China Glaze Exotic Encounters Swatches & Review

China Glaze Exotic Encounters Swatches & ReviewIt should come as no surprise that the first colour I was drawn to in the China Glaze On Safari Collection was China Glaze Exotic Encounters.

As much as I appreciate alliteration, I can’t get over how the name ‘Exotic Encounters’ sounds more like a raunchy pay-per-view flick, a shady dating company that promotes adulterous affairs, or a motel that has a room with a revolving bed. Yes, my mind was in the gutter and is easily amused.

(Actually, my mind is very fond of traveling to all sorts of places. It has collected many frequent-flyer miles. What should I redeem them for?)

What would an exotic encounter be for a nail polish? Would it be hanky panky between a neutral shade and a neon? Or maybe it involves a creme canoodling with a multichrome? Oh, the scandal! πŸ˜‰

This polish was a total win in my book! The teal-leaning green is within my comfort zone, the application was wonderful, and this colour really does remind me of a safari (or at least going on an outdoor adventure with the sun beating down).

China Glaze Exotic Encounters Pictures

China Glaze Exotic Encounters


China Glaze Exotic Encounters


Exotic Encounters China Glaze Swatch & Review

Natural Light

China Glaze On Safari Collection Exotic Encounters




Exotic Encounters China Glaze Swatches & Review

Natural Light

China Glaze Exotic Encounters On Safari Collection

China Glaze Exotic Encounters Ingredients


China Glaze Exotic Encounters Swatches

All swatches have:

Sunlight Photos

China Glaze Exotic Encounters Swatches & Review


China Glaze Exotic Encounters Review & Swatch

China Glaze Exotic Encounters Swatch & Review

China Glaze Exotic Encounters On Safari Collection Swatches & Review


Flash Photos

China Glaze Exotic Encounters Review & Pictures

China Glaze Exotic Encounters On Safari Collection Review & Pics


Exotic Encounters by China Glaze On Safari Collection Review & Pics


Natural Light Photos

China Glaze Exotic Encounters


Exotic Encounters by China Glaze Swatch & Review


Exotic Encounters by China Glaze Swatches & Review


√ Lush green crème with blue undertones

Key Notes

China Glaze Exotic Encounters Review


Exotic Encounters is a green polish that looks teal sometimes. To me, it’s predominantly green with some blue mixed in.

Although you can rock any shade on any nail length, I was really digging how this looked on my trimmed nails – chic. While I would still love it on my longer nails, I prefer it on short claws. πŸ™‚

You know that I love bold and vibrant greens, but I also get a thrill from wearing dusty greens like this one. For some reason, dusty (even slightly dusty) greens seem more sophisticated to me. If bright greens are like adolescents, dusty greens are like 25-year-olds. Exotic Encounters is more mature without being old-fashioned.


This is a creme polish, and it behaved when I shot it with my camera. Yay! πŸ™‚

A colour like this already makes such a statement, so it doesn’t need bells and whistles like a duochrome effect or glitter to get my attention. Heck, green nearly always has me at hello. πŸ˜‰ And Exotic Encounters? They have me at ohh-la-la! Hahahaha!

Application & Formula

This polish was slightly thick and runny at the same time, but not unbearably so. It was actually easy to apply, the lacquer self-levels well, and wow is it ever pigmented! With just one coat, I was very impressed with the coverage. But, as you know, I always like to use a minimum of 2 coats. With the second coat, the coverage was perfectly opaque.


  • More-mature green that’s still fun to wear
  • Very pigmented
  • Easy-to-use formula that self-levels

  • The name may remind you of a brothel (Haha, I can’t really think of a Con, so I had to bring up the “Exotic Encounters” name again.)

Final Verdict: 10/10

Haha, am I so biased that I gave yet another green top marks? I can’t help it! The colour’s gorgeous yet simple, the application was breezy, and I was comfortable wearing this hue. All signs point to “Mary’s Obsessed”.

If you like greens and don’t have something similar, this is a great basic green to add to your collection. I think you’ll love wearing it even more in the fall because the seasonal colours will complement it.

Tell the truth – what was the first thing you thought of when you heard the name “Exotic Encounters”? Does this green remind you of a safari trip? Have you ever been on a safari? Did the commercial jingle for African Lion Safari spring to mind?


18 thoughts on “China Glaze Exotic Encounters Swatches & Review

  1. Marta

    I knew you wouldn’t disappoint in your writeup πŸ˜‰ I do live a sheltered life so to speak, and a revolving bed has me intreagued πŸ˜‰
    Exotic encounters make me think of rendezvous in a warm place like Hawaii πŸ˜‰
    This looks so lovely on you, I like the cream finish on this one πŸ™‚
    I have never been on a safari adventure but my sister took one in Afrika πŸ™‚ great photos she came home with.
    Yes, as soon as spring starts, and the radio is on my mind has the “African lion safari” on loop… Catchy with a dash of annoying πŸ˜‰
    Marta recently posted: Bronze Rhinestones

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marta!

      Aww…thanks! Hehe, it’s especially a lot of fun to write a polish with a scandalous name. πŸ˜‰

      Ooooohhh, Hawaii! Where our Bundle Monster image plates are coming from. I can’t wait for them to arrive so that we can do our twin/triplet manicures! AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHhhhh! <--Excited screaming, not just due to insanity. πŸ˜› Wow, your sister is really lucky to have had that experience! I've never been on a safari before, but I've watched many animal documentaries about them. Not really the same.

  2. Erica

    Beautiful colour Mary, almost looks like my Julep Emilie πŸ™‚ Love it!
    Also noticed your nails were shorter, you and I must have been on the same wave length last night as I trimmed my daggers back too πŸ˜€
    Have a great day!! πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Erica!

      Hehe, yeah, we must be sending mental notes to each other. πŸ˜‰ Did you get my other mental note I sent ya? “Buy more polish. Buy more polish. BUY MORE POLISH!” Hahaha…or wait, did you send that to ME? πŸ˜›

      Hope your Tuesday has been going great, too!

  3. Brianna

    Wow! I normally don’t like colors like this, but it looks awesome! My parents took me on a safari when I was three or four, but I don’t remember. Exotic Encounters sounds like it would be a dark shimmery black or like a red. I think I’ll pick up this shade if I see it, it seems very pretty.
    Brianna recently posted: Summer Fun Challenge Day 2: Summer Lovin’

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Brianna!

      Wow, it really is a winner when it makes you think twice about a colour you don’t usually like! πŸ˜€ Hehe, greens/teals always get me without fail. I’m such a sucker.

      Ooohh, I like your idea of a shimmery black!

  4. Frosso

    I can’t tell you how shocked I am that you gave this polish a 10/10 …cause I know how much you hate greens! πŸ˜› I can’t wait to see this collection in person so I can pick some up. It’s totally on the other end of the color spectrum compared to the CG Summer Neons.
    Frosso recently posted: Pedi Sox

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Frosso!

      Hahahahhaa! πŸ˜› Oh boy…the day that greens and I ever break up (NOT HAPPENING!), I will have to commit myself to the Nail Polish Asylum for observation!

      Yes, after wearing so many bright shades, it felt good to switch it up with this. Haha, but tonight I want to paint my nails neon again. (Still haven’t gotten it out of my system yet.) πŸ˜‰

  5. Melissa

    Hi Mary,
    As always you do a great job with your swatches. This is not my fave color. I’m growing to like China Glaze a lot more. Right now my fave nail polish is China Glaze I’m with the Lifeguard. I love, love how the green pops. And in the sun it really looks like it could glow in the dark, even thou it can’t. Keep up the awesome job. Have a great rest of the evening. :~)

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      THANK YOU! πŸ˜€ I’m glad that even though you aren’t as crazy about the colour as I am that you still can appreciate pictures of it. That’s the cool thing about nailphiles. πŸ™‚ We all come together and share the love even if our tastes are different!

      Haha, I JUST bought China Glaze I’m with the Lifeguard today, and I’ll most likely be painting my nails with it tonight because I’m craving neons again after wearing two non-neons. πŸ˜‰

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lynda!

      I heard so much about that colour a few years ago, but never bought it. Cool that you think it’s close to this. πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Nicole!

      Haha, well, I’m glad that you faced your ‘fear’. πŸ˜‰

      Thank you! It makes me beam knowing that you’ve been enjoying my posts and that you value my opinion so much! It’s very flattering, and I hope that I can continue to uphold the integrity of the blog for years to come.


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