Quick Look: Essie Cashmere Matte Collection Swatches, Bottle Shots & Press Release

Essie Cashmere Matte CollectionLast week, I came home to some surprise nail mail with theΒ Essie Cashmere Matte Collection!

The Essie Cashmere Matte Collection has a satin-like texture that’s smooth, matte, and really cool.

But what made me sit up and take note was that I wasn’t expecting them to have shimmer. At first, I thought it was my camera’s flash reflecting off the glass of the bottles, but it wasn’t.

Some of these polishes have a beautiful subtle shimmer in the bottle.

In this post, you’ll see swatches, bottle shots, and the official press release. As usual, when I wear them as full manicures, I’ll be sure to review some in-depth on here.

There are 6 shades in theΒ Essie Cashmere Matte Collection:

Essie Cashmere Matte Collection Pictures

Essie Cashmere Matte Collection

Cashmere Matte by Essie

Essie Cashmere Matte Collection 2015

Essie Cashmere Matte 2015

Essie Cashmere Matte Collection Press Release

essie’s Cashmere Matte
Introducing the essie Cashmere Matte Collection

Style mavens over the world are always on the lookout for the Next Big Thing. It’s here: essie’s luxuriously ground breaking Cashmere Matte Collection 2015.

With a satin-matte finish that’s both futuristic and instantly iconic, these shades capture essie’s powerful penchant for fashion and irresistible individuality. Cashmere Mattes are not top coats, they are durable essie polishes infused with mattifier and iridescence for a thrilling supersoft finish that’s all their own.

How did essie dream up this ubercool alternative to classic gloss finish? Inspired by the beauty and elegance of the best cashmeres, essie combined colour with these thrilling new textural innovations, fashioning a new look appropriate for any and every season. Refined semi-matte texture infused with a subtle iridescence creates compelling contrast and a fierce, fashion-forward look for any season. The revolutionary combination of matte surface with a subtle colour flash adds up to an intriguing, intricate colour effect never before seen on the market. But don’t be fooled by their sumptuous exterior, these colourful warm fuzzies are packing serious fashion edge.

The Cashmere Matte Collection will be available in salons in January 2015.

Essie Comfy in Cashmere Essie Cashmere Matte Collection

Comfy in Cashmere

Crazy about cozy? Love is a tender Trap when you fall for this blend of mauve and deep velvet undertones.

Essie Just Stitched Essie Cashmere Matte Collection

Just Stitched

This warm pearly-plush pink sews up any look – from casual Friday to creative couture.

Essie Wrap Me Up Essie Cashmere Matte Collection

Wrap Me Up

An effortlessly put-together look is a total wrap with this whisper-soft neutral soft pink.

Click here to see my Essie Wrap Me Up Swatches & Review!

Essie All Eyes on Nudes Essie Cashmere Matte Collection

All Eyes on Nudes

This camel-hued neutral tone reveals nothing but the effortless chic of a classic trench.

Essie Coat Couture Essie Cashmere Matte Collection

Coat Couture

Deep purple shimmer over compelling greige tops off any look with an air of mystery.

Essie Spun in Luxe Essie Cashmere Matte Collection

Spun in Luxe

The sophistication of this matte blue-black turns an enchanting yarn into the colour story of the year.

Click here to see my Essie Spun in Luxe Swatches & Review!

Essie Cashmere Matte Collection Swatches


    • All swatches have 2 coats of nail polish
    • All photographs are taken with my camera’s flash
    • All nail polishes in this post were provided by PR
    • The order of nail polishes are (left-right): Comfy in Cashmere, Just Stitched, Wrap Me Up, All Eyes on Nudes, Coat Couture, and Spun in Luxe

Essie Cashmere Matte Collection Swatches

In the press-release booklet that PR sent me, it also has a nail-art tutorial for creating Herringbone Leaves.

Essie Cashmere Matte Nail Art

Essie Cashmere Matte Herringbone Leaves Nail Art

They also included a note from Essie Weingarten, the Founder and Global Creative Director of Essie.

Editor’s Note: Essie Weingarten

At last! A totally new way to wear essie that embraces the sexy appeal of super-soft cashmere: introducing Cashmere Matte. With a satin-matte texture and a subtle but spellbinding micro-iridescent finish, this collection is sure to inspire you to epic fashion heights.

So forget the rules and play with these! It’s going to be very exciting to see how stylists and women of style around the globe wear, accessorize and make these shades their own!

Regardless of the season, Comfy in Cashmere embodies the timeless elegance of a velvety mauve that pairs perfectly with any zip code on the globe. The whisper soft pink of Wrap Me Up enhances your gestures of sincerity, while evoking the innocence of winter wishes come true. The warm, pearly pink of Just Stitched is every bit as translucent as it is transcendent. For the regal richness offered by a grey-mauve, nothing but Coat Couture will do. All Eyes on Nudes forges a riveting yet natural path to the neutral, marking the voyage from day to night and back again with ease. And Spun in Luxe evokes the sophisticated edge of an inky black that hints at blue – perfect for a well-heeled gallery opening.

Cashmerely yours,
Essie Weingarten

Which is your favourite from the Essie Cashmere Matte Collection? Were you as pleasantly surprised as me that they have shimmer? Are you a fan of satin-matte textured nail polishes?


20 thoughts on “Quick Look: Essie Cashmere Matte Collection Swatches, Bottle Shots & Press Release

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      Yeah, I totally wasn’t expecting that combination, either! The shimmer shows up more in the bottle, though. I found that it’s very subtle when it translates onto the nail.

  1. Lorraine

    I am going nuts for all the photos of these. can’t wait to see IRL. Comfy in Cashmere and Coat Couture look like edgy matte versions of some Essie faves, so I must have those. Essie is finally back in the game! Way to go, Essie creative team!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Lorraine!

      I’ve noticed that Essie is pushing their boundaries even more. Remember years ago when they were known for focusing on “traditional” colours? I love how they’re experimenting and being more playful.

  2. Marieke

    Dutch and German blogs are flooded with pics of the new products from our populair budget brand Catrice. They’re coming with a luxury nude collection, which could have some dupes for this collection! The soft pastels with shimmer and a soft matte look!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Marieke!

      Interesting! I’m sure that lots of Dutch and German readers are reallllly happy to hear about potential nail-polish dupes of these colours! Thanks for letting us all know. πŸ™‚

  3. Anne

    I love this collection but the alien hand sporting the houndstooth mani is a little disconcerting. Long, skinny, too perfect fingers are a little alienesque!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Anne!

      Haha, Photoshopping can be funny sometimes. I hear what you’re saying. Where are all the joints? The fingers are soooooo smooth! πŸ˜‰ Looking at that photo makes me want to reach for lotion to moisturize my hands right now.

  4. michaela

    So pretty! It’s been a while since Essie came out with anything I had to have but I really like these! I almost wish they had released them earlier.

  5. Alison

    Man, I love all of these. That combo of shimmery pearlescence and soft matte finish is my favorite — I wish they’d make a topcoat of it so I could make all my polishes look this pretty.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Alison!

      You know what? I wouldn’t be surprised if they come out with something like that – a matte top coat with a softer Cashmere Matte finish. That’s a great idea!


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