China Glaze CG in the City Swatches & Review

Sunlight China Glaze CG in the City Swatches & ReviewHere’s a colour that I wore several weeks ago. I uploaded photos of it onto my computer but forgot to blog about it! *Tsk tsk* I’m slipping – gonna need to get a rubberized mat for my brain.

For some reason when I got China Glaze CG in the City from the fall Metro Collection, I thought it was going to be the purple equivalent of Skyscraper. It wasn’t.

It’s still pretty, but I would’ve liked it more if it were more saturated. It’s an interesting diffused kind of purple with what looks like bronze, silver, and purple glitter pieces woven together.

I had a tough time pinpointing all the colours with the naked eye because they blend together so well. And it’s interesting how sometimes it looks like a subdued purple, but in some lighting, it appears less purple-y.

China Glaze CG in the City Pictures

Natural Light China Glaze Metro Collection CG in the City Bottle Photo

Natural Light

China Glaze CG in the City Bottle Picture


CG in the City China Glaze Bottle Pictures

China Glaze CG in the City Ingredients

China Glaze CG in the City Ingredients

China Glaze CG in the City Swatches

All swatches have:

Sunlight China Glaze CG in the City Swatches & Review


Sunlight 2011 Metro Collection China Glaze CG in the City Swatches & Review


Sunlight China Glaze CG in the City Review & Swatch Metro Collection by China Glaze


Sunlight China Glaze CG in the City Swatch & Review China Glaze Metro Collection 2011


Sunlight China Glaze Review & Swatch CG in the City Metro Collection


Natural Light CG in the City China Glaze Review & Swatches

Natural Light

Natural Light CG in the City China Glaze Swatch & Review

Natural Light

Natural Light China Glaze CG in the City Swatch & Review China Glaze Purple Glitter Polish

Natural Light

Natural Light China Glaze Swatch & Review CG in the City

Natural Light

Flash CG in the City by China Glaze Swatches & Review


Flash CG in the City China Glaze Swatch & Review


Flash China Glaze CG in the City Metro Collection Swatches & Review


Flash China Glaze CG in the City Swatches & Review


Sunlight CG in the City by China Glaze Metro Collection Fall 2011 Swatch & Review


Natural Light China Glaze CG in the City Picture

Natural Light

Flash China Glaze CG in the City Review & Swatch



√ Glittery dusty purple

Key Notes

  • Name: China Glaze CG in the City
  • Collection: China Glaze Metro Collection
  • Colours in the China Glaze Metro Collection: Skyscraper, Westside Warrior, Trendsetter, CG in the City, Urban-Night, Traffic Jam, City Siren, Loft-y Ambitions, Brownstone, Midtown Magic, Street Chic & Concrete Catwalk
  • Amount: 14 mL (0.5 fl. oz.)
  • What I Paid: $2.99 USD
  • Where to Buy: Trans Design8ty8BeautyHead2ToeNailsupplies

China Glaze CG in the City Review


This is a very different purple than a lot of the ones in my collection because while it’s a super-sparkly polish, it’s also subdued somehow. There are purple, silver, and bronze glitter pieces that mix together to create a soft, inoffensive light purple. You really have to study it closely to see the slight nuances!

I think this would be a great choice for people who don’t typically wear glitter polish, but would like to branch out and try one that doesn’t scream at the top of its lungs.

While I wasn’t able to capture it, CG in the City by China Glaze can sometimes look extremely neutral, which I think is because of the warm bronze glitter.

Finish & Gritiness

This is a glitter polish, but the finish is pretty smooth.

Application & Formula

My bottle’s formula was on the thicker side, but not nearly as thick as China Glaze Skyscraper, so it was easier to work with.

I was quite pleased with how pigmented it was. It just required 2 coats to achieve full opacity.



  • Complex, soft purple with an interesting blend of bronze, purple & silver glitter
  • Good pigmentation
  • Sparkles intensely
  • Big-4-Free (i.e. No Formaldehyde, Toluene, DBP, or Formaldehyde Resin)

  • Formula was a bit thick (but not unmanageable)


Final Verdict: 6/10

Overall, I thought CG in the City by China Glaze was okay, but it doesn’t hold a candle to my favourite purple polishes, which are dramatic and deeper.

What are your thoughts on this kind of subdued purple? Do you prefer wearing glitter with bold colours or softer colours like this? Do you prefer wearing your glitter polishes solo or layered over a base colour?


20 thoughts on “China Glaze CG in the City Swatches & Review

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marcia!

      Hehe, that’s not weird at all. I have a Helmer, too, and unfortunately there are a lot of untried polishes stuck there. (I call my Helmer “The Orphanage”…) There are just too many to try and not enough nails, I say! 😛

      Yeah, this one is a very interesting colour – it’s suchhhh a faint purple because it’s mixed with silver and gold glitter.

  1. Vivian

    This is one of my favorite colors! Bought it in august and the bottle is already halfway done! O_O I’m surprised it only took you 2 coats to achieve such a lovely opacity. I usually have to go over it at least 3 or 4 times! I like how this isn’t as hard to remove versus the bigger chunks of glitter. Just love it! Thanks for sharing this color!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Vivian!

      WOW – that’s a serious dent you’ve made in that bottle! I’m really impressed, especially considering that you got it only in August. Yeah, you must REALLLLLLY love it! 😀

      I think the only reason why I could get it this opaque in two coats is because my bottle was somewhat thick. I couldn’t apply thin coats…more like medium-thick coats. Then again, even when a polish is the perfect consistency, I tend to apply medium coats of that, too. Guess I have a heavy hand.

  2. Melissa

    I was going to pass on CG In The City because it didn’t really blow me away but when I came across it and had some extra money to spare, I decided to buy it. It’s not a super amazing color, but I have a soft spot for glitters, so I’m glad I have it for layering.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      Yeah, I think I’ll try it for layering the next time I wear it. Good idea! It’s pretty on its own, but I really crave purple glitter polishes that are deeper in colour.

  3. Carmela

    I can definitely see this as a lovely layering polish. I have to agree that it’s not color-saturated enough for me either by itself. So I can definitely understand that after wearing CG Skyscraper this would have been quite the let down. That bronze glitter makes it so interesting though! Aaaah, must stick to “no buy” till December when all the lovely glitter arrives. 😀
    Carmela recently posted: Color Club New Bohemian

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Carmela!

      Oh no! You’re on a No Buy! Well, good luck with that! 🙂

      Hehe, every single time I’ve tried to go on a polish No Buy, I caved early. (With other temptations, it’s easier for me to resist, but all bets are off with polish. Don’t know why that is. :P) I’m always really impressed by people who can stick to their guns.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey imfeelingnail-venturous!

      Glad that you like it! 🙂 I really preferred Skyscraper, though, because it was like a night sky!

  4. Kelsy

    I thought I hated glitter polishes, but after seeing swatches of some of them, turns out not so much (and there goes my wallet). My collection is expanding exponentially.
    This one is gorgeous! Have you got OPI Grape Set Match? That is the most awesome purple glitter I’ve ever seen, and quite fine, which gives it a nice smooth finish and relatively easy removal. Adore. Plus it comes with that amazing top coat which I’ve been putting over everything lately ..
    Kelsy recently posted: opi rumple’s wiggin.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Kelsy!

      Haha, I know what you mean. A lot of times I’ve written off a polish and then see it on someone else’s blog and it totally changes my mind. 🙂

      I don’t have OPI Grape Set Match yet, but it’s on its way to me. Looks like a gorgeous purple, indeed! Oh, so good to hear that the removal is easy. As much as I like glitter and sparkly polishes, I’m never thrilled about having to remove them.

  5. Elyne

    I used this nailpolish just a couple of days ago ; first I used liquid leather then Mummy may I and top of it CG in the city and it looked lovely . I think it’s one of the prettiest glitter I have. The only downside is that the glitter sticks everywhere! It’s really difficult to get it off properly.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Elyne!

      That sounds like a winning layering combination – thanks for sharing it. I can see how the finer glitter in CG in the City would really bling up Mummy May I!

  6. Claudia

    I had to get this polish for 2 reasons. 1 – because China Glaze is my favorite brand and 2- because it is also my initials (CG). LOL! I’m goofy about stuff like that.

    Anyway – while I am not in love with it on its own I do like it for layering. My favorite combo: 2 coats of CG’s Bogie or OPI’s Have You Seen My Limo and then one (thin) coat of CG in the City!! I love it!!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Claudia!

      It’s like China Glaze really IS your brand – even your initials are the same. How cool! I would also buy a polish if it had my name or the initials.

      After a few people on here have been talking about using it as a layering polish, I’ve gotta try that. It never crossed my mind before. And I’m picturing the combinations you’ve mentioned – they sound lovely!


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