Essie Aruba Blue Swatches & Review

Essie Aruba Blue Swatches & ReviewEssie Aruba Blue is the kind of blue that I feel anyone can pull off because it’s a jewel tone.

This decadent colour seems to have that lit-from-within feel because the middle of your nails are lighter than the edges.

I imagine that if there was a robot designed by The Smurfs, it would be exactly this colour. Or maybe it could be the colour of blueberries eaten by cyborgs in the year 6000. It’s also the colour I picture an enchanted pool in fairy tales should look like.

What does Essie Aruba Blue remind you of? Smurf tears? A blue moon? The galaxy? A frosty winter’s night? (Haha, I could go on and on and on…)

Essie Auba Blue Pictures

Aruba Blue by Essie Review, Swatches & Pics


Essie Aruba Blue Swatches & Review

Natural Light

Essie Aruba Blue Review, Swatch & Pics


Essie Aruba Blue Review & Swatches

Natural Light

Aruba Blue by Essie Swatches, Review & Pictures

Essie Aruba Blue Ingredients

Essie Aruba Blue Ingredients

Essie Aruba Blue Ingredients & Review

Essie Aruba Blue Swatches

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Essie Aruba Blue Swatches & Review

Essie Aruba Blue Swatch & Review

Aruba Blue Essie Swatches, Review & Pics

Essie Aruba Blue Review & Swatch

Essie Aruba Blue Review & Swatches

Essie Aruba Blue Review, Swatch & Photos

Natural Light Photos

Essie Aruba Blue Review & Swatch

Aruba Blue by Essie Swatches, Review & Photographs

Essie Aruba Blue Pictures, Review & Swatch

Essie Aruba Blue Swatch, Review & Pictures

Essie Aruba Blue Swatch & Review


Frosty sapphire blue

Key Notes

  • Name: Essie Aruba Blue
  • Amount: 15 mL (0.5 fl. oz.) – but some Essie bottles that are the same size say 13.5 mL (0.46 fl. oz.)
  • What I Paid: Nothing! (This was provided by Natali Products. Retails for $8 USD.)
  • Where to Buy: Natali Products (if you’re an industry professional), Trade Secrets,, Nailsupplies, Head2Toe Beauty, Trans Design, NailPolishCanada & Victoria Nail Supply (if you’re an industry professional)

Essie Aruba Blue Review


Aruba Blue by Essie is a saturated blue that’s strong like a muscleman attracting attention from the ladies. 😉 It knows that it’s got the goods, and it isn’t shy about showing off. This isn’t your scrawny, anemic blue, that’s fo’ sho’! 😉

And, boy oh boy, does it ever get attention wherever it goes. Not only did a co-worker ask me what colour it was, but one of my friends and even a stranger asked me, too!

It seems to be the type of colour that catches the eye of people of all ages and both genders, which I think is very interesting.

I consider this to be a vivid jewel-tone blue. In fact, Essie even describes it as ‘sapphire’, which I think nails it right on the head.


The finish is a bit metallic with shimmer, so you can call it a frost like Essie does. And it shows a little bit of brushstrokes (nothing major…and only really noticeable if you look for it), which is one of the tell-tale signs of a frost finish. (Other people who look at your nails from afar won’t be able to see the brushstrokes. And, if they look at your nails that close, well, I don’t know what to tell you. Haha! They must reallllllly like you! :P)

Application & Formula

The formula was on the thin side, so pay extra care when applying this, or you could easily get some on your cuticles. (As you can see in my above swatches, I tried to apply this in a lazy fashion, and the result was a messy manicure.)

It went on smoothly, and as far as pigmentation goes, I found that I only needed 2 coats to fully cover the nail line.

Since the finish naturally tends to show a bit of brushstrokes, try to take your time and paint with straight strokes for the best results. (Or, you could paint it like me and still enjoy the manicure. 🙂 We’re human, and your nails don’t have to be perfect! The most important thing is that the nail polish makes you happy.)


  • Jewel-tone blue flatters many different skin tones
  • Good coverage with 2 coats
  • This colour is very easy to find

  • Formula shows very minor brushstrokes, so care should be taken when applying for best results

Final Verdict: 9/10

Aruba Blue by Essie is the kind of blue that I love to wear because it has a bold personality. (Some people like subtle nail colour, but the stronger a colour is tends to make my heart beat faster.)

And you’re in luck! This shade is very easy to get hold of, so if you want it, finding it won’t be a headache!

Do you have a preferred nail-polish finish? Do you remember what the first blue nail polish you ever wore was?

Mine was one by NYC, back in the 1990s. It was in the old cylindrical bottle with the long white handle. That shimmery navy blue was a colour I wore so often that I almost finished the entire bottle in a couple of years! And I used to layer it under a silver-glitter polish a lot because it reminded me of a night sky.

I also remember the second blue nail polish I wore. It was really a white polish that I added blue food colouring to and turned it into a murky pastel blue.

P.S. Whenever I think of “Aruba”, I always think of the song Kokomo by The Beach Boys. That’s one of my favourite songs to play in the summer.


23 thoughts on “Essie Aruba Blue Swatches & Review

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Viktorija!

      This is a great colour to wear when you’re unsure of what to wear, but want something that’ll definitely look strong. 🙂

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey MariJo!

      Aww…thanks! 😀 This is the kind of colour that would look stunning even on a doorknob. Hehe!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lady J!

      Glad you’re a fan of this colour, too! 🙂 It’s one of those shades that works well on so many skin tones. Gotta love universally-flattering shades.

  1. Carmela

    I keep picking this up every time I see it then telling myself I have a gajillion others that looks quite like it so I end up putting it back in the display. I’d love to know how it compares to similar blues!

    The first blue polish I wore? I think it was Midnight Affair by Revlon. Then I moved on to Zoya Ibiza and never looked back. 😉

    PS. Guess who now owns Frostbite? Hahaha! 😀
    Carmela recently posted: Hammie visits Joanne at Northern Nails with (More) Beach-y Nail Art

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Carmela!

      Ahhh yes! Midnight Affair! 🙂 I never tried it, but I remember that Fiona (former blogging buddy) wore it. Thought that she rocked it, even if it didn’t knock her socks off.

      YAYYYYYY! Glad you got Frostbite – you’re going to love it so much because it’s very vivid. It’ll remind you of car paint. (At least it did to me.)

        1. Mary Post author

          That’s hilarious! And did you and your husband pick out the colour of your car together? If so, maybe you can paint his nails since…hahaa…he likes the colour that much.

  2. Charlotte

    I really, really like this coulour. Your site always makes me want to buy more nailpolish. It’s too dangerous.
    Perhaps a birthday present for myself from myself? Haha…

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Charlotte!

      Hahahaha, I feel both flattered and guilty! 😉

      You could make it an un-birthday present. Hehehehhe….*Continues to be a bad influence* *Pushes horns back into head*

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey sotengelen!

      Hmm…that can be very frustrating. Have you tried applying thinner coats? Sometimes if you use medium-thick coats, polishes have a greater tendency to bubble. And sometimes polishes don’t play well with certain base and top coats. I hope that you can get the fussy polish to work for you.


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