Essie Silk Watercolor Collection Swatches, Bottle Shots & Press Release

Essie Silk Watercolor CollectionIn July, the Essie Silk Watercolor Collection comes out, and it features a clean white intended to be used as a base and eight buildable, translucent colours that can be layered to create an original nail masterpiece!

This post contains a closer look at all the colours with bottle shots and swatches.

I included swatches with the white base and without the white base. Plus you’ll see how  the lacquers intensify with two coats.

For further information and the colour story behind the Essie Silk Watercolor Collection, you can read the official press release that contains all the details.

Since PR was kind enough to not only send me this collection (and in a cute gift bag), but also the press booklet, I snapped photos of the booklet and bag, so that we can share the experience together. (It’s more fun this way!)

While flipping through the Essie Silk Watercolor Collection press booklet, I saw some playful nail-art looks plus a step-by-step tutorial for one, so I took photos of them in case you’d like to try your hand at them. (I may try the Ombre Nouveau nail art because I’m a fan of wearing rainbows on my nails! If I end up doing it, I’ll be sure to share my manicure with you on here and/or on my social media.)

There are nine shades in the Essie Silk Watercolor Collection:

  • Muse, Myself
  • Art New-Beau
  • Blush Stroke
  • Love Sheen
  • Highest Bidder
  • No Shrinking Violet
  • Point of Blue
  • Pen & Inky
  • White Page

Essie Silk Watercolor Collection Pictures

Essie Silk Watercolor Collection 2015

Silk Watercolor Collection 2015 Essie

Essie Silk Watercolor 2015 Collection Pictures

Essie Silk Watercolour Collection 2015

Silk Watercolor by Essie

The Essie Silk Watercolor Collection arrived in an elegant white gift bag!

Essie Silk Watercolors

Here’s what I saw when I peeked inside.

Silk Watercolor 2015 by Essie

Silk Watercolor Collection Essie

Essie Silk Watercolor Collection

Silk Watercolor Essie Collection

Essie Silk Watercolor 2015 Collection Pictures & Swatches

Essie Silk Watercolor

Silk Watercolor Essie 2015

Essie Silk Watercolor 2015 Collection

Essie Silk Watercolor Muse Myself

Essie Muse, Myself

Essie Muse, Myself

Brilliant. Creative. Charismatic. This seductive citrus is all the inspiration you need.


Essie Silk Watercolor Art New-Beau

Essie Art New-Beau

Essie Art New-Beau

True love or pick-up artist? Who cares? You’ll fall for this eternally hot orange flame every time.


Essie Silk Watercolor Blush Stroke

Essie Blush Stroke

Essie Blush Stroke

Captivating charm. Masterful technique. This daring scarlet elevates flirting to an art.


Essie Silk Watercolor Love Sheen

Essie Love Sheen

Essie Love Sheen

Float away on a cloud of sweet love with this glowing shade of amorous rose. Sigh.

Essie Silk Watercolor Highest Bidder

Essie Highest Bidder

Essie Highest Bidder

Rich, assertive and relentlessly determined, this lavish deep crimson just loves to win – a lot.


Essie Silk Watercolor No Shrinking Violet

Essie No Shrinking Violet

Essie No Shrinking Violet

The sheer power of this fierce ultra violet proves delicate beauty is a force to be reckoned with.


Essie Silk Watercolor Point of Blue

Essie Point of Blue

Essie Point of Blue

View the world through the lens of this visionary blue iris and acquire a fashionable perspective.


Essie Silk Watercolor Pen & Inky

Essie Pen & Inky

Essie Pen & Inky

Want to create a signature look? Draw upon the cool reserve of this chic graphic teal.


Essie Silk Watercolor White Page

Essie White Page

Essie White Page

Anything is possible. Get ready to make your mark in this vivid bright white.

Essie Silk Watercolor Collection Swatches

Artificial Light Photos

Essie Silk Watercolor Swatches

2 Coats (No White Base) Left-Right: White Page, Muse, Myself, Art New-Beau, Blush Stroke, Love Sheen, Highest Bidder, Point of Blue, No Shrinking Violet & Pen & Inky

Essie Silk Watercolor Swatches 1

1 Coat (with White Base)

Essie Silk Watercolor Swatches 2

2 Coats (with White Base)

Natural Light Photo

Essie Silk Watercolor Swatches 2 Natural Light

2 Coats (with White Base)

In the press booklet that PR gave me, there were some nail-art ideas, so I snapped photos to include them in this post.

Nail Art Ideas

Featuring the Essie Silk Watercolor Collection

Essie Silk Watercolor Nail Art

Essie Silk Watercolor Nail Art Ideas

A closer look!

How to recreate the look!

How to recreate the look!

Essie Nail Art Silk Watercolor

Essie Silk Watercolor Nailart

Essie Silk Watercolor Nails Nail Art

Silk Watercolor Essie Nail Art

Below is the official press release provided to me by PR:

Essie Silk Watercolor 2015 Collection Press Release

Unleash Your Creative Genius

Introducing Essie’s Silk Watercolor Collection

Delicate effects. Vivid hues. Sheer beauty. Essie is thrilled to announce the launch of the Silk Watercolor collection. As the fashion industry’s go-to nail color authority, these exquisite sheers embody Essie’s passion for artistry, trend and boundary-pushing creativity. Available exclusively in salons, this collection of layer able, buildable colors is a chic departure from traditional creams, adding soft dimension to every professional’s palette. Add an artistic touch to nail designs in the spirit of Cezanne and Van Gogh, with a whole new level of virtuosity. Translucent, bendable color makes watercolour effects a breeze; overlapping shades create a range of tonality and depth.

With a nod to fine, hand-painted skills and chiffons floating down the runways, this unprecedented collection of nine shades unlock the creative genius in every nail artist. The luminous formula encourages pros to expand their technique with intricate designs and new genres of embellishment. With shade names inspired by the fascinating collision of the worlds of art and fashion, these watercolours are sure to paint their way into nail art history.

I’m in love with an art new-beau: Essie’s Silk Watercolor collection. With every sheer blush stroke I create dazzling new effects and I a muse, myself. Museum-quality pen & inky designs are sure to spark a love sheen with even the most discerning highest bidder. An unapologetically chic point of blue is no shrinking violet. What’s my inspiration? All I need is a white page, Essie and my imagination.

The Silk Watercolor 2015 Collection will be available exclusively in salon as of July 2015 at a suggested retail price of $8.99.

Essie Silk Watercolor Collection vs. OPI Color Paints Collection

If you’re a nailphile who keeps up-to-date on nail news like I do, you probably have heard about the OPI Color Paints Collection that was released a little while ago. Maybe you’re wondering how the Essie Silk Watercolor Collection compares to it.

Both have the same concept in that they include a wide range of translucent colours that are designed to be layered over a base.

The OPI collection has a silver base, so putting their colours on top yields a more metallic look, whereas the Essie collection has a white base, which makes layered colours look more like a creamy jelly. (You could definitely use the OPI shades over Essie’s white and Essie’s shades over OPI’s silver.)

I did a whole detailed post with bottle shots and swatches of the OPI Color Paints Collection earlier, so you can check it out if you want to compare the individual colours.

What designs would you create using the Essie Silk Watercolor Collection? If you could pick only one colour in this Essie collection that’s your favourite, which would it be? 


24 thoughts on “Essie Silk Watercolor Collection Swatches, Bottle Shots & Press Release

  1. Melissa

    This looks like a very interesting set. It looks like it’s similar to the set the OPI did of the sheer tints. That set didn’t work out for a lot of people. I’m curious to see how this one compares. The colors are bright and bold which I’m really liking. thanks for sharing them with us.

  2. Abbi Crutchfield

    It’s gonna be hard to wait for this one to show up at the discount stores! But that’s how I get all my Essies….trying to resist temptation! I have hopes since there are two other similar lines out.
    Abbi Crutchfield recently posted: De-potting 101

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Abbi!

      Perseverance and patience make for a winning combination sometimes. 🙂 I hope that you get all the ones that you have your eyes on (and for a discount, too)!

  3. Fedoraharp

    Everyone seems to be jumping on the sheer buildable jelly bandwagon lately and I could not be happier about that! The OPI sheer tints were good in concept (and I did buy them), but in practice they were a little *too* sheer to really do very much with. These (and the OPI Color paints) look much more versatile, and I can’t wait to see what the instagram nail artists will do with them 😀 I’m gonna wait to see the consensus on these, but I’m definitely craving some sheer jellies and I will probably pick some up!
    Fedoraharp recently posted: NOTD: Pastel gradient with flower glitter

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey FedoraHarp!

      Yes, looks like it’s the next nail trend. I wonder how big it’ll become (i.e. if drugstore brands will put out their own versions like back in the day when crackle was everywhere).

      I am on the same page as you about the OPI Sheer Tints. I wanted to love them, but when I tried them for the first time, I was disappointed because even with several coats, they were too sheer.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Sasha!

      Although these days I find myself being so swamped and not having much free time, I’m going to make time to do one of the cool nail-art designs from Essie’s press booklet. I really like the one with the white background and rainbow ombre. 🙂

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Lizzy!

      Seems like it! 🙂 It’ll be interesting to see how widespread this trend will be. Exciting nail news to watch!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Corri!

      These are definitely not stringy at all. They’re pretty smooth, although some are a little bit thicker. They’re easy to paint with – no stringiness.

  4. Tanya

    Love how thorough your reviews are! This collection piques my interest so much more than the OPIs, maybe I’m still stung over Sheer Tints but these Essie colors appeal to me. Will be stalking my local salon.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Tanya!

      Thank you – that means a lot to me that you really enjoy my posts. I put a lot of hard work into them, and I always hope that readers will find them useful! 🙂

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Cat!

      I agree with you! Being a green fiend, myself, I always want to see more green nail polishes. As for the pinks, I wish they would’ve dropped one pink and added a really bright red.

  5. Cindi

    I loved the sheer tints so I just know I am going to like these too. I am excited to see what creative ideas everyone comes up with. I know this is going to inspire many beautiful and stunning manicures.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Cindi!

      These are way better than the OPI Sheer Tints. They’re more along the lines of the OPI Color Paints, which are fun! 🙂

      Like you, I’m also very much looking forward to seeing what other nailphiles come up with. I’m sure they’ll inspire me!

  6. Sofie

    Yikes. I’m in love with at least half of this collection… My wallet won’t be pleased with me. o_O;; At the same time I’m so happy I found out about these colours, so thank you. :’D

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Sofie!

      Hehe, as long as you shop responsibly, have fun and enjoy the beautiful colours! Hope you enjoy experimenting with them!


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