Blog News: The Nail Polish Tag

The Nail Polish Tag Swatch And LearnI found out yesterday that Marisa (MariJo) from Polish Obsession tagged me in The Nail Polish Tag!

I don’t usually participate in blog tags, but this time, I was really in the mood. πŸ™‚

What is The Nail Polish Tag? It’s a fun little way to get to know each other. There are 10 questions that you answer. Then, you’re supposed to tag 5 other bloggers to do the same and make sure they know about it.

Since I couldn’t whittle down the tag list to just 5 bloggers, I’m tagging all of you who are reading this! πŸ™‚

For bloggers wishing to participate, you’re supposed to save the above image so that you can use it in your blog post.

And if you don’t have a blog, I still encourage you to participate! If you want, you can copy and paste the questions (see below) and then answer them by leaving a comment on this post. πŸ™‚ It’ll be fun to get to know everyone more!

If you don’t have time to answer all of the questions, feel free to just leave a comment answering whichever ones you want.

The tag questions (well, one isn’t a question)

  1. How many polishes do you have?
  2. What is your favorite brand of nail polish?
  3. Do you like crackle nail polish, or do you hate it?
  4. What is your first nail polish brand?
  5. If you’re going to have a nail polish line, what are you gonna name it?
  6. What nail polish color does not compliment you?
  7. What color does compliment you?
  8. Who are two of your best nail art friends?
  9. What was the best nail polish gift you have ever received?
  10. Make a speech about thanking the blogger who tagged you.

If you’d like to read my answers, they’re right after the jump!

My answers:

How many polishes do you have?

Currently I have 500+ bottles of nail polish. (Addicted much?) πŸ˜‰

What is your favorite brand of nail polish?

It’s impossible for me to choose a single brand of nail polish that’s my ultimate favourite. I really enjoy experimenting with colours, so I’ve dipped into many different brands to satisfy this craving.

Among my top picks, and in no particular order, are Nubar, China Glaze, and OPI. But I also enjoy wearing polishes by Cult Nails, Nfu-Oh, KleanColor, etc.

Do you like crackle nail polish, or do you hate it?

I like the look of crackle nail polish, and you can be really creative with it if you layer it over a multi-coloured base manicure. However, I feel a bit ‘crackled out’ since I got into the trend pretty early. Then I saw it explode everywhere with nearly every single polish company putting out their own collection of it.Β Now for a crackle manicure to get my attention, there needs to be a unique twist on it.

What is your first nail polish brand?

It might have been Max Factor or Cutex. It was my mom’s bottle of nail polish. I was in the first grade, so it was a while ago. (I’m now in the second grade. Just kidding.) I remember it was a sheer peach that was extremely frosty. Back then, I thought it was the best colour ever. My taste in nail polish has done a complete 180! πŸ˜‰ (Hello, greens, anyone?)

If you’re going to have a nail polish line, what are you gonna name it?

What a dream come true to have my own nail-polish line! A name for the line would be tough to choose. It might be something like “Nailin’ the Coffin” or maybe “Nail In the Coffin” (different meanings) and the colours would consist of vampy hues, multichromes, and unconventional, murky colours.

The tagline would be about how the colours are so amazing that you’ll want to take them to the grave with you…or that it’s ’til death do you part.

What nail polish color does not compliment you?

Light Barbie-esque pinks are really unflattering on me. I keep looking for the perfect one, but so far they always make my fingers look ‘dirty’.

What color does compliment you?

Well, I wear all colours of the rainbow, but I really like the way greens and blues look on me.

Who are two of your best nail art friends?

Hmm…good question! I’d have to say Marta from ChitChat Nails and Carmela from Polished Indulgence!

Marta does incredible nail stamping and freehand designs, plus she photographs her manicures like a pro. And Carmela has a pretty nail shape and the williness to have fun with designs.

What was the best nail polish gift you have ever received?

I’ve been really lucky/blessed to have received many incredible nail-polish gifts from generous friends. If you twist my arm (please don’t!),Β forced me to choose one, and threatened the life of my bottle of Clarins 230, then I’d choose. But then you would be a really cruel person…haha!

Among the best nail-polish gifts were Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure (a polish I had trouble finding and wanted badly), Colour Alike polishes (from Poland), a really cute teeny tiny bottle with a Hello Kitty charm (what a fun novelty), and a $100 nail-polish shopping spree at Trade Secrets (my friend was so generous for that Christmas present)! πŸ™‚

Make a speech about thanking the blogger who tagged you.

Thanks, Marisa, for tagging me! I raise my nail-polish bottle to you to show my gratitude! πŸ˜‰ May you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year full of love and lacquer! Nailphiles like us need to stick together. πŸ˜‰

(For anyone who hasn’t seen her amazing swatches, go check out her blog. She rocks so many colours, and somehow, she’s able to make colours that would look blah on me look so decadent on her.)

That was fun! Now it’s your turn! πŸ˜€


31 thoughts on “Blog News: The Nail Polish Tag

  1. Marisa

    Mary!!! I’m so excited that you participated!! It was an honor to tag you. That friend that gave you a shopping spree is AWESOME!!! Best gift ever!!
    Merry Christmas to you too hon! Raising my nail polish bottle right back at ya ;0).

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marisa!

      And it was an honour to BE tagged, especially by you. πŸ™‚ It was a lot of fun to do!

      Yes, when I found out that I had $100 to spend at Trade Secrets on polish, I went insane and pretty much got a bunch of OPI colours that I had my eye on for a long time.

      THANK YOU! πŸ˜€ (There should be a Nail Polish Awareness Day if there isn’t already.) πŸ˜‰

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Carmela!

      Yeah, when it comes to us on Twitter, I suppose we’re like Polkaroo and the guy who misses him. πŸ˜›

      P.S. Haha, it would be a dangerous kind of friendship, wouldn’t it? πŸ˜›

  2. maddy

    1.How many polishes do you have?
    2.What is your favorite brand of nail polish?
    3.Do you like crackle nail polish, or do you hate it?
    4.What is your first nail polish brand?
    5.If you’re going to have a nail polish line, what are you gonna name it?
    6.What nail polish color does not compliment you?
    7.What color does compliment you?
    8.Who are two of your best nail art friends?
    9.What was the best nail polish gift you have ever received?
    10.Make a speech about thanking the blogger who tagged you.

    1. 30-50 I just started collecting this summer and I haven’t really counted how much I had recently.
    2. I love China Glaze, OPI/Nicole by OPI, Wet ‘n’ Wild, Sally Hansen and Sinful Colors.
    3. I love crackle nail polish but I think people are really overdoing it. It makes for a cute easy manicure.
    4. It was Wet ‘n’ Wild basecoat/topcoat and Sally Hansen Lavender Marquis. The first nail polish I received was from a makeup kit I got as a kid but the nail polish was old so it was sticky.
    5. Probably something to do with rainbows because I love holographic (linear and scattered), glittter and duochrome nail polishes so they would definitely be the stars of the line. I also like the colors of the rainbow (ROYGBIV) and pink so the nail polish line would also include neons and pastels of those colors.
    6. Nudes don’t really compliment me and I don’t really like to wear nudes.
    7. Pinks, purples, blues, greens and black really compliment me and I wear them often.
    8. Mary from Swatch and Learn (of course!) and Alexia who is one of my best friends at school.
    9. I bought most of my nail polish but I did receive a French Manicure set from a salon themed party so that might be the best gift I got.
    10. Thank you Mary for tagging me in this Nail Polish Tag. You (and other bloggers) are my inspiration for all things nail polish. My nail polish obsession (and collection) actually grew as I started reading this blog. You introduced me to many great colors (like CG’s For Audrey). You come up with some of the cutest and most orignal nail art designs I have seen. I love your blog because you answer to every comment, have a great nail shape, write step by step tutorials and many more stuff. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! πŸ™‚ Enjoy the holidays!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey maddy!

      You’re awesome – thanks for participating in the tag! I had fun reading your answers.

      Upwards of 30 polishes is a GREAT collection. It’s more than what the average person has, so I can tell that you’re really into polish. πŸ™‚ And that’s a good assortment of brands that you adore. Nice choices!

      I agree with you about overdoing it with crackle. Hey, wouldn’t it be cool, though, if they came out with a crackle mood polish? The colour of the crackle effect would change based on the temperature. That would be a little twist that makes the crackle trend refreshing again…at least for a little while.

      You’re really lucky that your best friend at school is really into nail art! πŸ™‚ None of my close friends are really into it, and they also aren’t into nail polish in general. So I’m glad that you chime in on my posts, Maddy! πŸ™‚ It’s great to interact with friendly people like you who have similar interests (and lemmings)… πŸ˜‰

      Hope you also have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! πŸ˜€

      P.S. My head just got bigger thanks to all your high praise about me! It really makes me feel like a million bucks knowing that my hard work is appreciated. Many thanks, Maddy!

      1. maddy

        That would be awesome if they made a mood crackle polish! I would definitely buy that. Me and Alexia actually introduced most of our friends into nail polish, the different trends and nail art. You’re priceless to me and so is your work! You are very friendly yourself, you can keep a convo going from just 1 comment! I find that truly amazing. I also hate one worded conversations so that’s another good thing.

        1. Mary Post author

          It’s cool that you’re spreading the word. I bet you by the middle of next year, all your friends will be into it. πŸ˜‰ Love for polish spreads faster than a forest fire.

          And then you can have painting parties! (I’ve always wanted to do that, but no one I know is into that. So once I was desperate, had some guy friends over, and surprisingly, they allowed me to paint their nails. That’s the closest I’ve ever gotten to a painting party. Wish I could have one with, y’know, WOMEN…haha!)

          1. maddy

            I actually did have a painting party once. Alexia and I set it up, we all had to bring our nail polish to my house, then we did our nails, or each others. We also ate pizza and watched movies. It was a great day and we had tons of fun.

        1. maddy

          I have more OPI’s and China Glaze’s but I was actually a bit surprised because those tend to be the more expensive brands, then I remembered I got the OPI’s from clearance bins in Trade Secrets and the China Glaze’s from multiple stores with sales.

          1. Mary Post author

            It’s also because those two brands have such a wide selection of colours! πŸ™‚ (Aww…I never really find many exciting things in the clearance bins at Trade Secrets. You must’ve beat me there. πŸ˜‰ )

            1. maddy

              If you go to the one in Toronto Eaton Centre, they have good brands in their clearance bins. They have Zoya and OPI’s. Last week they even had OPI DS for $9.99. They had the Zoya matte collection and the Xoya ice-cream popscicle collection.

              1. Mary Post author

                Ahh…that’s why. I haven’t been to that store in a while even though I do shop at that mall.

                OPI DS for $9.99? Did you get any? Do you remember what colours they had? And is the sale over? (I’m guessing that amazing deal won’t last until January…which is the only time I’d be able to go there.)

                1. maddy

                  They had the whole collection in the clearance bin (and more cause there was more than 1 each)! I got DS Temptation, Magic, Bold, Radiance and Extravagance. They only had the newer collection, I wish they still had the old holo’s.

                  1. Mary Post author

                    That is incredible! I would totally pick up a back-up of Extravagance – that polish is absolutely perfect in every way! Glad that you were able to find amazing deals on them. Great choices. I’ve been curious about Temptation and Magic.

  3. maddy

    It won’t let me post my comment answering the questions because it says duplicate comment detected. I’ll just e-mail it to you if you’re interested in reading it.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey maddy!

      Your comment got pulled into the Spam folder automatically, so I fished it back out where it belongs. πŸ™‚ Hmm…the spam checker probably just saw a lot of questions in a single post and freaked out…haha! (I regularly check the Spam folder, so hopefully if this happens to anyone else, I’ll be able to salvage the comment.)

  4. karen

    1. How many polishes do you have?
    152 at last count, but that is subject to change at any given moment.

    2. What is your favorite brand of nail polish?
    It used to be OPI, but then I started trying other brands so now I don’t have a favorite brand, I have favorite colors.

    3. Do you like crackle nail polish, or do you hate it?
    Meh. I was crazy about it at first, but kinda got tired of it after everyone started wearing it. Now I can take it or leave it.

    4. What is your first nail polish brand?
    Sally Hansen because it was what Mom bought most.

    5. If you’re going to have a nail polish line, what are you gonna name it?
    Nail Candy πŸ˜€

    6. What nail polish color does not compliment you?
    Nudes and super light pinks…..they just end up making me look even more pale.

    7. What color does compliment you?
    Greens, blues, and purples.

    8. Who are two of your best nail art friends?
    Mary, of course…because I find myself coming back here nearly every day to see what she’s come up with. There are a few others that I visit occasionally, but this is where I always end up.

    9. What was the best nail polish gift you have ever received?
    My Sister-from-another-Mother knew how much I was drooling over OPI’s DS Original but that it was way out of my price range so she sent it to me as a gift along with DS Sapphire for my last birthday. I’m returning the favour by sending her a few bottles from the Nicki Minaj collection that just came in. πŸ˜›

    10. Make a speech about thanking the blogger who tagged you.
    Mary is quickly becoming one of my favourite people. A friend of mine suggested that I read her blog and I found myself a regular reader because Mary is so thoughtful, responds to her readers, and makes it fun to explore new things.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey karen!

      Thanks for taking the time to answer all 10 questions! πŸ™‚ I enjoyed reading your answers, and you put a huge smile on my face.

      Nail Candy? That does sound really delicious! I can even picture how the packaging will look – maybe they would be dressed up to look like sweet treats, too. I’d buy it!

      That’s an amazing present you got. OPI DS Original, especially, is such a coveted polish! I’ve only seen it online, and swatches of it blew me away. Don’t you wish OPI brought their old holos back? Lots of people would be willing to pay the higher price tag for high quality.

      Aww…thank you for being so sweet and saying all those lovely things about me! πŸ˜€ Seriously, I’m scared that it’ll all go to my head. (Maybe I can divert some of it to go to my hands and feet, too. Hehe!)

      I really enjoy interacting with you and my other readers. πŸ™‚ Getting to know what people like, don’t like, think about, etc. is very interesting. And I really believe that it’s by exploring new things and digging deeper that we grow in terms of creativity.

  5. Debi

    How many polishes do you have?
    – What did we count, 70-something polishes? I have more jars of things for decorating than I do of polish colors!

    What is your favorite brand of nail polish?
    – Current favorite is IsaDora because of the wide brush.

    Do you like crackle nail polish, or do you hate it?
    – I love the look, but there’s only one brand that works properly when I use it. My friend can use any of them and make them look great.

    What is your first nail polish brand?
    – I don’t remember what I got first. Probably something from Maybelline when I was little.

    If you’re going to have a nail polish line, what are you gonna name it?
    – Silver Bows, but that’s just the line name. There should be silver bow glitter in every bottle!

    What nail polish color does not compliment you?
    – I think the oranges are not good on me. I thought yellow would be worst, but it seems orange actually won.

    What color does compliment you?
    – Deep reds seem to look best on my hands.

    Who are two of your best nail art friends?
    – Tracy and Val, they do a lot of their own. I follow Mary’s blog (I’m here!), and the work of Robin Moses. I get a lot of inspiration from all of them. I know you said two, I can’t count. πŸ™‚

    What was the best nail polish gift you have ever received?
    – Probably either the Konad set from my husband or the H&M set from my husband. But we’re always getting more nail stuff….

    Make a speech about thanking the blogger who tagged you.
    – Thank you, Mary, it’s nice to be included. I’ve taken some inspiration from your designs and passed on a few for my granddaughter and sent a couple of people over here to see what you are up to. It’s a pleasure!

    I look forward to your new postings every day.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Debi!

      Silver Bows – That’s a unique concept. I would LOVE to have silver bow glitter in nail polish. It’d be a great novelty. I’ve never seen anything like that. Seems like people are really into hexagonal glitter right now. But, if given more options, I’m sure that people would have fun trying out different-shaped glitter.

      Orange is definitely tough to pull off. Usually when I wear it, I go for a flaming neon. (Think neon Cheetos…haha) And now I’m thinking of that commercial you did! I love how you don’t take yourself too serious and know how to have fun.

  6. Marta

    OKAY… SO I’m totally blushing while reading this post πŸ˜€
    But let me screw my head on straight to say this first: You have a little over twice as much polish as I do which is great for two reason:
    1. you have lots of pretties to keep showing
    2. it just means that it is perfectly ok for me to double my stash πŸ˜‰

    Now here is the story… I’ve always been a super geek at school… lumped in with the nerds and don’t-talk-to-’em crowd… never got picked for sports first… I was the default “well, I guess we will have to pick Marta… since there is no one else”. So to be picked as one of your nail-polish buddies= I’m glowing… move over Rudolph, I can guide Santa’s sleigh πŸ˜‰ AND to have you list the Colour Alike shade as one of your memorable polish gifts is a real nice treat also πŸ˜€
    So yeah, I’m going to go blush a little more and read a few more posts of yours πŸ˜‰

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marta!

      Sometimes I feel as though I’m not literate. I misread your first sentence. Thought you wrote: “Okay…so I’m totally BRUSHING while reading this post”. Naturally, opening a comment like that made me curious. I wondered, “Did I do toothbrush nail art in my sleep?” πŸ˜› But then I re-read it and laughed. Eyeballs, you trick me!

      If we have nail-polish teams, you’d definitely be the favourite pick not only by me, but tons of other people. We’ve seen what you can do, but more importantly, we’ve seen how generous and caring you are. Even if your manicures looked like you dipped your entire hand in a can of paint, I would still pick you because you have heart. That speaks volumes. Hehe, and then we could work on nail painting. πŸ˜‰

      Every so often, I still pull out those Colour Alike polishes and look at them. I really treasure them. I would never have those in my collection if it wasn’t for your generosity! Thank you!

  7. Shay

    1. About 40
    2 china glaze (although i would love to try opi)
    3. I like it, however it is very hard to pull off
    4. Covergirl. My mom only had one polish, a clear covergirl topcoat and i used it all the time.
    5. strangely enough i had the exact same idea as one of the other readers. I would call it nail candy. All the shades would be bright fun colors. And my slogan would be ” why should the eyes have all the fun?”
    6.barbie pink, dark pink, and bright red
    7. Metalic dark blue and deep red
    8. Skip
    9. A basket fill of 30 china glaze nail polishes
    10. I dont know what this means?

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Shay!

      Thanks for participating in this fun little activity! πŸ™‚ And it’s cool that you read other people’s answers, too. It’s great getting to know a little more about each other!

      Hehe, I like your slogan for the nail-polish collection – it’s really catchy!

      WOWWW…you got a basket with 30 China Glaze polishes? That must’ve made you feel amazing! What an incredible present – you’re so lucky! πŸ™‚

      Oh, the 10th question is: thank the person for tagging you. I tagged everyone reading the post.


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