FingerPaints Laugh My Art Off Review & Swatches

Image of FingerPaints Laugh My Art Off ** This post was written by Fiona. She no longer blogs for Swatch And Learn. However, Mary still continues to blog and will be happy to reply to your comment. **

I recently discovered there’s a Sally Beauty Supply store near where I live. Like 5-minutes-away near. Within-walking-distance near. In-a-plaza-where-I-do-some-of-my-grocery-shopping near. Like… I’m-in-trouble-I-need-an-Intervention-before-my-wallet-stops-speaking-to-me near.

Last week I ventured into the SBS cautiously – I needed to scope out the place, but I didn’t want to plunk my credit card down on the cashier and say, “Give me one of everything.” (Although that sounds like fun.)

I allowed myself to get one nail polish – this time. And since I’m a blue fanatic with a glitter obsession, FingerPaints Laugh My Art Off immediately caught my eye. Gosh. I’m predictable. But this nail polish isn’t! It glistens every which way for unexpected look-at-me glamour. Yum!

FingerPaints Laugh My Art Off Swatches & Pictures

*~* 3 Coats with Top Coat in Natural Light *~*

Image of FingerPaints Laugh My Art Off

Image of FingerPaints Laughing My Art Off

Image of FingerPaints Laughing My Art Off

Image of FingerPaints Laughing My Art Off

*~* 3 Coats with Top Coat in Flash *~*

Image of FingerPaints Laughing My Art Off

Image of FingerPaints Laughing My Art Off

Image of FingerPaints Laughing My Art Off

Image of FingerPaints Laughing My Art Off

Image of FingerPaints Laughing My Art Off

Image of FingerPaints Laughing My Art Off

Image of FingerPaints Laughing My Art Off

Image of FingerPaints Laughing My Art Off




      High-gloss finish (it’s a glitter polish)

      Fast drying

      Long wear

    Smooth application

Key Notes

  • Name: FingerPaints Laugh My Art Off
  • Amount: 15ml or 0.5fl oz
  • What I Paid: $5.99 CAD
  • Price Per Unit: $0.40/ml or $11.98/fl oz
  • Other Colors Available: A Heart for Art, Add and Abstract, Art Auction Auburn, Art Deal of Fortune, Art Lofty Toffee, Be A Pal-ette, Blank Canvas Cream, Brushstroke Blush, Color Inside the Lines, Copper Elements, Coral Complement, Drawn to You, Easel Come Easel Go, Etched in Bronze, Expressionist Red, Free Form Fawn, Get Real-ism, Gossamer White, Model Colour, Paper Maiche, Primary Color, Putty in My Hands, Tapestry in Taupe, Well-Cultured Pearl, What an Exhibition!, It’s an Original, Figure of Art, Private Collection, Silver Sculpture, Rose Patina, Pretty as a Portrait, Chroma Coral, Lavender Highlight, Art Dealer Teal-er, Framed in Red, Brilliant Brushstroke, Artist’s Inspiration, Natural Talent, Gallery Glam, Pink Imagination, Watermelon Watercolor, Wine at the Gallery, Shades of Dark, Tangerine Tint, Drawn to This Shade, Artist’s Sapphire, Picasso’s Puce, Sketch-Y, Bauhaus Burgundy, Whose Hue?, Vermilion Dollar Painting, Gogh Red!, Curator’s Crimson, Art You Blue?, Romanticism Ruby, MichaelTangelo, Black Expressionism, Meet Me at the Met, Art of Theft, Key to My Art, Leonardo Da-Vin-Pink, My Art Belongs to You, Louvre This Pink, Hue Left a Message?, Art You Kidding Me?, Sketch N Etch, Art Nouv-Yellow, Stealing My Beating Art, Easel-Y Entertained, Guggen I’m Lime, Cerulean Seascape, Vintage Violet, Scenery Greenery, Holly-Wood Frame, Tough Art to Follow, Sketchy Character, Tiffany Imposter, Purple Palette, Red Brandt, Avante Gardge Green, Prints and Printsess, Go Van Gogh!, It Baroque, Where Art Renoir?, Hue Are You?, Bronze Sculpture, Warm He-Art-Ed, I Pink I Can, Don’t Make a Scene
  • Where to Buy: Sally Beauty Supply online & in-store

Finger Paints Laugh My Art Off Review



This is so flippin’ gorgeous. Staring at Finger Paints Laugh My Art Off on my nails is kind of like staring into the ocean on a clear and sunny day. The blue is deep and rich, and the blue glitter glistens from beneath creating an illusion of depth.

Formula & Application

Laugh My Art Off by FingerPaints is on the thick side. It’s slightly goopy, but stringy at the same time. This doesn’t affect application though. Just sweep over the nail like normal – no tricks needed.


You will need 3 coats of Laugh My Art Off by Finger Paints. The first coat goes on almost sheer. But never mind that – I think of the first coat as like a gritty primer. The 2nd coat starts to give you the color that you want; it doesn’t completely cover the nail though. The 3rd coat enhances the richness of the color and the intensity of the glitter for an awesome color that forces you to stare.


As expected, Finger Paints Laugh My Art Off dries kind of gritty because of the glitter. It’s not gritty like you’re touching cement, but you can definitely feel the sparkle glitter on the nail. I applied 2 layers of a thin top coat for smoothness.

Drying Time

And as expected FingerPaints Laugh My Art Off dries really quickly. I was really surprised actually. I accidentally bumped my nails against something and was expecting to have to repaint. But nope! It takes about 5 minutes to set.


Do you pay attention to the ingredient list? Then you’d be happy to know that FingerPaints Laughing My Art Off is Big-3 Free!


The cap of Laugh My Art Off is longer and slenderer than what I’m used to. I actually quite like this as grip is easy, making applying the polish a cinch as well.


  • Toluene-, formaldehyde- & DBP-free
  • Easy to apply
  • Dries quickly
  • Beautiful color with radiant glitter
  • Longer cap handle with good grip

  • Dries gritty: requires 2 layers of TC
  • Needs 3 coats

Final Verdict: 9.8/10

One of my all-time favorite polishes! This is my first experience with FingerPaints, and I’m loving them. I like how all their polishes’ names are related to art, although I can’t, for the life of me, figure out why this color is called Laugh My Art Off. What does that have to do with a beautiful blue with blue glitter? Beats me!

What do you think of this color? Do you have a nail-polish color that you predictably gravitate toward like I do?


17 thoughts on “FingerPaints Laugh My Art Off Review & Swatches

    1. Fiona Post author

      Hi Kimberly!

      I’m trying to do a nail design with this as a base… I hope it turns out OK. It’s my first nail-art attempt!

      Trouble. Trouble. Ut oh! Do you have a Sally near you?

    1. Fiona Post author

      Haha. I find glitter polishes are a pain in my you-know-what, too, but… they’re so hard to resist. I just don’t have the willpower! 😛

  1. Marta

    You’ve done such a great job capturing the glittery sparkle of this blue polish. I’ve yet to play with this brand. I actually laughed out loud whe. You wrote “give me one of everything”… Because honestly, I’ve always dreamt of being able to go on an all-expenses-covered-and-excused mega shopping spree! How grand would that be!?!?! *sigh*
    Marta recently posted: Sally Hansen Glitzy “Salon Effects”

    1. Fiona Post author

      Awww. Thanks, Marta!

      Your comment about the mega shopping spree made me think of those old TV shows. Y’know, the ones where they give you 3 minutes on the clock and a shopping cart? At the end of 3 minutes, you get to keep everything in the cart. I think I’d faint! 😛

  2. Missy

    /makes grabby hands at bottle/

    Dang. Another one for the list… 😉

    And yeah – I want to do the ‘fill a shopping basket with polish ‘n stuff’ at Sallys every time I’m in there.

  3. Nicole

    I don’t have a lot of Finger Paints, but the ones I have I love! I’ve got a darker turquoise blue that’s similar in finish to this, and it’s mesmerizing – I think they do a good job with their glitters 🙂 This is so pretty!
    I’d be in a LOT of trouble if there were a Sally’s five minutes from my house. Haha!
    Nicole recently posted: Thank you!

    1. Fiona Post author

      What’s that color called? Is it Art You Wondering? Just checked that out on your blog, and wow… It’s gorgeous. I might have to revisit Sally… dun dun DUNNN. 😛

  4. Marcia

    You are veru funny!! I found your blog when I googled “FP Laugh My Art Off” because its the polish Im currently wearing as in just 5mins ago and I wanted to see how it looked on other girls. Im fascinated with the covering you got because I had to try 4 coats before my OCD stopped bugging me. Since I didnt have the time to try four coats this time I layered it over ChinaGlaze Shower Together and it looks awesome! Like Dorothy Who? Dupe. Anyway, just be warned: I’ll add your blog to my favs!!
    Have a nice day!
    Marcia recently posted: Color Club Love Links

    1. Fiona Post author

      Hi Marcia!

      Welcome to our blog! Glad you enjoyed your first visit. Hope there’ll be many more. And thanks for the compliment! 🙂

      I actually didn’t layer this over anything. It’s just 3 straight coats! I used medium-thick coats for the 2nd and 3rd applications. The first application I felt I didn’t load enough on my brush and the polish didn’t cover well. So I made the 2nd and 3rd ones a bit thicker.

      I would love, love, love to see this layered over Shower Together. Will you be posting your swatches soon?


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