Essie Knockout Pout Swatches & Review

Essie Knockout Pout Swatches & ReviewEssie Knockout Pout is a K.O. of colour that’s sorely needed during the winter. POW! BAM! ZOWWIE! (Okay, I just made up that last one, but it seemed to tie in with the whole retro-Batman theme.)

With the days getting shorter, colour therapy in the form of nail polish can be a real boost!

I’ve always picked up the Essie Knockout Pout bottle in the store to admire, but put it back on the shelf. Finally, it came home with me.

This time, I wanted a pick-me-up, and this was just the colour I knew could work some magic. I was right! 🙂

Essie Knockout Pout Pictures

Knockout Pout by Essie

Natural Light



Essie Knockout Pout

Natural Light




Essie Knockout Pout Ingredients

Essie Knockout Pout Ingredients


Essie Knockout Pout Swatches

All swatches have:

Natural Light Photos

Essie Knockout Pout Swatches & Review

Essie Knockout Pout Swatch & Pics

Essie Knockout Pout Review & Swatch

Essie Knockout Pout Swatch & Review


Essie Knockout Pout Pictures

Flash Photos


Essie Knockout Pout Swatch

Essie Knockout Pout Swatches

Knockout Pout Essie Swatch



Hot pink

Key Notes

  • Name: Essie Knockout Pout
  • Collection: Essie Summer 2010 Collection
  • Colours Available in the Collection: Knockout Pout, Haute as Hello, Miss Matched, Demure Vixen, Pretty Edgy & Vermillionaire
  • Amount: 15 mL (0.5 fl. oz.)
  • What I Paid: $4.29 CAD
  • Where to Buy: NailPolishCanada, Head2Toe & maybe some Trade Secrets stores that carry older collections

Essie Knockout Pout Review


This happy-go-lucky lacquer may look like it could be neon, but it’s not. It’s bright, but not retina-burning enough to compare itself to a highlighter marker.

I love pinks like this because they brighten up your mood in no time flat. It reminds me of eating strawberry ice cream in the summer.


Knockout Pout by Essie has a plain creme finish, but because the colour itself packs such a punch (hehe, pun intended!), it doesn’t need to have even more bells and whistles. It can just stand there, look pretty, and get away with it.

Application & Formula

It was easy to apply, but the first coat went on very streaky. The second coat helped to smooth it out a bit more, but I found it needed the third coat. Even at the third coat, I was able to see a few minor streaks.

However, after slicking on a clear top coat, the streaks weren’t visible. It was like magic! 😉 It looked really creamy and opaque.


  • The kind of pink that’ll make you smile & think of summer

  • A bit streaky & requires at least 3 coats to achieve a more-opaque finish
  • This is from a 2010 collection, so it may be tricky to track down

Final Verdict: 9.5/10

If you like pinks and/or bright shades, I recommend you try this one. The formula, although streaky at first, evens out after a top coat.

This pink is one that I love and will be wearing again! 🙂

Do you have a favourite pink? Do you like bright polishes or neon polishes better? Did you get any of the Essie Summer 2010 polishes?


6 thoughts on “Essie Knockout Pout Swatches & Review

  1. beachgal

    This is a great shade. Funny that this winter it seems totally OK to wear a # of shades that normally we would reserve for spring/summer…we saw some brights in the fall too – but when I saw Essie’s Winter collection that had the bright cobalt blue and the aqua teal (Call My Chauffeur I think is the name) – I started to notice more folks around me wearing what I thought of previously as out of season shades. I think it’s like many things…personal choice. I still don’t feel right wearing optic white pants after it gets really cold and rainy myself….but I found I have reached for some polish shades until this yr I never would wear this time of year. I cannot get enough of my pinks, teals, summer oranges, some clear blues and a few more. Essie Mojoto Madness is going yr round too it seems.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey beachgal!

      Haha, actually, I like wearing any colour whenever I want. Don’t think I really stick to seasonal shades. There are so many untrieds in my collection, and I can’t resist. 😉 The power of polish compels me!

      Hehe, white pants in the rain? That sounds like it could be an embarrassing situation!

      I’m happy to hear that you’ve been wearing the colours you like instead of always sticking to what’s seasonal. It’s fun that way, and I’m sure your polishes feel loved equally that way, too! 😉

      Mojito Madness – awesome! I still don’t have it, but I’ve never seen it look bad on anyone!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lizzy!

      It has a streaky formula, and yes, it needs 3 coats! What really made it look smooth for me was applying a coat of Seche Vite. That seems to work like magic!


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