Eye of the Day: Clown Eyes

Flash Eye Look of the Day Rainbow EyesMy true love is nail polish in case you couldn’t already tell! 😉 But I do wear eye shadow nearly every day. Typically I wear grays, blacks, greens, and teals. And I always wear them as a smokey eye look.

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted an Eye of the Day on here (January – yikes!), and the Maleficent-Inspired Purple Eye Look I did that you’ve seen as my Twitter and beautylish profile pictures was done way back in October 2010!

This called for a personal challenge! Time for me to step outside my comfort zone and to try an Eye of the Day that I’m sarcastically calling Clown Eyes. (Maybe you could use this look for Hallowe’en this year with bolder colours?)

I used mainly yellow, blue, and pink, all from the NYX Eyeshadow Trio Team Spirit palette, as well as a few other items. (I’ll be swatching and reviewing this palette soon.)

*~* Eye Look of the Day Pictures: Clown Eyes *~*

Colorful Eye of the Day Look

I see you!

Clown Eye of the Day

Staring contest, anyone?

Colourful Eye of the Day Look

Oh, why are you running away? Was it something I said?

Flash Eye Look of the Day Rainbow Eyes

Flash Clown Eye of the Day

Clown Eye of the Day Look

I haven't worn mascara in a long time. I only put some on my upper lashes when I was going to take photos. Heh, I'm rusty at applying mascara.

Rainbow Eye Close Up

While this might not be super colourful or bright to you, it sure is for me considering all the dark smokey looks I’ve been sporting for years. Even when I wear bright teal, I always darken the corners with gray and black, so the overall look is dark.

When it comes to blending and wearing multiple eye-shadow colours, I’m still learning a lot. Haha, I don’t claim to be the Queen of Blending.

Looking at my eyes blown up so big, I now realize I should’ve blended the blue out way more, but I’m still happy with how this turned out. And that’s good enough for me. I don’t make perfection my goal. Happiness is my goal, and with this look, I was happy while wearing it, so mission accomplished. 😀

And, as you can see, I don’t do anything to my eyebrows. I love it when other people fill in their brows, but I just don’t want to do mine – I’m content with how they look even though they’re not perfect. I’ll tweeze them sometimes, but that’s as far as my brow maintenance goes. I’d rather spend my time painting my nails.

I’m hoping that I’ll get better over time and that I’ll branch out to more colourful looks as time goes on. And who knows? Maybe if you plan to dress up as a clown this Hallowe’en, it’ll give you some makeup ideas. 😉

Clown Eyes: Paint by Numbers

Rainbow Eyes What I Used

What I Used:

  1. NYX Barely There (from the NYX Eyeshadow Trio Barely There/Champagne/Root Beer palette)
  2. Unnamed blue shadow (from the NYX Eyeshadow Trio Team Spirit palette)
  3. Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-on Eye Pencil in Electric
  4. Unnamed pink shadow (from the NYX Eyeshadow Trio Team Spirit palette)
  5. Unnamed yellow shadow (from the NYX Eyeshadow Trio Team Spirit palette)
  6. Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-on Eye Pencil in Perversion

Also used:

After trying this, I want to go all out another time and do the same thing, but also add green and purple. I think it would look really fun for a New Year’s Eve look. And I’d like to play around with more liner colours. (Normally I wear mainly black or green, so even using the vivid blue was a step outside my comfort zone.)

If you decide to do a look like this, I suggest smudging out the blue liner more than I did and then going over it with the blue shadow to soften it more and help it blend better.

Hey, could you help me out? What kind of eyes do I have: almond, round, deep-set, shallow, hooded, etc.? Haha, I have no idea, so please tell me! (I’m thinking they’re almond, but don’t most people have almond-shaped eyes?)

What did you think of this look? Too colourful or not colourful enough? Will you be dressing up as a clown for Hallowe’en? (I’ll probably dress up in a gothic/horror costume.)


10 thoughts on “Eye of the Day: Clown Eyes

  1. Rini

    Ooooh it’s super pretty! I love Electric, it’s one of my favorite glide on pencils 🙂 And I agree, I think they’re almond 🙂 Thanks for showing, your eyes are gorgeous 🙂
    Rini recently posted: Straight up SWAG.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Rini!

      Yes, Electric is so gorgeous – really adds that pretty pop of colour. 🙂

      Glad you liked this look! I’ll need to play around with more (and bolder) colours next time.

  2. Carmela

    I’m a new fan of Electric! I never thought to use it that way. I love how the look you came up with is bright and colorful but still soft and very wearable. 🙂 The unexpected pops of blue made my heart skip a beat! Pretty!

    I can never wear blue eyeshadow/liner bec I almost always end up looking strangely off. I’ve been crushing on Nars Outremer for the longest time now tho, even if I know I can never ever pull it off. Haha!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Carmela!

      I’m happy that you liked it! Next time, I want to try something really crazy and wearable for Hallowe’en. An intense rainbow eye look would be so much fun. We’ll see if I can do it. Haha, even if it doesn’t turn out the best, I still may blog about it.

      Have you tried wearing blue eyeliner just on the outer corners or just on the lower lashline? I love when people use a colourful eyeliner on just the bottom. Really brightens up the eye area. I’ve tried doing it a few times, but it didn’t look right on me.

      1. Carmela

        I haven’t tried just the outer corners but having it on the lashline looks very strange. I’ve had more luck with metallics like bronze on the lower lash line and that actually makes me look more awake and well-rested. 🙂

        1. Mary Post author

          I’m not the biggest fan of Nicki Minaj, but when I saw her rock blue eyeliner on just her lower lashline, it really made me love it! Haha, when I tried it, it literally made me look sad.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Mellinail!

      Thank you so much! 🙂 I had a blast trying something new.

      These colours were really soft – made it very easy to blend out. But the blue shadow practically got blended away, which is why I ended up having to use the eyeliner to brighten it up.


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