Blog News: My Interview Was Featured in Your Nails Magazine!

Your Nails Magazine Swatch And LearnToday I have some really exciting news to share! I’ve known about it since the end of July, but I’ve kept it hush-hush. Why? Not because I was asked to, but because it’s just more fun this way to announce it now!

My interview was featured in Your Nails Magazine! (And I’m representing Canada – wooooo hoooo!)

Back in the summer, Karolina Boczek (the Managing Director of Your Nails Magazine, a magazine geared toward nail professionals) reached out to me. She told me that her magazine runs a regular article in every issue that asks nail technicians and people who are passionate about nails to answer a few questions.

She was wondering if I’d be interested in a feature. Hells to the yeah, as they say!

I sent short answers to her questions, some of my manicure photos, and a headshot of myself as requested.

Then, it was just a waiting game – a very exciting one!

You have no idea how many times I went home and checked my mail to see if the issue arrived! (This is my very first magazine feature, so it’s a huge deal to me! Plus the fact that I’m not a nail technician or a nail professional in any way makes this a special honour.)

The September issue I’m featured in is No. 8 (4/2013) ISSN 2009-4752, and you can find me on page 51, in the centre column and under the section called “What’s Hot & What’s Not Around the World”.

Unfortunately, I don’t own a scanner, so I had to photograph the page with my camera’s flash. (I have a few friends who have scanners, so hopefully I’ll be able to scan the page nicely and add it here in the near future.)

When you get to page 51, I’m featured along 2 others, Ami Harris (who has had 15 months of professional training) and Ria Lopez (who’s been doing nails professionally for 5 years). I’m honoured to be featured alongside them!

In this post, I share the full article with you, as well as a closer look at the pictures.

Your Nails Magazine Swatch And Learn

Here’s a close up of my section, but if you find it hard to read, scroll down because I typed it out in case it’s easier for you.

The image on top shows the summery fishtail braid manicure I did.

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YourNails Magazine SwatchAndLearn

At the end, they were nice enough to include some of my social-media accounts and my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle nail art.

YourNails Magazine SwatchAndLearn 2

Below is the text that’s in the article:

What inspires you to do nails and nail art?

The impetus behind me wanting to paint my nails, come up with quirky nail art, and blog about it on was a combination of several things: challenging nail traditions, staying creative, wanting to sport manicures with singular style, and encouraging others to dream up designs and turn their visions into realities!

How many years have you been working with nails?

I’ve been painting my own nails since elementary school, but it was only until I began blogging in 2010 (sharing reviews and swatches) that I started painting my nails more frequently each week.

Which nail stylist inspires you the most?

I wouldn’t be able to name just one because every nail-polish enthusiast (or ‘nailphile’ as I like to say) is a major source of inspiration. Passion inspires me, especially when it’s driven by happiness rather than goals to achieve perfection.

What nail trends are most fashionable in your country this autumn? 

A lot of people are continuing to embrace the textured-nail trend. It’s one of the most exciting nail trends in a long time, and I’m digging it like a shovel! Not only do the textured polishes dry extremely fast, but the harmony of matte and glitter combine for a match made in nail heaven!

What is your favourite website for getting ideas? 

Since I’m a big advocate of accessible beauty, I really enjoy because it’s an inviting community where beauty lovers of any age, background, and experience can come together and communicate their passion on an equal playing field. This website bridges the gap between the industry professional and the savvy consumer.

What’s your must-have product right now?

The Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat has been my holy-grail product for years because it’s the Usain Bolt of top coats – it dries a manicure rock hard in record time. I wouldn’t paint my nails as often as I do if I didn’t discover it!

This is what the cover of the magazine looks like. (Haha, no, those aren’t my toes! I wish!)

Your Nails Magazine SwatchAndLearn

If you’re interested in subscribing to the magazine, you can get a physical or a digital version sent to you. The subscription is available worldwide, and a 1-year subscription includes 5 issues.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all Swatch And Learn readers for supporting me and for making my blogging journey more and more rewarding each and every single day.

Although it’s challenging to run a blog, I’ve found that your enthusiasm, your humour, and your kind words never fail to find their place in my heart.

Thank you for visiting Swatch And Learn, and thank you for making the nail community so welcoming and fun to be a part of!


34 thoughts on “Blog News: My Interview Was Featured in Your Nails Magazine!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Lizzy!

      Even though I knew about it a while ago, it was only when I received the issue in the mail that my eyes started to water. It was really a dream come true for me, and something that I never thought would ever happen!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Gelic’ Nail Art!

      That’s so sweet of you to say! Thank you! Blogging is so rewarding, and mainly it’s because of awesome readers like you!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Floria!

      Thanks! 😀 I was (and am) over-the-moon about it! I never thought it would ever happen, and when I think about it, it makes me all emotional!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      Thanks for sharing in my excitement! That makes it better – when you can share a moment with people who care. Thanks for caring! 🙂

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Cindi!

      It feels amazing to be featured in a magazine, but even more amazing to have great readers like you who support me so much! Thank you!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Icequeen81!

      I haven’t seen the magazine here, either, since it’s from Ireland, I believe, but I’m going to look at some shops that sell international magazines. I’m curious now. (P.S. Thanks for your support!)

      1. Icequeen81

        I trough it was an magazine with an easy access in Canada. For example here we get magazines from Venezuela, ,Holland and USA. We don’t really get magazines from Europa except from Holland. hope you can find it I t can be very great to have a copy for yourself.

        U welcome, you deserve my support.

        1. Mary S. Post author

          I have never seen it in Canada, but I want to check out the larger bookstores. Sometimes they have magazines from all over the world, so perhaps I could get hold of it there.

          Thankfully, Your Nails Magazine was kind enough to send me a copy of the magazine. It just would be nice for me to buy a second copy to give to my mom. 🙂

  1. Lacqueerisa

    Congratulations! So happy for you! 😀 I’m so glad they’ve selected you to interview! You are one of my favourites! 🙂

    Hahaha! I love Seche Vite Top Coat as well, by far one of the best! I simply love their quick drying formula. Still, I hope to be able to find another that performs just as well with hopefully, a wider brush (just to get a nice coverage for the thumb). I often lament the fact, when Seche Vite gets goopy, thumb coverage always suffer.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Lacqueerisa!

      Aww, thank you very much for your support and enthusiasm! 🙂 Your kind words really touched my heart. There are so many amazing bloggers out there, so the fact that I’m one of your favourites means so much to me. It’s an honour to be among them!

      Have you tried Seche Restore? It’s their own thinner. I use it to bring back the consistency when my bottle is running low. It works like a charm! (Hehe, I also buy the professional-size refill bottle. Yup, THAT’S how much I love it!)


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