INGLOT 988 is a Comfort Nail Polish to me that’s akin to a piping hot bowl of chilli on a day when the weather outside is frightful.
It wasn’t always this way, but green speaks to my soul. Although I can appreciate a diverse spectrum of shades, green is the colour that I find to be the most soothing and ‘natural.’ It’s the colour that I feel represents me the best, and it’s rare that a green doesn’t make my heart sing like a Disney princess whose bed is made by sweet little birds. (Pfft! Who needs a Prince Charming?) 😉
How has your New Year been so far? Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Are you sticking to them?
I rarely make New Year’s resolutions anymore. Instead, I set goals for myself frequently throughout the year, and that works best for me because I like having numerous achievements to strive for on a regular basis instead of once a year.
Now it’s time for a tangent, cosine, or sine. 😉
Something that’s unrelated, but that I wanted to mention is that the other day, I was doing random searches on YouTube. Ever do that? You end up researching one thing, but then you fall down the rabbit hole and wind up somewhere completely unexpected.
I started off listening to old songs that brought back happy memories – 2Pac Thugz Mansion (the acoustic version), Fight Test by The Flaming Lips, Fabolous’ You Be Killin’ Em, and T.I.’s Whatever You Like.
Then, after a long string of searches, it was the Six Degrees of YouTube Separation. I ended up listening to a man speaking about his experience in a maximum-security prison!
While listening to this man, I was inspired because he totally turned his life and attitude around. After spending years in prison and being stripped of his freedom, he was finally released, and he chose to lead a life that wasn’t down a criminal path.
Despite the temptations and his friends who were released and repeated the same old mistakes, this guy had the courage to resist. He created his own happy story, and he took full responsibility for all the crimes he committed in the past. He even tried to help other convicts change their ways, and he put himself in danger by doing so.
Stories like his make me think that there really are angels on earth.
People like him inspire me the most. It’s not those who have it all who impress me. The people who have lost it all and have learned what the real riches are set the biggest example for me. It’s people like him whose stories I’d want to help write into a book. The world needs to hear them and come back down to earth.
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