I’ve always been a dreamer. Reality is cool…sometimes. But I live for imagination and dreams.
My dreams inspire me to push for things in real life. My imagination reminds me that even when reality sucks more than leeches on a hemophiliac, things will look up eventually.
In other words, having my head in the clouds keeps me from going crazy here on Earth.
So for this Sunday, I’d like you to go on a trip with me. It won’t take up too much of your time. All you have to do is look up. Let’s go off into the clouds since that’s usually where my head is most of the time.
It was a cloudy day this past Thursday, so I snapped a bunch of pictures. I love it when the sky looks like there’s a convention going on for the Care Bears, don’t you? Look how they parked all their cloud cars there! (I wonder if Grumpy’s vehicle got rear-ended and that’s why he’s unhappy.)
In this post, I share more photos I took as well as what I saw in two of the clouds! (Maybe I’m crazy…hehe, but hopefully a good kind of crazy!)
And let me know if you see anything else in the clouds! It’s so much fun – wish I could stare at them all day. But then reality comes knocking on my door with iron knuckles. Bah! Continue reading