too, just because I’m Canadian. So…finally something just for us! πŸ™‚

  74. Marine

    Hi Mary! Great giveaway!I don’t think that i know another blogger that is as generous as you are with her readers! It’s sooooo great that you share the love!I guess it’s things like this,being as loyal towards us as we are towards you, that in the end pays the most.It’s not always about winning the prize but sharing your passion (and sometimes benefit) with others.Other than, i’d certainly love to win the prize.Since i would not wear all of the 12 shades,my girls and i will share if one of us 3 wins! And YES i went to see the new batman with my man AND a themed mani (Just spotted the lizard with shatter the scale) It was most enjoyable. Did you?

    Lots of love! Marine

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marine!

      Awww…thank you! πŸ™‚ There are lots of awesome bloggers out there, and I’m just really excited to be able to offer something like this to my local readers.

      I really take great pleasure in sharing the love for sure. So when I contacted OPI’s PR to see if they’d be willing to collaborate on this sponsored giveaway, I was ecstatic when they said yes! They’re so friendly and generous. Great people to work with!

      No, I didn’t see the new Batman movie yet. My friends and I are planning to see it later so that the crowds will die down somewhat. Haha, we’re probably going to be one of the last people to go see it!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Elizabeth Langille!

      Yes, there are lots of wonderful Canadian blogs! πŸ™‚ And Marta is one of my sweet friends. So glad that you found Swatch And Learn through her!

  75. Annick

    I have not seen the new Batman movie but my hardcore, nerdy, film critic boyfriend was truly disappointed. Poor guy, I don’t think any Batman movie could hold up to his high standards! I still plan to see it though!

    And my nails are currently donning a coat of Seche Vite Rebuild.

  76. Julie Xu

    I have Julep’s Rose on my toes, but nothing on my fingers for now. I’m trying to let my nails “breathe” between manis, and I also need time to figure out which polish color I wanna select for my next mani!

    Thanks for doing this giveaway, just for us Canadian gals! πŸ˜‰

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Julie Xu!

      You’re very welcome – it’s totally my pleasure to be able to share something this cool with my readers! πŸ™‚

  77. Colleen C

    My two favourite polish brands right now are OPI and FingerPaints. FingerPaints is a lot less expensive and has tons of colours, but isn’t as leading edge in the colour department as OPI – I am going to check out the remover from Sally – my card needs to be renewed this week, so I will be popping to a Sally store tomorrow. Thanks for the tip on the remover – I’ve always used the Quo brand!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Colleen C!

      Oh yeah, when you use the Beauty Secrets acetone remover (not the 100% acetone one, just the regular acetone version), you’ll see a MAJOR difference compared to the Quo polish remover!

  78. Lindsay

    I haven’t worn nail polish out in awhile, it seems like I’m always swatching and I never end up keeping the polish on. Maybe I shouldn’t paint my nails 10+ times a day for my blog? hahaha.
    Sadly I haven’t seen the new Batman, but I was at Walmart a few days ago and an employee was talking loudly to a co-worker and said what happens.. so not cool. Despite that, I still want to see it!
    Lindsay recently posted: THE WINNERS OF MY GIVEAWAY!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lindsay!

      Hahaha, wow, 10+ times a day of nail painting? I hope you’ll crack open a window. Lots of fumes!

      I haven’t painted my nails more than once a day. Even if I’m not crazy about a colour, I leave it on and hope it’ll grow on me. And I’m always impressed when bloggers can swatch polishes. I just can’t do it. I need to wear it as a manicure and then just photograph it within the first 2 days of wearing it.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Canadian Beauty!

      I haven’t seen Batman yet, but my friends and I will be going later on when the crowds have died down. We’ll most likely be one of the last people to see it…haha! But I’m looking forward to seeing how it all ends.

  79. Sydnee

    Mary I am so glad that that other incident didn’t stop you from putting up this giveaway! I’m so excited to enter. I really hope that one day the Nail section of my blog can be half as successful as yours & that I can do things like this one day!!

    1. Sydnee

      Mary is it okay if I mention that I have a giveaway open right now through my YT/Blog? (yt channel: sydneexo) and the blog post can be found πŸ™‚
      (if not thats okay! aha) xo

    2. Mary Post author

      Hey Sydnee!

      I’m just as excited as you! I can’t wait to pick the winner and make someone’s day amazing.

      And I hope that your nail section and the rest of your blog will eclipse mine. Then I can say that I had the pleasure of seeing your growth before my very eyes. πŸ™‚

  80. ZANA

    really excited about this giveaway! I would love to see the new Batman movie but to be honest I am a little paranoid now.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey ZANA!

      Yeah, after hearing about the shooting, it’s scary. But we can’t let incidents like that rule our lives. Thank goodness shootings like that don’t happen daily…THEN I’d be scared to leave the house!

  81. Jen

    I’ve enjoyed getting your pins and tips on Pinterest! I think I’ll have a need for a special manicure real soon, so I’ll be looking for more ideas!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jen!

      Aww…thanks for checking me out on Pinterest! πŸ™‚ It’s so addictive, isn’t it? I could spend hours there, but have to pull myself away from the computer.

  82. Candice

    I’m wearing Color Zone unnamed teal/green with China Glaze Surfin’ For Boys accents.

    Also, I have officially become a nail polish addict, on Saturday, I bought my first back up bottle of polish (of China Glaze Surfin’ For Boys… SO BEAUTIFUL!!!).

    Also, I wanted to say that I found you as a result of the Sinful Colors debacle, so something good came out of that. I really LOVE your polish reviews, they have great detail that I am always looking for. I have less than 50 polishes, and I don’t want to spend money on a polish that I won’t love. Thanks!!!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Candice!

      Hahahaha, welcome to The Addiction! πŸ˜‰ You’ve found a safe haven where us nailphiles won’t make you feel bad for lusting polish so much. Hehe, be careful, though, because we are a very enabling group. Hehehehehe! πŸ˜‰

      Thanks for the encouragement! πŸ™‚ I’m glad that you found your way here! Hope you’ll stop by again soon and leave more lovely comments. I just love interacting with my readers. They’re the best!

  83. Jenn

    Hi Mary!

    Thank you so much for this giveaway, so many out there are US-only, so it makes me smile to see one that Canadians can enter! And congrats on your two year blogging anniversary, that is amazing! I found your blog around a year ago and it’s still one of my favourites.

    I have China Glaze’s I’m With the Lifeguard on my fingers now, it is soo bright! I have my eyes open for Kiwi Cool-Ada since you said it was even brighter…what can I say, I like blinding passerbys on the street πŸ˜›

    My comment is getting long but since you mentioned the new Batman movie I can’t resist just adding that I saw it last night and it was so good (but really long…almost 3 hours)! Have you seen it yet?
    Jenn recently posted: China Glaze Pink Plumeria – Swatches and Review

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jenn!

      You’re very welcome – I had to take this special opportunity to thank my local readers (even though I do love ALL of my readers)!

      By the way, I saw that you started your own blog recently! πŸ™‚ I hope that you’ll have fun and that you’ll enjoy the challenges along the way toward personal and creative growth. Left a few blog comments for you.

      Yes, definitely try to hunt down Kiwi Cool-Ada. Even though the formula is a little streaky, it’s still worth how retina-burning it is!

      Nope, I haven’t seen the new Batman movie yet. My friends and I are waiting to see it later when the crowds have died down more.

      1. Jenn

        Mary, thank you so much for looking at my blog and leaving me comments! You have no idea how big my smile was when I saw them! πŸ˜€

        Good call on waiting to see the new Batman movie – I saw it during the day foolishly thinking the crowds wouldn’t be too bad, but the theatre was 100% full! Oops πŸ˜›

  84. amanda

    I’ve been painting my nails a lot lately because I’m trying to quit biting my nails! It really helps… I love this site for new colour ideas!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey amanda!

      That’s a good idea. I hope that it works. It seems like a win-win situation. Beautiful manicure and trying to curb a bad habit. πŸ™‚

  85. The Obsessed

    Hi Mary!
    Awesome giveaway and LOVE that it’s Canadian only (for once! ;-)) )
    Sorry about the recent drama but hopefully it’ll all settle soon for you… πŸ™‚
    I am loving some of the amazing colours out there right now and am wearing piCture pOlish Tease – one of their brand new gorgeous colours!
    and so glad I discovered you on Pinterest!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey The Obsessed!

      Thanks so much for your support, and it’s cool that you found me on Pinterest! πŸ˜€ Hope that you’ll stop by again soon and leave yet another lovely comment.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Mel!

      Thank you so much! πŸ™‚ Do you have a favourite OPI shade of all time? I don’t know if I can pick just one.

      1. tamara

        got carried away at work….luckily i saw a tweet to remind me. :o) thanks again for helping out the canadian polish lovers.

        1. Mary Post author

          It’s been a pleasure collaborating with OPI’s PR team. πŸ™‚ And I love being able to offer such amazing prizes for my lovely readers.


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