Blog News: Little Update

Hi everyone!

I hope you’re all doing well. You may have noticed that as of Tuesday March 18, there have been no new blog posts. Don’t worry – there are some posts in the works later on. I have lots of photos that just need to be cropped and then I need to write the posts.

After finishing my full-time job each day, I’ve been coming home and unpacking more boxes from my move for several hours, which is making me feel more exhausted than usual.

Things are coming along nicely, though. I still have more things to organize, but the main things are done, and with fingers, toes, and eyes crossed, I’ll hopefully be able to return to blogging very soon!

Readers like you are very important to me, and if I can’t give a blog post my 100% or even 90%, I just don’t feel right.

Thanks for understanding and for being patient and supportive as I continue to go through the transition of getting my new home organized.

To be fair to you and myself, I think Monday March 24 is a more reasonable day when I’ll begin blogging again Monday to Friday regularly.

This little blog note is just to let all my loyal readers know that you have always been on my mind!


20 thoughts on “Blog News: Little Update

  1. Neff815

    Glad to hear your move is coming along well. Which owl did you decide to go with? The white one was soo cute!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Neff815!

      I ended up going with the white owl for the bathroom because it seemed to go with the ‘cleaner’ and more modern decor. The colourful, green owl, I’ll use in a smaller hexagonal frame I have, and it’ll probably flutter its way into my living room later on. 😉

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Broush61!

      Thank you very much! It’s very exciting because it’s my first, and it’s great having this sense of stability instead of renting and being unsure.

  2. Melissa

    I completely understand. Moving and getting settled in can be a major pain in the…. well, you know. Take your time, darlin., I’m not going anywhere. I wish I lived nearby, I could help with the unpacking. We’ll be here whenever you’re ready. 🙂

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      I know what you meant. A pain in the…acetone, right? 😉 Haha, resident nailphile here!

      Aww, you’re always so sweet and supportive. Thank you so much for knowing how to boost my spirits!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Fedoraharp!

      Hmm, strange! I checked the spam folder, but it wasn’t there, either. I wonder how often that has happened to others whose comments never saw the light of day. 🙁

      Thank you for your well wishes! 🙂 It went well, and although I’m slowly organizing everything, the main things are set up and liveable. I’m really enjoying my new place!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Laure!

      Thanks so much! I hit some bumps along the way, but everything turned out well – must’ve been all the positive vibes from my awesome readers like you! 🙂

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Traci!

      Thank you very much for understanding! I tried my hardest to avoid any interruptions on my blog during the actual move, but then, haha, I forgot that AFTER my move, I would have to unpack everything, and it would eat up a lot of time as well!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Lizzy!

      That’s the right mentality for sure. It’s a motto for life, in general. If you’re going to do something, do it right the first time! Completely agree!


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