Blog News: I Was Mentioned in a Sephora YouTube Video About Illamasqua Nail Polish

Hope that you’re having a fantastic Wednesday so far! Guess what? I’m about to freak out! πŸ˜‰ I have something pretty cool to share!

One of my loyal readers, Olivia Frescura, told me yesterday that Sephora mentioned me in their YouTube video about the Illamasqua Rubber Brights Collection! (Edit:Β I later learned that this video was produced by the amazing Illamasqua team themselves for Sephora’s use. :D)

I’m so excited about this – it was a pleasant surprise! πŸ™‚ They included me in their section about Illamasqua Nurture (the green polish in the new collection).

(You’ll remember that I reviewed and swatched it not too long ago. You can see my blog post onΒ Illamasqua Nurture here.)

Swatch And Learn Mentioned in Sephora Illamasqua YouTube Video

Swatch And Learn in Sephora Illamasqua YouTube Video

What blew my mind was that they also featured quotes fromΒ Harpers Bazaar US, Scrangie, and a few other bloggers. It was a real honour to be in such incredible company!

In the video, they not only show the Illamasqua nail polishes, but they also show you a quick and easy nail tutorial.Β You can view the YouTube video hereΒ or by clicking on the screenshot above! (And if you want to see where they mention me, it’s at 0:51.)

I want to take this time to say a huge thank you to all of my wonderful readers for supporting me every step of the way. It means so much, and I’m looking forward to blogging for as long as I can. πŸ™‚

What do you think of the nail art they did? Would you try it? Have you purchased any of the Illamasqua Rubber Brights polishes?


14 thoughts on “Blog News: I Was Mentioned in a Sephora YouTube Video About Illamasqua Nail Polish

  1. Gelic' nail art

    It is so fun that they are using your and others comments (with link), it feels like if they are really reading and caring about the reviews and that they have realized that people/buyers do it too. I would really like to have a rubbery polish however, I’m not sure I’m in love with the nail art they did, but that is just a matter of opinion I guess. πŸ™‚
    Gelic’ nail art recently posted: The budget nude swatch

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Gelic’ nail art!

      It is, isn’t it? And it’s nice knowing that they’re embracing the beauty community as a whole and not just partnering up with other companies. Become one with the people, I say! πŸ™‚ It really looks good for them, plus on a marketing point of view, it’s smart to stay in touch with what your targeted audience is doing and saying.

  2. Raychul

    Congrats Mary!!

    You put in a lot of time and hard work to keep this going, so it’s good to see you get some recognition! It’s also pretty neat to think that a company liked your review and wanted to quote it in their video.

    The video was fun to watch! I liked the little tidbit about what inspired the collection. I like the rubber finish. It’s something different and the colors in the collection seem to compliment that sort of finish (if that makes sense, haha). The nail art was fun looking too!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Raychul!

      Thank you so much! πŸ™‚ It’s awesome to have your support. And to read your kind words of encouragement really helps during the times when I’m struggling with thoughts that I’m not good enough. Seriously, readers like you are the best. You give me the extra push that I need to accomplish my goals. And I’m constantly learning new things while blogging (about myself, readers, and products), so it’s been an interesting journey thus far.

      The music in the background of the video was really fun. Made me smile a lot because it’s so chipper and whimsical.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Olivia Frescura!

      It was just the news I needed, and it put a huge smile on my face. Thanks for being on the ball, paying attention, and caring enough to make the effort to let me know. It means a lot!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jess!

      Ooohhh, I don’t have Aorta, but yesterday when I was at Sephora, I picked it up to admire it. It’s nice and bright. Plus it lends itself very well to the rubberized finish.

  3. Marta

    Yaay for the mention!!!! You deserve all of the wonderful mentions and shout outs- you really do!

    I am truly embracing multiple colors on my nails (all at once). I dove into the skittles look and I quite like it- so I’m a fan of the video manicure πŸ˜€
    I don’t have access to this brand at a reasonable $ But I have been loving your swatches πŸ˜€
    Marta recently posted: On this Day…

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marta!

      You’re the sweetest! Thank you! πŸ™‚ Your continuing support and friendship means so much to me, and I feel lucky/blessed to know a kindred spirit like you who conveniently is also a nailphile. πŸ˜‰


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