Okay, I’ll admit it – I get a little intimidated by yellow and gold nail polish. And I can never tell if they’ll work with my skin tone until I paint my nails.
OPI Oy-Another Polish Joke! is from the upcoming Euro Centrale Collection for Spring/Summer 2013, which will be hitting stores on February 6.
In the bottle, it looks magical! When I first got it, I admired it in natural light at various angles. It’s definitely different than any of the golds or yellows I have in my stash.
(Random note: Whenever anyone says ‘stash’, I always think of a moustache first. And since most nailphiles don’t use the word in that context and more commonly use it to mean their collection, it usually makes me giggle when I hear sentences with the word ‘stash’. Yeah, I can find humour in anything.)
OPI Oy-Another Polish Joke! Pictures

Natural Light


Natural Light

OPI Oy-Another Polish Joke! Swatches
All swatches have:
- Essie First Base (Base Coat)
- 3 coats of OPI Oy-Another Polish Joke!
- Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat
Natural Light Photos
Flash Photos
√ Shimmery gold
Key Notes
- Name: OPI Oy-Another Polish Joke!
- Collection: OPI Euro Centrale Collection 2013
- Press Release: Click here to see the OPI Euro Centrale Collection press release
- Colours Available in the Collection: Polka.com, OPI…Eurso Euro, Suzi’s Hungary AGAIN!, You’re Such a BudaPest, Can’t Find My Czechbook, My Paprika is Hotter than Yours!, Hands Off My Kielbasa!, OY-Another Polish Joke!, A Woman’s Prague-ative, Vant to Bite My Neck?, I Saw…U Saw…We Saw…Warsaw & My Vampire is Buff
- Amount: 15 mL (0.5 fl. oz.)
- What I Paid: Nothing! (This was provided by PR.)
- Where to Buy: Trade Secrets & select spas & salons (Available February 6, 2013)
OPI Oy-Another Polish Joke! Review
First of the bat, I have to say that this polish reminds me of fairy tales and particularly of Rumpelstiltskin.
(That’s the story where the king lies about his daughter’s ability to spin straw into gold, locks her in a room, and then demands that she spin straw into gold by the morning. What a great father…Then Rumpelstiltskin tries to capitalize on the situation by performing the miracle in exchange for a necklace at first and then escalating to a promise to have her firstborn child!)
To me, OPI Oy-Another Polish Joke! is a miraculous nail polish. It looks magical and delicate as a manicure – like what I imagine spun gold would look like.
The bonus? I didn’t need to promise my first-born child to a hairy imp-like creature with a funny name.
OPI Oy-Another Polish Joke! looks like it has a fine glassfleck finish. The shimmer works hard like the rent is due tomorrow!
When I wore this to the office, the sun came out for a bit. I was impressed with how brilliant it shone and twinkled, dancing on my nails like a sugarplum fairy trying to land a role in The Nutcracker musical.
Application & Formula
OPI Oy-Another Polish Joke! is thin and watery, but I found it easy to control and apply smoothly.
To the naked eye (and not blown up large like the photos on my blog), you get decent coverage with 3 thin coats. However, if you really want to make sure nothing peeks out, you may want to either add an extra thin coat, or make your coats slightly thicker.
Also, removing this polish was a breeze. It came off nearly as easily as a creme polish. I didn’t have to scrub my fingers raw.
Final Verdict: 8/10
This polish really grew on me. When I was painting my nails at night, I wasn’t sure how flattering it was against my skin tone, but, as usual, I gave it a shot. The next day, I found myself glancing down a lot. It’s not a colour I wear very often, so it’s a fun nail novelty for me.
How often do you wear gold nail polish? Which shades from the Euro Centrale Collection do you plan on picking up?
it looks a lot like the milani golden holographic (510 HD 3d)
maria emma recently posted: Es todo acerca de rojo y dorado.. y brillar..
Hey Maria Emma!
This one’s not holographic as far as I could tell, but HD 3D sounds like it would be awesome!
I have to admit I am coming round to wearing yellow gold again – it’s being shown so much in accessories and gold jewelry is huge again (guess because it’s soooo pricy if you have real gold on it’s major upscale status). I did not like gold polishes much because most of them looked cheap…then you talked me into Goldeneye and I also picked up Ziv from Zoya – love both of them. This one is catching my eye despite I am on burn out of anything that looks like Christmas season now – always have been one of those that the day after Christmas I want everything down and the house cleaned top to bottom! I think this latter thing comes from my mom leaving the tree up until after NY and if it was not dried up she would leave it up to the end of Jan! But by springtime I might be feeling OK about this shade. It’s one of those I would buy ahead on pre-order and I won’t buy it on line. I need to hold it against my skin to be sure it’s one of those I can wear…yellows are so hard to pull off…but I do have a HUGE weak spot for glassfleck and this one looks to be great in that dept!
Hey beachgal!
I feel like GoldenEye really converted a lot of people to giving gold a chance. 🙂 Glad that you ended up liking it as much as I do! It’s a star!
Yes, I can see this shade working well in the spring, too. It can look very soft. 🙂 It would be neat to see someone do little chicks as nail art with this.
LOL Once I crested the 300 polish mark I switched from “stash” to “collection”. It made me feel better about myself. “It’s a collection” puts it up there with Hummels and stuff instead of some dirty little secret. 😉 Anyway, this is such a lovely gold color!! Just this side of being ‘too much’, I think.
Lizzy recently posted: Julep: "Naida" & Color Club: Ho-Ho-Holly
Hey Lizzy!
Haha, yes, how you word it makes a big difference. Collection makes it sound more serious and formal. Stash is more casual…haha, and it reminds me of a moustache…the kind that’s curly on the ends and that a funny man twirls.
I’m not sure this would be so flattering on me, but I LOVE the color. It’s kind of a unique gold, because of the yellow and also the finish just seems extra shimmery and light-reflective to me 🙂
Catherine (@bcrueltyfree) recently posted: BECCA Mineral Blush in Wild Honey
Hey Catherine!
Yellows and golds can be very tricky to wear. But when you find the right ones, they look really elegant! 🙂 I like how this one’s softer and not too crazy.
Hmmmm is this anything like the gold from the OPI James Bond collection? I cant think of the name off the top of my head.
Hey Frosso!
Compared to GoldenEye, this one’s toned down, like a tame animal. GoldenEye is much flashier and decadent…Also, the flakes are big. Both are beautiful, but it depends on what you’re in the mood for.
Hi! So glad I came across your post. There’s a shop in my hometown which sells opi. It’s not huge though so they don’t get all the collections. What they often do is have the mini collections and split them up to sell cheaper. this is great as i get to try pretty shades and not have to shell out so much if they turn out to be a flop. Not so good of i find one i adore, as the minis don’t have the name on! >_< You did such a thorough job here that i was able to order with confidence, so thankyoooooo! 🙂
Hey Squeaky!
That’s pretty cool how that shop lets you buy the mini polishes individually! I don’t know of any place around here that does it. That must be really fun to buy the little bottles in just the shades you like.
Thank you for such high praise! I’m very happy to share my thoughts and photos with readers. It makes me feel even better that you found it useful! 🙂