China Glaze Ride the Waves Swatches & Review

China-Glaze-Ride-the-Waves-Swatches-ReviewDon’t let China Glaze Ride the Waves fool you! In the bottle, it just looks like your standard medium blue nail polish, but it’s so much more than that. (It’s like a surfer dude who can also give people a run for their money during a philosophical debate!)

So you can imagine how surprising it was when it turned out to be a jelly lacquer!

I have a soft spot for jellies because they have more depth than your typical creme or shimmer polish. It has that ‘squishy’ look.

Since I don’t have any dupes of this particular blue jelly polish, it scored major points in my book.

China Glaze Ride the Waves Pictures




Natural Light




Natural Light


China Glaze Ride the Waves Swatches

All swatches have:

Flash Photos



China Glaze Ride the Waves Review & Swatch

China Glaze Ride the Waves Swatch & Review

China Glaze Summer Neons Collection Ride the Waves Swatches & Review



Natural Light Photos


China Glaze Ride the Waves Summer Neons Swatches & Review

Surf the Waves by China Glaze Review & Swatch

China Glaze Summer Neons Ride the Waves



Dark ocean blue

Key Notes

China Glaze Ride the Waves Review


As you can see, Ride the Waves by China Glaze truly is a deep ocean blue, and even though it’s a refreshing and fun blue, it most certainly isn’t a retina-burning neon.

Then again, whenever a blue’s included in a neon collection, it never actually looks neon. It must be something about the pigment. Even blue highlighter markers don’t make you squint like the yellow or pink ones do.


To my delight, Ride the Waves by China Glaze was a jelly polish, so it has that squishy feel. But because it’s a jelly, it also is on the sheer side. You can see Visible Nail Line (VNL).

Application & Formula

This applied very easily and was simple to control. However, because I applied thick coats and didn’t wait long enough in between, I got a lot of bubbling on every nail.

Normally, this would really bother me, but oddly, I actually liked the bubbling on Ride the Waves! You see, the colour reminds me of the water, and the bubbles just made it look more like water! Haha! In fact, I think that if I ever do fish nail art, this would be the perfect base colour because I can get it to bubble again.

Okay, so if you never like bubbling (which I thought was my stance before this colour), just apply thin coats and be more patient in between coats. 😉


  • Gorgeous deep ocean blue
  • Jelly finish
  • Formula applies easily

  • Not a searing neon
  • Formula’s prone to bubbling a lot if applied thickly

Final Verdict: 8/10

I don’t have another blue this exact shade that’s also a jelly polish, so China Glaze Ride the Waves gets the thumbs up from me. Even when it behaves badly and bubbles, I’m still scoring it high! Looks like I have unconditional love for it…hehe. Seriously, it looks really lively on your nails, and the depth you get from this polish is worth the VNL!

Did you get any colours from this collection? Have you ever had a polish bubble and you still loved it? Do you ever go surfing?


14 thoughts on “China Glaze Ride the Waves Swatches & Review

  1. Melissa

    Hi Mary,
    Love the blue nail polish. Blue is my fave color. I won’t be buying this one because I have 1 or 2 that look simmiler. Great job as always. Have a great day and weekend. :~)

      1. Melissa

        Sorry, don’t know if they are jellies or not. I just have a lot of Blue OPI and Sally Hansen. How do I tell if they are jelly or not?

        1. Mary Post author

          Jelly polishes usually look extra shiny and are usually sheer (although some are not). The colour is saturated and it has depth. Think of the way gummy bears look. Something like that. If it’s just a creme polish, the colour is flat, and it doesn’t look jellyish.

          1. Melissa

            I don’t think that any of the ones I have are jelly, it just that I have colors simmiler. Would love to buy this color but money wise I have to pick and choose. Thank you for explaing jelly colors for me.

            1. Mary Post author

              No problem. 🙂 And even if you were a billionaire, it’s still very smart to pick and choose so you don’t wind up with dupes.

  2. Samatha

    I have this whole collection I love all the colors this blue is very pretty it’s a great color looks good. I’m still waiting for the safari collection to come out cant wait to see it.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Samantha!

      Luck you that you have the entire collection. It’s a great one!

      Oh yes – On Safari looks like it’ll be really exciting! 🙂

  3. Frosso

    I loooove this one. The moment I heard this was a jelly I knew it was a must have in the collection for me. Even though its not neon I think it still goes really well with the collection, its a great ocean blue…and whats a summer without some ocean.
    Frosso recently posted: China Glaze Pink Plumeria

  4. Marta

    Back in the days of being young and single 😉 I would have loved to have an intellectual conversation with a surfer dude 😉 … now I just watch (joking joking). I am still trying to persuade myself that jelly’s look good on me and it takes a lot for me to make an exception for a jelly and let it live in my Helmer (I’m territorial that way) lol.
    I DO love the shade of this blue though 😀
    Marta recently posted: Cult Nails – Evil Queen

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marta!

      When I think of an intellectual surfer dude, Luke Perry’s “Dylan” character from 90210 comes to mind. Haha! I wonder what you’d talk with him about. I’d probably discuss poetry with him. 😉

      Haha, did you just add the “(joking joking)” part because your husband was looking over your shoulder as you were typing that? 😛 Hehe!

      Allow me to end the debate for you: YES, jellies look awesome on you, Marta! 😀 I don’t think you can do any wrong in the polish world. Even if you tried, it would be a masterpiece.


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