Canadian Giveaway: Win the Essie Resort 2015 Collection!

Edit (Sunday April 26): Congratulations, Amber! You’ve won my giveaway! To claim your prize, please reply to my e-mail within 48 hours.

Thanks to everyone for participating. I’m going to have another fun nail-polish giveaway soon, and it’s going to be open worldwide!


Thanks for stopping by Swatch And Learn today! 🙂

I’m having a spontaneous little giveaway, thanks to NailPolishCanada. We teamed up again to make one lucky Canadian nailphile’s day. (It could be you this time!)

Until April 24th, enter my Essie Resort 2015 Collection Canadian Giveaway!

Essie Resort 2015 Collection Giveaway

There are four shades in the Essie Resort 2015 Collection: Suite Retreat, Stones N’ Roses, Time for Me Time, and Cocoa Karma. (The giveaway is for these full-sized nail polishes.)

It’s easy to participate. Simply fill out the Rafflecopter form and leave a comment on this blog post answering the question, “Where do you see yourself in 10 years?”

Giveaway Details

Starts: Now

Ends: Friday April 24, 2015 at 11:59 pm EDT

Who Can Enter: Canadian residents

Prize: Essie Resort 2015 Collection (Four full-size nail polishes)

You Must Do BOTH Things Below to Enter My Giveaway:

  • Fill out the below Rafflecopter form.
  • Leave a comment on this blog post answering the question: “Where do you see yourself in 10 years?”

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Want Extra Entries?

You can earn extra entries by completing the other options listed in the Rafflecopter form. (There are options that allow you to gain a new entry daily!)

Selecting the Winner:

Sometime on April 25 or 26, I’ll notify the winner (chosen randomly by Rafflecopter) via e-mail. I’ll also announce it on some of my social-media platforms, as well as in this blog post before I e-mail the winner. The winner will have 48 hours to reply to my e-mail to claim the prize. Failure to do so will force me to randomly draw another winner.

What Happens Next?

The winner will send me their mailing address, and I’ll forward it to NailPolishCanada, who will send the prize to you directly.

Important Note:

Please add swatchandlearn (at) gmail (dot) com to your Safe list so my e-mail doesn’t accidentally go to the Junk folder.

Good luck!

Thanks for being an awesome reader!

Social Media You’ll Find Me On:

Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Google+ / beautylish / BlogLovin’

RSS Feed & E-mail Subscription


78 thoughts on “Canadian Giveaway: Win the Essie Resort 2015 Collection!

  1. Samantha

    That’s a tricky question! I would like to be living in British Columbia and working in the entertainment or marketing industry!

  2. Christina

    Healthy and happy at home and at work! Material goals don’t matter that much to me but happiness and good health are irreplaceable.

  3. Heidi

    I think about this over and over, I have two little ones. I am a stay at home mom. I have been anxiously waiting to fulfill my dreams, I can see myself owning my own salon. Dreams do come true, never loose that inner strength to keep going. We all start somewhere it’s the ones who keep climbing who achieve.

  4. Genevieve

    In ten years I’d like to be married to my BF with a bunch of kids running around! Good luck to everyone <3 Thanks for hosting a giveaway.

  5. MacKenzie D

    In 10 years, I’ll be 32! I hope to have all my babies by then and be a stay at home mom! I’ve been telling my man we should start now but he just thinks I’m nuts!

  6. Abigail

    To me, 10 years feels so far away…I hope by then to have finally found a job that I love, that makes a difference in the world. I hope that I’ve found someone I love and can live with, and that we have the ability to travel all over the world together.

  7. Stacy R

    I hope to be happy and healthy. I’ve been evolving so much in the past couple years, so who knows where I’ll be 🙂

  8. lawren

    Hmm wow. 10 years is a long time, but I would like to hope that maybe I’m working for myself and being my own boss. I would also love to either own a vacation home or live in Hawaii :3

  9. Jeannie

    In 10 years, my oldest will be in highschool and I’m hoping I’ll be back to work and we’ll be in a house!

  10. Samantha Gurney

    Hopefully raising babies just outside of Vancouver.
    Or failing that, at least happily surrounded by friends and family.

  11. Caitlyn

    It’s hard to say what 10 years could bring, but I’m hoping to be living back in the city and travelling the world with my husband.

  12. Amy -Lee Tran

    Where do I see myself in 10 years? Married with two little ones running around and owning my own dessert shop to share my love of sweets with everyone!

  13. Kristin smith

    I will finally graduate and be a successful social worker, using my compassion to help others, hopefully be able to have another baby to give my little guy a sibling. And just be enjoying and loving my family.

  14. Stephanie

    In 10 yes I hope both my kids are doing the well in the university of their choice, spending some much needed travel time with hubby and living life to is fullest

  15. Elizabeth Hiscock

    Married to my lovely boyfriend, maybe with some children and an even bigger nail polish collection of course!

  16. Caroline Frappier

    In ten years’ time, I dream of being happily settled in Vancouver, Kitsilano area! I want to be active, happy with my job, away from the constant snow of Montreal, QC and eating sushi on the daily! I want to be a fashionable, fit working woman with healthy kids at home. I want to have travelled, and breathed and lived and loved. Too much to ask? No way!

  17. Tara Timms

    That’s a big question! I hope to be in my own home with my son, still healthy and working, and surrounding by all my loved ones. Thanks for the contest! Lacqueristas rock!

  18. Anne

    Hopefully we’ve expanded our family, completed our minor home renos and have taken one or two kid-free vacations!
    I’ll be 44 so hopefully I’ll be healthy and not too wrinkly 😉

  19. Taylor

    I could see myself having kids 10 years from now, but as far as where I’m living, I really don’t know! I’ve moved so many times.

  20. Marta

    ………………..maybe grandchildren, seeing my youngest get his PHD in Engineering and Physics……good things I hope, have had enough bad ones for one lifetime!

  21. Judy Cowan

    In 10 years I am not sure where I see myself – I hope I am healthy, enjoying my life with my hubby and hopefully with more money!

  22. Lauren

    Let’s see…in ten years, I’d like to have done some more traveling (I wasn’t finished with London!) and be happily settled in somewhere as a writer or editor. I could also see having a few kids with the soon-to-be husband by then. 😉

  23. Rhonda W G.

    This is a hard question for me. I live with chronic illness so it’s difficult to project…I live one day at a time literally…Sometimes hour by hour…

  24. heidi c.

    In ten years, I will be a mom of two teens and two tweens, still busy in my career, married to my hubby and hopefully living closer to my family.

  25. Tammy Dalley

    I see myself happy , and loving every minute of my life, with well respected teens and maybe a little girl,and still in a relationship with the most amazing man ever!!!

  26. Tammy Dalley

    accidently wrote instagram name as tammykayc on the follow on instagram entry suppose to be tammykayv, Thanks

  27. Nate Fuller

    Were launching our family blog this September so hopefully in 10 years we’ll have a thriving blog with many followers!

  28. Amber Y

    in 10 years I’m hoping to have started and finished my family, moved into a small house with a large garden and own a blog that’s thriving away.

  29. Rebby

    I see myself on my way to retirement with a good savings plan an a clear path to be able to retire in my 50s. 20 years to do it!

  30. Silvia D

    i see myself in early retirement and enjoying my step grandkids and hopefully my 2 kids giving me some grandkids!

  31. Rachel C

    In ten years, I will be finished my post-secondary education, and hope to have a good paying job and own a home. I also plan to travel more. Really excited to see where the next decade takes me!


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