China Glaze Heat Index Swatches & Review

China Glaze Heat Index Swatches & ReviewI’ve already reviewed all the cremes in the China Glaze Sunsational Collection. (Oh yeah, I was smitten by that half, so I bought all 6 polishes!)

Then, China Glaze’s PR sent me the jellies – the other 6 nail polishes in that collection! So, keep your eyes peeled. I will be reviewing them all really soon.

Today I have for you China Glaze Heat Index, which is a hot pink jelly that’s especially great for when the mercury drops!

China Glaze Heat Index Pictures

China Glaze Heat Index

Natural Light

China Glaze Sunsational Heat Index Swatch & Review


Heat Index China Glaze Sunsational Collection

Natural Light

Sunsational China Glaze Heat Index Pictures


China Glaze Heat Index Sunsational Collection

China Glaze Heat Index Swatches

All swatches have:

Natural Light Photos

China Glaze Heat Index Swatches & Review

China Glaze Heat Index Swatch

China Glaze Heat Index Review & Swatch

China Glaze Heat Index Review & Swatches

China Glaze Heat Index Swatch & Review

China Glaze Heat Index Swatches

Flash Photos

China Glaze Heat Index Swatches Sunsational

Heat Index by China Glaze Sunsational Collection Swatches, Photos & Review

Heat Index China Glaze Sunsational Swatches

Heat Index China Glaze Sunsational Swatches & Photos

China Glaze Heat Index Swatches & Pictures


  • Pink jelly (Yes)

Key Notes

China Glaze Heat Index Review


Whenever the weather heats up, I tend to pull out bright pink polishes a lot more than any other time of the year.

Heat Index by China Glaze is a hot-pink nail polish. It’s very bright, but I think it’s not quite a neon – pretty darn close, though! (My photos tended to make it look more neon on me than it actually is on me in real life. Strange!)

I really enjoyed this pink because it’s such a happy shade!


It has a jelly finish, which means that it has a translucence to it. Because it’s watery and somewhat sheer, you’ll be able to see visible nail lines with this one, unless you do more than 3 coats.

Normally, when I wear jellies, I like to trim my nails really short (down to nubs). However, I decided to keep my nails at their longer length this time.

I found that Heat Index by China Glaze was slightly streaky, even at 3 coats. But the streaks weren’t very obvious.

If this really bothers you, you can add a 4th coat. Alternatively, you can use what’s called ‘nail underwear’ (a.k.a. a white polish as the base) that helps improve the coverage.

Another thing you can do is layer this over a similar-coloured nail polish.

In my photos, you can barely see the streakiness, but in person, you can see it. If you can’t stand any streakiness or visible nail line, this one isn’t for you.

This one had better coverage than a couple of other jellies from the Sunsational Collection, which I’ll be reviewing really soon.

Application & Formula

As expected, the formula was on the watery, sheer side. I found it easy to apply in general, but what was tricky was applying a thin layer. I tended to apply medium-thick coats, and with some watery jellies like this, that can create a problem – bubbling.

I definitely got bubbling with this one, but after slicking on a top coat, it helped conceal that a little bit. (If you realllly look closely, you can see a hint of the bubbling still in my photos.)

I also noticed that it didn’t appear to be as shiny as most jellies I’ve worn before.


  • Fun pink jelly
  • Can be used in glitter-sandwich manicures

  • Watery formula prone to bubbling
  • Sheer, which leaves visible nail lines (unless you use a lot of coats)
  • Hard to apply just a thin layer

Final Verdict: 7.5/10

Polishes that show visible nail line aren’t my favourite, however, there’s a place for them. For instance, if you wanted to do a glitter-sandwich manicure, this would be great. (A glitter-sandwich manicure is when you use one coat of a jelly polish, add a layer of glitter, and then cover it with a coat of the jelly polish again. You get interesting dimension.)

Overall, I thought this was a nice polish, but this one bubbled on me more than the other Sunsational jellies did. (Yes, I’ve already worn those 6 – soooo, expect reviews on them really soon!)

Have you tried any of the Sunsational jellies? Do you prefer the jellies or the cremes in this collection? How do you wear sheer polishes?


10 thoughts on “China Glaze Heat Index Swatches & Review

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Paint Those Piggies!

      Thank you so much! I feel like this would really pop on anyone’s nails. Definitely a fun summer shade!

  1. Tennyoceres

    Wow that totally reads Barbie hot pink on you! On me it turned a dark rosy pink. I’m still on the fence about this one even though I have a serious lack of good pinks in my collection.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Tennyoceres!

      Wow, that’s interesting because usually polishes tend to look a little darker on me than others, even though my skin tone is fairly light.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Olivia!

      I don’t even think I can pick a favourite – China Glaze really killed the entire collection with awesome brights and neons! 🙂

  2. another Cristina

    I wore this jelly polish recently and loved it, despite not being a a pink lover. I didn’t find the formula problematic, perhaps because I had very low expectations to start with. I wore it in a jelly sandwich, and it was such a fun look! Thanks for sharing your swatches, I think they capture the brightness of this polish really well! 🙂
    another Cristina recently posted: Heat Index of Emerald City

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Another Cristina!

      Thank you! 🙂 Sometimes really bright colours freak out my camera. It’s always a fun challenge to get neons or near neons to show up properly. 🙂

      The more people talk about jelly-sandwich manicures, the more I want to try one! Can’t believe I haven’t done a proper one yet! *Tsk tsk*


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