China Glaze Gothic Lolita Swatches & Review

China Glaze Gothic Lolita Swatches & ReviewThere are some polishes that crave the bright lights and the attention of a flashing camera in their direction. (They even wear over-sized sunglasses so they come across as bigger stars than they actually are…)

Then there are those that huddle in the corner and act like shy wallflowers. You have to coax them to come to the spotlight, and you have to tell them that their doting fans wish to see them.

China Glaze Gothic Lolita from the ElectroPop Collection wasn’t shy, but it wasn’t a diva, either. It just refused to show me its true colours in front of the camera despite me taking pictures in different lighting conditions!

After spending some quality time with Gothic Lolita, she finally opened up to me over a cup of coffee. She’s really a pink purple rather than a blue purple like she looks in my photos.

(P.S. Check back again tomorrow to see what I put on top of this polish. Any guesses?) 😉

China Glaze Gothic Lolita Pictures

China Glaze Gothic Lolita ElectroPop Collection Swatches & Review

China Glaze Gothic Lolita ElectroPop Swatches & Review

Dim Sunlight

China Glaze ElectroPop Gothic Lolita Swatch & Review


China Glaze ElectroPop Gothic Lolita Swatch & Review

Natural Light

Gothic Lolita China Glaze Swatches & Review

China Glaze Gothic Lolita Ingredients

China Glaze Gothic Lolita Ingredients & Review

China Glaze Gothic Lolita Swatches

All swatches have:

China Glaze Gothic Lolita Swatches & Review

China Glaze ElectroPop Collection Gothic Lolita Swatch & Review

China Glaze Gothic Lolita Review & Swatch

China Glaze Gothic Lolita Review & Swatches

China Glaze Gothic Lolita Swatch & Review

China Glaze ElectroPop Collection Gothic Lolita Swatches & Review

Flash Photos

China Glaze Gothic Lolita Swatch & Review

China Glaze Gothic Lolita Review & Pictures

China Glaze Gothic Lolita Review & Swatch

China Glaze Gothic Lolita Review & Swatches

China Glaze Gothic Lolita Swatches & Review

Natural Light Photos

Gothic Lolita China Glaze Swatches & Review

China Glaze Gothic Lolita ElectroPop Collection Swatches & Review

China Glaze Gothic Lolita Swatch & Review

Gothic Lolita China Glaze ElectroPop Review & Swatches

Gothic Lolita China Glaze ElectroPop Swatches & Review



Key Notes

China Glaze Gothic Lolita Review


Gothic Lolita by China Glaze is a purple polish that’s pretty, but that didn’t make my jaw drop. It’s nice, and it does look wonderful solo or with nail art on top (probably), but it doesn’t stand out to me.

That being said, it does have an intriguing finish…


The interesting thing about this polish is that at first, I thought it was just a standard creme polish, but when I closely inspected my nails, I could see that there was an interesting speckling of going on.

Looking so closely at my nails that is very unnatural (haha), I saw purple and blue specks. You can only see them sometimes in certain lighting conditions. I thought this was pretty cool – like a hidden surprise just for the wearer.

Application & Formula

Gothic Lolita by China Glaze was easy to apply – the formula went exactly where I wanted it to go, and it was pigmented enough that I only needed 2 coats to achieve full opacity.


  • Pretty pinkish purple
  • Cool subtle-speckling finish (when viewed abnormally close…haha)
  • Easy-to-apply, pigmented formula

  • Despite the neat finish, I didn’t feel that this was a purple that stood out.

Final Verdict: 8/10

Gothic Lolita by China Glaze is a nice purple, but because I have tons of purples in my Helmer, I don’t think I’ll be reaching for this one too often because it’s not terribly unique. But if you don’t have a purple like this already, this is a great choice.

What polish finish makes you drool the most? Is there a polish finish that you never or hardly wear?


22 thoughts on “China Glaze Gothic Lolita Swatches & Review

  1. Sophie

    I NEVER wear frost polish. It’s just completely outdated….

    I do like these “hidden shimmer” polishes, but I am constantly in love with all glass-flecked polishes. They are so gorgeous…
    I don’t own many jellies, but the finish of these is very interesting, too.

    Great review! You have convinced me that I don’t NEED Gothic Lolita, which is a really good thing for my wallet, lol.
    Sophie recently posted: Trind Nail Balsam review…

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Sophie!

      Haha, I’m glad that I’ve convinced you to save your money. With all the spectacular colours out there, sometimes it’s hard to whittle down the To Buy List, but…I’m keepin’ it real. 😉 Definitely this is a nice colour, but for nailphiles who have 3578358395839 purples, it’s not a must-have.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Barbara!

      Gothic Lolita isn’t matte. It’s not super shiny, either, but it doesn’t dry matte like a neon or like actual matte nail polish.

  2. MariJo

    This is a really pretty purple. I agree that it’s not very unique though. That didn’t stop me from buying it though, lol. I love my purple ;0).

    I have to say that shimmer is my absolute favorite finish. The hint of a subtle sparkle in a polish always does it for me.
    MariJo recently posted: Orly – Oui

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey MariJo!

      Haha, purples have that effect on you, but I can see why. Every time you sport a purple, it looks so flattering on your skin tone!

  3. Carmela

    I love a good purple! And I’v only since realized that I own mostly vampy purples and that needs to change. I’ve been hemming and hawing over this one as I love that secret shimmer. Haven’t sprung for it yet, tho. Should I? My Sally’s just ran out of it, too. 🙁
    Carmela recently posted: Julep Anne

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Carmela!

      This is a nice purple, but if you want non-vampy purples that are amazing, I actually recommend China Glaze Flying Dragon more. (I have the original version, which is more purple, though. The new one is magenta.) You also need to wear that one with a top coat to get the full effect. And if you want an amazing creamy pastel purple, OPI Do You Lilac It? is amazing!

        1. Mary Post author

          Good question – maybe etailers would have the original version, but I don’t think they’d label it as such. So it’d be a gamble as to which one you’d get.

          Hahaha, “Mary > Google” made me laugh! 😛

  4. Kim

    Your review makes me that much more excited! 🙂 I don’t have a purple like this (yet) and I also love the shimmers, even the subtle ones. Looking forward to seeing the layer added: will it be Techno?

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Kim!

      Hehe, nope, not Techno! 😉 (The post went live today – I put OPI Sparkle-icious over it. I really felt like some bling! :D)

  5. karen

    It’s a good basic purple, but it does seem to bear a surprising resemblence to at least one that I already have.

    Purple seems to be a hot color right now and it’s kinda cool to see everyone realizing what a cool color it is. Right now, my nails are done in DS Temptation and people have gone bonkers over them.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey karen!

      Oh my – DS Temptation looks sooooo pretty. And what an appropriate name because every time I see it at Trade Secrets, I’m always tempted to buy it! 😉

      1. karen

        You should get it!

        Besides being awesomely purple and sparkly, it would make for a great review. The base is only tinted, so you could really go wild with it.

  6. Jessica

    Looking back at a couple of your photos I can see a touch of the shimmer you were talking about. I like it–without even a little shimmer I think this color would be too flat for my taste. I’ve only ever worn one purple polish, though, so I think I need to give purples more of a chance. I can’t wait to see what you put on top of this color!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jessica!

      Yeah, unfortunately, it was hard for me to pick up more of the shimmer on camera. Gothic Lolita is fussy during her photoshoot! 😉

  7. beachgal

    I did not take to this collection – it was too summertime for me when it hit the shelves and shades I thought that had been done a 100X over. Then after my post holiday cleaning of the pallet passed, I started to take notice of these. Headed to Sally’s and was too late but to pick up a few that were left. This is one of the ones that I heard a lot of blog chatter over and I got it – surprised me. I also got the fuchsia one and Electric blue I think it’s called and I like them all. I think a better purple cream that has come out this year is Essie’s Play Date – but I like a the China Glaze formula more often than an Essie.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey beachgal!

      Really? I didn’t know that there was so much hype surrounding this colour. It’s funny, though, because I was more wowed by Aquadelic and Gaga For Green than this one. But I think it’s because I was a huge purple-a-holic a while ago, so I must’ve got it out of my system a bit. 😉


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