Burt’s Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Creme Review & Pictures

Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle CremeMy hands get dry during this time of year, and my cuticles are no exception. Oftentimes I’m just far too lazy to use cuticle cream, but when I remember, I reach for the Burt’s Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Creme that my friend bought me a couple of years ago in a kit with other goodies.

It smells divine, it’s small and easy to take with you, and it’s made with natural ingredients. And to put the cherry on top, it isn’t tested on animals.

This lemon cuticle cream is the first one I’ve tried, but I love it so much that I don’t have any desire to check out another.

Burt’s Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Creme Pictures

Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Creme

Burts Bees Cuticle Cream

Burt's Bees Lemon Cuticle Cream Ingredients

Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream


    Soothes skin
    Provides intensive care of dry cuticles, brittle nails & chapped/cracked fingertips

Key Notes

Burt’s Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Creme Review


The tin is a nice, small size that’s perfect for tossing in your purse. However, sometimes the lid gets a bit stuck. You basically have to use the ridge on the circumference to open the tin.

Not a fan of having to put my finger directly onto the product and swirl my finger around in it – it’s not the most hygienic.


Lemon scented products are tough. A lot of times they wind up smelling like bathroom disinfectant because they’re too artificial, too pungent, or too tart.

The Burt’s Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Creme smells exactly like a fresh lemon meringue pie. There’s another sweetness to lessen the tartness, but it’s definitely not super-sugary, either.


What’s special about the Burt’s Bees lemon butter cuticle cream is that instead of having lots of chemical fillers like other brands do, this product has 95% natural ingredients.

(If you’re trying to lead a healthier lifestyle, you should really pay attention to what’s in your beauty products.)

How to Use

Swirl your finger around the product. It’s a solid balmy texture, so you don’t have to scoop into it. Just swirl gently to pick up the product. Then gently massage it into your cuticles at night.

I don’t recommend putting it on in the daytime because it can be a little greasy, and besides, if you use it at night, it has more time to absorb into your skin.


A little goes a long way. I’ve been using the same small tin for over a year, and there’s still so much left!


Whenever I remember to use the Burt’s Bees lemon cuticle cream, I wake up with really soft and smooth cuticles. If I weren’t so lazy and actually used this on a regular basis, I’d banish dry cuticles.


  • Contains 95% natural ingredients
  • Moisturizes skin & cuticles
  • Not tested on animals
  • Smells of delicious lemon pie

  • Lid sometimes is hard to open
  • Not the most hygienic because you put your finger directly into the product
  • Must be used at night or it’s a bit greasy

Final Verdict: 9.5/10

Burt’s Bees cuticle cream smells delicious and works well at moisturizing. It’s affordable and easy to find. Highly recommend this.

Do you take the time to use cuticle cremes or cuticle oil? Which do you swear by?


4 thoughts on “Burt’s Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Creme Review & Pictures

  1. lizzie

    I’ve heard that lush’s lemony flutter is pretty good too… some people swear by it! I dont get lush in my area so I think i might have to settle for burts bees. thanks for posting! =D

    1. Mary Post author

      Hi Lizzie!

      Yeah, I’ve also heard great things about Lush Lemony Flutter, but Burt’s Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Creme works so well for me, I’m not even looking for another cuticle treatment. And Burt’s Bees is totally more accessible than Lush products – you can find them almost everywhere and it’s pretty inexpensive to boot. You’re gonna love it.

      P.S. Did you check the Lush website? If you really want Lemony Flutter, they may ship to your area.

  2. The Lacquered Lady

    Thanks for the review! I have been looking for a cuticle cream/oil that works. I just ran out of my TBS almond oil cuticle oil and wanted something heavier. I picked this up today and compared to the ingredients in other products, it is heavenly! I actually didn’t find it too greasy, but I am also used to walking around with my hands drenched in lotion all day.
    The Lacquered Lady recently posted: Sinful Colors Rise and Shine

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey The Lacquered Lady!

      Glad that you like it, and would you get a load of the fragrance? DIVINE! Seriously, the first time I tried it, I wanted to eat it. And it wasn’t just me because once I had a few guy friends over, and I let them try out this cuticle creme. They all said it smelled like a dessert. 🙂


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