Everyday Minerals Blush Swatches & Review

Everyday Minerals BlushesBlush is a fast way to give your complexion a little (or big) boost. It wakes up your face and makes you look like the picture of health. And the best part? It takes under 8 seconds to apply, and you’re out the door.

Everyday Minerals Blush is hands down my favorite blush ever. Why? It contains very few ingredients (which means no extra chemicals and fillers), comes in a wide variety of colors and finishes, and doesn’t contain Bismuth Oxychloride (which I’m allergic to in face and eye products).

Continue reading to learn more as I give you the lowdown on the blush showdown. And I’ve swatched all 8 Everyday Minerals blushes I own!

Everyday Minerals Blush Swatches

Everyday Minerals Blush Swatches

Left-Right: Girl's Day, Raspberry Sherbet, Time Share, Pink Ribbon, New Shoes, Walkee Talkee, Salon Fun & Sprung!

Everyday Minerals Blush Swatches

Everyday Minerals Blush Swatches

L-R: Girl's Day, Raspberry Sherbet, Time Share, Pink Ribbon & New Shoes

Everyday Minerals Blush Swatches

L-R: New Shoes, Walkee Talkee, Salon Fun & Sprung!

Everyday Minerals Blush Pictures

Everyday Minerals Blushes

Top-Bottom, Left-Right: Girl's Day, Raspberry Sherbet, Time Share, Pink Ribbon, New Shoes, Walkee Talkee, Salon Fun & Sprung!

Everyday Minerals Blush Packaging

Left-Right: Big Size, Sample Size

Everyday Minerals Blush Big Size

Everyday Minerals Blush Big Size

Everyday Minerals Sample Size Blush

Everyday Minerals Blush Sample Size

Everyday Minerals Big Size Blush

Big Size (5.5 g)

Everyday Minerals Sample Size Blush

Sample Size (1 g)

Everyday Minerals Blush Ingredients

Everyday Minerals Girl's Day Blush Ingredients

Everyday Minerals Girl's Day Blush - Shimmer

Everyday Minerals New Shoes Blush Ingredients

Everyday Minerals New Shoes Blush - Matte

Everyday Minerals Pink Ribbon Blush Ingredients

Everyday Minerals Pink Ribbon Blush - Shimmer

Everyday Minerals Raspberry Sherbet Blush Ingredients

Everyday Minerals Raspberry Sherbet Blush - Shimmer

Everyday Minerals Time Share Blush Ingredients

Everyday Minerals Time Share Blush - Matte

Everyday Minerals Salon Fun Blush Ingredients

Everyday Minerals Salon Fun Blush - Sheen

Everyday Minerals Sprung! Blush Ingredients

Everyday Minerals Sprung! Blush - Sheen

Everyday Minerals Walkee Talkee Blush Ingredients

Everyday Minerals Walkee Talkee Blush - Sheen


    Brilliantly pigmented
    Velvety texture

Key Notes

  • Name: Everyday Minerals Blush
  • Amount: Big Size (5.5 g) & Sample Size (1 g)
  • What I Paid: $8 USD for Big Sizes  & $2.50 USD for Sample Sizes
  • Colors Available:
    • Matte: Apple, Daydream, Email Me, Nick Nack, Once and Again, Plum Dust, Soft Touch, Weekend Getaway, All Smiles, Best Friends, Time Share, Wild Vines & SoCo
    • Sheen: Snooze Bar, Waffle Cone, Corner Office, New Car Smell, Walkee Talkee, Summer Stroll, Snuggle, Salon Fun, Sprung!, Raw Sugar Blush, Truly Tiger, Bollywood & Like Lady Bird Lake
    • Shimmer: Girl’s Day, Tea Time, Pink Ribbon, Theme Park, Sand Cherry & Come What May
  • Where to Buy: Everyday Minerals

Everyday Minerals Blush Review

Up until I discovered them a few years ago, I thought that I’d never be able to wear blush. In elementary school all the way up to my university hay days, I tried powder blushes, stick blushes, cream blushes, and liquid blushes. All of them irritated my cheeks!

I was wary to try Everyday Minerals blush, but on their site, I saw that they listed the few ingredients each blush contained, so I gave it a shot. I’m so glad I did! These are the only blushes to date that I’ve been able to wear – mainly because they don’t contain Bismuth Oxychloride (which also tends to be in lots of mineral makeup, regular eye shadows, and numerous blushes)!

What I love most about Everyday Minerals blushes is that a little goes a long way – they’re highly pigmented, so be careful! In my swatches above, I really laid the product on heavy so you could see the color better. For any of these, you can totally sheer it out or build it up to how pigmented you want it.

Tap the powder lightly from the sifter into the inside of the lid to dispense a small amount. Then, I recommend using a ‘skunk brush’ or stippling brush like the MAC 187 or the Sigma F50 Brush (formerly called the Sigma SS187). Using this kind of brush allows you to avoid applying too much product and looking like you’re Bozo’s sidekick in the traveling circus.

The mineral blushes by Everyday Minerals feel so light on your skin like you’re not wearing it. And I love their ever-expanding range of colors! What’s also nice is that there are different finishes available so you can achieve the look you’re after:

  • Matte – No shine
  • Sheen – Subtly catches the light
  • Shimmer – Dramatic & sparkly

I recommend the Everyday Minerals matte and sheen blushes for day-to-day, and they’re the finishes I prefer to wear. The shimmer blushes are probably more suitable for the evening and a festive night out or for those who have drier skin and want some shine.

Here are my descriptions of the Everyday Minerals blushes I swatched:

  • Girl’s Day – Autumnal orange (Warning: Watch for glitter fallout!)
  • Raspberry Sherbet – Hint of purple (Warning: Watch for glitter fallout!)
  • Time Share – Dusty mauve
  • Pink Ribbon – Muted Barbie pink
  • New Shoes – Cranberry with pink undertones
  • Walkee Talkee – Coral pink
  • Salon Fun – Medium rose pink
  • Sprung! – Orangey pink

These Everyday Mineral blushes are also multi-purpose because you can totally use them as eye shadows, too! Some of these would look killer to warm/darken up the crease in an eye look.

Also, just a tip I wanted to post. The sticker covering the sifter holes on the sample size containers can be really difficult to peel off with your nails. And if you have a manicure, you won’t want to ruin it by doing this. The fastest way I’ve found is to use the tip of a pair of scissors to pick at the sticker. Once a little lifts up, you can pull it off with your fingers easily. I wish Everyday Minerals put a pull-tab for the sticker like they do with the big-sized blushes.


  • Affordable
  • Safe for sensitive skin
  • No Bismuth Oxychloride & many other allergens/fillers
  • A little goes a long way
  • Highly pigmented
  • Easy-to-use
  • Available in a wide variety of shades
  • Available in different finishes (matte, sheen & shimmer)
  • Not tested on animals
  • No commitment – you can order sample sizes instead of the big sizes to test out more colors
  • Can also be used as an eye shadow

  • Can only be purchased online
  • Sometimes colors are discontinued

Final Verdict: 9.5/10

The wide variety of colors and 3 different finishes ensure that you find the perfect Everyday Minerals blush for you. I recommend this for everyone, but especially for those who have sensitive skin or cosmetic allergies. These are as natural as it gets, and you won’t have to rob the bank to get that healthy glow.

Do you wear blush? Are you into corals, pinks, peaches, or reds?


7 thoughts on “Everyday Minerals Blush Swatches & Review

  1. Elmira

    This blog post was beyond helpful. I was browsing the Everyday Minerals website and could not find the ingredients list for blushes, or any of their other products for that matter, and your post was so helpful. Thank you so much for the added details (swatches and pros and cos list). I’ll definitely have to give it a try. I think I’m going for “Time Share.” Thanks again! 🙂

    1. Mary Post author

      You’re very welcome, Elmira! It was fun swatching all those colors together.

      The Everyday Minerals website actually does post the ingredients of their products. Scroll all the way down to the bottom and then click on “Ingredients” (which is in a fancy script).

      And don’t forget to check out Swatch And Learn again in the next little while. Fiona and I are planning an Everyday Minerals blush giveaway! (We’ll be posting more information in our “Giveaway” tab at the top.)

  2. Dodo

    I am going to place an order for some of EM products and was wondering how much you paid for shipping. What’s written out for my order is $22.95 for shipping itself. >.<
    Thanks for your help!
    Dodo recently posted: Drugs again

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Dodo,

      Bad news…

      I recently placed an order for 8 of my favorite Everyday Minerals Base, and was totally shocked by the shipping fee, too! It seems like they recently increased the shipping rate to $20-ish to Canada, and there’s only one shipping option. 🙁

      I’ve ordered from them for years before, and it used to be just around $6. Also, when I received my package (the order total was over $100, I think), I was slapped with a COD charge of about $20 on top of it all. So…looks like I’m going to have to do some research and find another good mineral foundation because the exorbitant shipping fee and surprising COD charge makes it too expensive.

      This really stinks because I was really in love with that particular foundation. But no matter how great it is, a ridiculous shipping fee is enough to make me look elsewhere…*sigh*

      1. Mary Post author

        Hey again, Dodo!

        Just wanted to let you know that I looked at their site today, and they now offer the much more affordable shipping option again! Even for orders over $50 sent to Canada, the shipping was just $6-ish! 🙂 So now we aren’t stuck using FedEx, which charged a ridiculous amount!


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