Want to direct traffic…with your fingernails? Then you need China Glaze Orange Knockout in your life!
This blindingly bright neon orange came out in the old China Glaze Ink Collection back in 2008, but I only bought it recently.
If you’re like me and don’t get into fist fights, Orange Knockout is probably as close to a brawl as you’ll ever get…and thank goodness for that! (My parents didn’t pay for my braces when I was a teenager just to have my teeth knocked out now.) Step away from the knuckleduster.
Don’t have a neon orange nail polish in your collection already? I think this one is a winner and worth tracking down. Despite it being old, you can easily find it online, and I’m not sure, but even Sally Beauty Supply may have it. It’s worth a visit.
P.S. Excuse the makeup on my pinkie’s nail. I was playing around with some foundation, and I didn’t even notice it while I was taking photos. Whoops!
China Glaze Orange Knockout Pictures


Natural Light


Natural Light
China Glaze Orange Knockout Ingredients
China Glaze Orange Knockout Swatches
All swatches have:
- Nubar Foundation Base Coat
- 3 coats of China Glaze Orange Knockout
- Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat

√ Neon orange
Key Notes
- Name: China Glaze Orange Knockout
- Collection: China Glaze Ink Collection 2008
- Colours Available in the China Glaze Ink Collection: Orange Knockout, Shocking Pink, Blue Sparrow, Flying Dragon, Rose Among Thorns, Sacred Heart, Japanese Koi, Celtic Sun, Pink Voltage, Purple Panic & In the Lime Light
- Amount: 14 mL (0.5 fl. oz.)
- What I Paid: $3.12 CAD
- Where to Buy: NailPolishCanada, Victoria Nail Supply, Head2Toe, 8ty8Beauty, Trans Design & Nailsupplies
China Glaze Orange Knockout Review
You know those orange traffic cones on the road? This reminds me of them – very bright and flashy. If you’re going for a classy look, haha, then steer clear of this unless you can work manicure magic. (I’ve seen it happen. Fairies and gnomes were at work!)
I haven’t been feeling too happy lately, and whenever I’m down, I notice that I reach for neon nail polish. Yup, I ‘hit the bottle’. Drunk on neons!
It’s the fastest pick-me-up ever invented. I put it on, and every time I saw my fingernails, it made me happy. Plus orange is a colour that I think boosts energy.
This neon orange did the trick. I had fun wearing it, and it made me laugh when I’d talk with people, and they’d stare at my hands to see where the ‘flashes of light’ were coming from!
This is a neon nail polish with a typical finish – matte! I don’t recommend wearing this polish solo. You’ll be very disappointed because it looks streaky and pretty ugly.
Slick on a glossy top coat, and, trust me, it will make your nails look gorgeous! It almost has a jelly feel to it, but it’s more opaque.
When you’re painting your nails with Orange Knockout by China Glaze, don’t get discouraged if it looks terrible even with 3 coats. You really need to use a top coat with this one to transform it from the Ugly Duckling into a gorgeous swan!
Application & Formula
The formula is really streaky, but with a top coat, everything seems to magically even out. (Must be those fairies and gnomes I mentioned earlier, right?)
Even though you do need to use 3 coats with this one, the positive thing is that the polish dries extremely fast. By the time you finish painting the last nail on your second hand, you can go right ahead and paint the next coat on your first finger of your first hand! You’ll finish this manicure in no time. Another reason to love neon nail polish!
Final Verdict: 10/10
Yes, China Glaze Orange Knockout knocked me out. I saw stars…What a K.O.! I gave it a perfect score. Despite my malaise this week, this polish managed to perk me up throughout the day.
What’s your favourite neon polish or article of clothing to wear? What’s an effective pick-me-up for you that isn’t beauty-related?
P.S. A while ago, in a previous post, I asked where I could find some fitted neon t-shirts. Well, I couldn’t find any good ones, so I ended up buying TONS of neon tank tops from Garage Clothing! Now I have to literally force myself not to wear them all the time and become known as The Woman Who Always Wears Neon.
wow! stopping traffic with this colour! All my other oranges look so pale in comparison to this one
Naomi recently posted: Plain Old Polish- Maybelline Express Finish in Outloud Lime
Yes, even my other top fav orange (OPI Roll In the Hague) is bright but not this range/shade of neon bright)
Hey Naomi!
Another great neon orange you may like is China Glaze Sun Worshiper, which is a lighter. It’s more a macaroni-and-cheese type of neon orange that’s fun to wear!
Haha you’re so funny!! Im kicking myself because I just placed a huge order at transdesign and I should have put that in my cart too!! I LOVE neons!! I just started the addiction last fall so I never really got introduced to neons, but so far I can’t stop wearing them!!
Gosia recently posted: Comparison: HITS "Hestia" vs NFU #64 (holos)
Hey Gosia!
Glad that you get my sense of humour.
Well, maybe you can find it at Sally Beauty Supply? Or…maybe get it when you place your next order.
It’s a neon that really gets noticed!
Wow, that is such a fun color! Orange looks horrible on me though!
My favorite neon article of clothing is this green tank top which I layer with just about everything! Also in high school, I had highlighter orange jeans…I ruined them with grass stains though.
This one has a whole lot of red in the orange so you might be able to wear this when you cannot wear other oranges. I have to be careful with oranges too. I cannot wear the ones that look like typical Crayola orange which I also call ‘shades’ of Halloween orange. They have to have something else in them that I cannot pin-point what it is, for me to pull them off OK. This one is drop dead gorg!
That’s an excellent point you raise, beachgal!
Hey Angie!
You know what? I used to think that all oranges looked bad on me, but I think you just have to experiment and find a shade that works. Maybe you need an orange that contrasts with your skin more? Or maybe you can do a pastel?
WOW – highlighter orange jeans – now those are FIERCE!
Hi Mary,
Great job as alway, would not have even noticed the make-up if you had not said anything. lol I like this color, just not sure that I would wear it except in October because of halloween. Love your site, you always do an awesome job. Have a great weekend. :~)
Hey Melissa!
Haha, so maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned the makeup?
Oh well, I felt a little silly that I didn’t notice it while photographing the manicure.
Nice – I like how you’d wear this in the fall. Rock on! I also like to wear neons even when it’s not summer.
Enjoy your weekend, too!
I have this nail polish it’s a fun color.. I put it on and I could only keep it on for a day it was bright it was hurting my eyes but I do like it for nail art.
It’s a good one for toes – try it on your toes where often we all can wear a really bright polish longer than we can on our fingers.
Hey Samatha!
Hahaha, yes, it can hurt your eyes when you wear this. That’s the appeal of it for me.
Hands down, this IS the brightest of all the orange neons out there – but I like it. This one and Pool Party from the same 2008 collection are much brighter than the newer 2012 neon releases. I go back to this one ever summer and love love it on toes esp.
Hey beachgal!
Oh, Orange Knockout is from the China Glaze Ink Collection, not the China Glaze Poolside Collection that Pool Party comes from. Both are really cool neon collections, though!
Ah I love this! I love how neon polishes can literally make your day brighter. Like you, I’m super obsessed with all things neon this summer! I recently picked up Orly’s Melt Your Popsicle, another neon orange, but I think I might just have to keep my eyes peeled for this one too
Jenn recently posted: Essie Bikini So Teeny – Swatches and Review
Hey Jenn!
Ooohhh, Melt Your Popsicle is a shade that definitely got my attention!
Can’t get enough of neonsssss!
I’m so glad you swatched this! This is my absolute favorite neon polish!! I love it. And it’s just every bit as bright as you describe!! I love it!!
Nicole recently posted: Encounters of the Exotic Kind- Rawwrrrrr!
Hey Nicole!
Me, too! I’ve been wanting this polish for quite a while, so when I wore this manicure, it really made me smile from ear to ear! This is a great neon orange that I recommend everyone should try if they want an instant pick-me-up.
I have only two china glaze nail polish products so far because I usually stick with Revlon. But about six months ago I purchased knockout orange and pelican gray and I have to say that I enjoy wearing these colors as much as all my other colors! Looks like China Glaze nail polish has snuck its way into my heart and I can’t wait to purchase more!!!