China Glaze Party Hearty Swatches & Review (Revisited – Layered Over OPI Oy-Another Polish Joke!)

China Glaze Party Hearty Swatches & ReviewLast Christmas, I didn’t get a chance to wear China Glaze Party Hearty, so what did I do this holiday season? I overcompensated like a good nailphile, of course!

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably saw the festive manicure I did with Party Hearty on top of red and green. But, days before that, I was wearing Party Hearty over OPI Oy-Another Polish Joke! from the Euro Centrale Collection due out in stores February 6, 2013.

This glitterbomb is back-up worthy! There are at least 2 extra bottles in my Helmer.

I’ve worn it tons of times, but oddly this is the first time I tried it over a gold. I quite like the look. It reminds me almost of a Christmasy dinosaur egg!

P.S. I reviewed this polish on here a long time ago. Felt that it was time to revisit it. 🙂 It’s one of those polishes I could never get sick of. It’s essentially Christmas in the form of nail polish!

China Glaze Party Hearty Pictures


Natural Light

China Glaze Party Hearty


Party Hearty China Glaze

Natural Light

China Glaze Party Hearty Pics


China Glaze Party Hearty

China Glaze Party Hearty Swatches

All swatches have:

Natural Light Photos

China Glaze Party Hearty Swatches & Review

China Glaze Party Hearty Swatches

China Glaze Party Hearty Review & Swatch

China Glaze Party Hearty Review & Swatches

China Glaze Party Hearty Swatch

China Glaze Party Hearty Swatch & Review

China Glaze Party Hearty Swatch & Review OPI Oy-Another Polish Joke

China Glaze Party Hearty Christmas Nail Polish

Flash Photos

Party Hearty China Glaze Swatches

China Glaze Party Hearty Swatch

China Glaze Party Hearty Swatches

Party Hearty China Glaze Swatches Christmas Nail Polish

Party Hearty by China Glaze Swatch


√ Green, gold & red chunky glitter

Key Notes

  • Name: China Glaze Party Hearty
  • Collection: China Glaze ‘Tis The Season 2010
  • Amount: 14 mL
  • What I Paid: $2.99 USD
  • Colors Available in China Glaze ‘Tis the Season Collection: Peace On Earth, Party Hearty, Mistletoe Kisses, Jolly Holly, Little Drummer Boy, Jingle Bells, Naughty and Nice, Mommy Kissing Santa, Phat Santa, Ruby Deer, Mrs. Claus, Midnight Kiss, Cheers to You, Frosty, Snow & Sugar Plums
  • Where to Buy: Since it’s from 2010 and a limited-edition holiday collection, it’s very difficult to find now. You may find one in a clearance bin if you’re lucky. Otherwise, I suppose eBay is your best bet.

China Glaze Party Hearty Review


If Party Hearty by China Glaze was any more festive, it would hit you over the head with fruitcake!

Ever since it first came out years ago, I fell for it pretty hard because, to me, this is the perfect Christmas nail polish.

There are 3 different glitters suspended in clear lacquer. The red hexagons are the largest, so they stand out the most. Then, you have smaller, green glitter, and even smaller gold glitter! It’s so festive, it makes my nails want to belt out Joy to the World!

The colour combination makes me think of the holiday season. I love how it can liven up any base shade. It adds just the right amount of visual interest.

(And just to prove how awesome it is, when I was staying over at my mom’s place during Christmas, she let me paint her nails with China Glaze Sugar Plums and China Glaze Party Hearty on top! She doesn’t wear nail polish 99.9% of the time, and in the 0.1% of the time she does, I’ve never seen her sport glitter! So, this glitter truly is magical – it was actually at her request that I paint her nails with Party Hearty!)


Party Hearty by China Glaze is a chunky-glitter polish. It adds so much bling that whenever you wear it, it’s a special occasion.

Since it’s chunky, yes, it’s more difficult to remove. I suggest using remover with acetone in it. Otherwise, you may be there forever scrubbing your poor fingers raw.

It’s a little gritty, but when you put on a top coat, it’s easily smoothed out, and it won’t snag on your clothes.

I suggest using this polish to layer with instead of piling it on solo.

Application & Formula

Despite this being an older (and chunky-glitter) polish, it still applied smoothly. I had no problem getting the glitter to spread evenly, either. Can you say, “Winner”? 🙂

I also noticed that the formula dries pretty quickly, which is always a plus!


  • The perfect Christmas lacquer
  • Perfect for layering over many different base polishes
  • Dries quickly

  • Harder to find now since this is from an old 2010 collection

Final Verdict: 10/10

Yes, I gave it a perfect score. When I reviewed it back in 2010, I only gave it a 9 out of 10. Pfft! What was I thinking? (Clearly, I wasn’t!) 😉 This baby is everything I’ve ever wanted in a Christmas polish. It puts me in the mood, and it adds just the right amount of sparkle.

Do you have China Glaze Party Hearty in your collection? What is your perfect Christmas lacquer? Have you tried layering Party Heart over shade not typically associated with Christmas?


6 thoughts on “China Glaze Party Hearty Swatches & Review (Revisited – Layered Over OPI Oy-Another Polish Joke!)

  1. Jen

    Ditto to everything you just said….”elf barf” (as my DH affectionately nicknamed this polish) is my all-time, favorite holiday polish!!

  2. beachgal

    Yeap – I call Party Hearty the quintessential holiday glitter. I was talked into buying it from an eBay seller (a reputable one) the Jan after it came out in Dec 2008. She knows what is amazing. Like ChG Emerald Shimmer, Party Hearty is a gotta have in collections IMO. I have wore it over Zoya Ziv this yr – much as I hated to cover up Ziv..I needed to get my Party Hearty fix!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey beachgal!

      Oh yeah, Emerald Sparkle is amazing. Hehe, I remember when it came out – it was a must-have. I saw Scrangie wearing it, and it was the ultimate green.

      There are many days in the year (not around the holiday season) when I want to wear this polish. Haha, but I never do because it’s super Christmasy. So, I wait all year, and it becomes a special treat to sport it in December. 🙂

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lizzy!

      On top of the gold, each piece of glitter really stands out. Although, I must say that my favourite layering combination with this is over a dark green. Hehe, no surprise there. 😉


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