Lookie what I found on my computer: photos taken with my old camera several weeks ago!
This is the limited-edition L’Oreal Owl’s Night!
The first thing I noticed when I laid eyes on the bottle was that the gold shimmer caught the light like a supermodel who knows her best camera angles.
I probably would’ve never had this in my possession if it hadn’t been for Carmela’s generosity. She went to the States and brought me back this gorgeous bottle! It was a thoughtful surprise! (You can check out her blog here.)
When I wore this, I was in this phase where I was really feeling dark polishes, so this fit the bill well. Plus the sexy shimmer really made this lacquer special.
L’Oreal Owl’s Night Pictures

Yellow Afternoon Sunlight

Natural Light

It’s amazing how dusty something looks when it’s magnified so much! :S
L’Oreal Owl’s Night Swatches
All swatches have:
- Nubar Foundation Base Coat
- 2 coats of L’Oreal Owl’s Night
- Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat




Afternoon Sunlight

Natural Light

Natural Light




Natural Light

√ Colours take flight (Haha, this polish comes alive because the shimmer dances on your nails, so I guess I’ll consider this funny claim ‘Trusted’.)
Key Notes
- Name: L’Oreal Owl’s Night
- Amount: 11.7 mL (0.39 fl.oz.)
- What I Paid: Nothing! (This was a sweet surprise from Carmela at Polished Indulgence!)
- Where to Buy: It sold out at a lot of US drugstores, and I haven’t seen it in Canada, so this one’s unfortunately hard to find.
- Limited Edition? Yes!
L’Oreal Owl’s Night Review
This shade does weird things to my eyes! Sometimes I think it’s an antique olive green with gold shimmer, but then when I look again, I’m pretty sure that the base is brown and the golden shimmer is what’s making the overall colour seem like a murky green.
Whatever colour it actually is, I loved wearing it! You’ll love it if you want to wear a dark polish that’s not straight-up black or even one of those near-blacks. And it dresses up your nails much more with gold, which makes it a bit sultry.
Owl’s Night by L’Oreal is a shimmer polish from what I can tell. I tried to see if the gold particles are shimmer or if they’re super-small flakies, but then my eyes started to hurt. (I don’t have a magnifying glass, and because these photos were taken with my old camera, I can’t zoom in much before the image becomes super blurry.)
Sometimes I think I see slightly larger pieces of gold, but the shimmer is so densely packed that it’s hard to tell if it’s not just two little pieces touching. They seem to have irregular shapes, though…but now my eyes need a break.
Application & Formula
L’Oreal Owl’s Night applied very easily. With the brush, I was able to manipulate exactly where the polish went hassle-free.
I applied 2 medium-thick coats, and that was enough for full coverage.
Final Verdict: 8/10
I love how even though Owl’s Night is dark, the golden particles lighten everything up and really catch the light. This really makes the polish come to life!
Were you able to snatch up a bottle of L’Oreal Owl’s Night? What has been your experience with other L’Oreal nail polishes?
Love this one. When I first saw this is CVS I grabbed it without even thinking! Looking Gorgeous on your nails.
Hey preciouspearl!
Good move – your savvy nail-polish instincts kicked in. 😉
After I bought the first bottle then I had to go have a backup. It is very lovely!
Hey Connie!
You’re very lucky that you were able to get 2 bottles! 🙂 A lot of people already have trouble finding even one bottle!
omg this looks so gorgeous. I guess we didnt even have it in drugstores in hungary :S
Hey Reka!
I’m not sure of all the places it was released…It may have only been in the States. (I was lucky to have received it as a surprise gift.) And even in the States, a lot of people said it was hard to find. Maybe something like China Glaze Wagon Trail may quench the lemming. I haven’t compared them side-to-side, but they have a similar personality.
Such a beautiful polish!! I haven’t seen it in my drug stores :-(.
Marisa recently posted: Mark – Sure Fire
Hey Marisa!
Awww…keep the hope alive. You never know when you may accidentally run into it! *Keeps fingers crossed for you*
(When Sally Hansen Project Runway first came out, I found it, but then foolishly put it back. When I came home, I read up on blogs and found out it was a rare, limited-edition polish. I went back, but the bottle was gone. And for over a year, I looked for it all the time. Then, it was just last week or so when I looked through a random bargain bin full of polishes at a salon that I found it for a decent price! So…never give up!)
wow, it’s so beautiful! something i’d definitely wear 😀
i’ll be sure to look out for this
Hey Lawren!
Hope you can find it! 🙂 If not, maybe check out China Glaze Wagon Trail. It’s not a dupe (as far as I know), but it’s close enough to crush a lemming. 😉
Thanks! I will keep that in mind if I can’t 🙂
No problem. 🙂
Soooo gorgeous, but I missed the boat on this one and can’t find it anywhere 🙁 but it looks awesome on you 🙂
Nory recently posted: OPI: Nicki Minaj Collection….Part 1 (cremes)
Hey Nory!
Aww…well, I hope that it miraculously turns up for you one day. You never know…
I’ve seen other polishes in the collection at drugstores, but definitely not this one! You definitely make it sound intriguing, though.
another Cristina recently posted: NOTD-Wet N Wild SaGreena the Teenage Witch
Hey another Cristina!
If you’re able to find it, grab it! So many people have had trouble finding it even when it was first released.
Now see here, Missy…I just snapped up three Finger Paints today (Comet’s Collar, Hue Left a Message?, and Laugh My Art Off) and now you go showing off a polish that makes me want to head right down to the local Walgreens and hunt for more?
Seriously…this is gorgeous. It’s awesome that you showed it in all of those lights because it really is hard to quit staring at it. Confession? I’ve already hit Amazon and they don’t have it (rats!).
hmmm…wonder how late Walgreens stays open…
Hey karen!
Hahaha, yes, it’s dangerous visiting the blog of a nailphile. 😉
Hope you can find it at Walgreens!
This polish is so pretty. It looks amzing on you.
Hey maddy!
Thank you! 😀 This is a colour that looks incredible on everyone! Gotta love colours like this, right? It’s like the Little Black Dress of nail polish in a way.
Wonderful review! This is such a lovely polish! 😀
Ashesela recently posted: Revlon Royal Cloak
Hey Ashesela!
Glad you liked it, too. 🙂 I’m very grateful that my friend surprised me with it. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have gotten my paws on it, most likely.
hey i have nominated you for the versatile blogger
check it out here
makeup chic recently posted: Versatile blog award to BEAUTY REFLECTIONS
Hey makeup chic!
That’s really sweet of you. Thank you so much for that special award! 😀
I used to have this color, I bought it then realized I had a MAC polish I bought a few years ago that looked very similar so I gave it away to my best friend since I knew she would love it. Ever since then Ive seen all of these great swatches and I want it back lol. Oh well…Atleast I had it at one point.
Frosso recently posted: OPI Warm and Fozzie
Hey Frosso!
Which is the MAC polish that looks similar to this? I’m curious!
And that was very kind of you to give this to your best friend. 🙂 I’m sure you made her day!
It’s called “Serisously Hip” …this was before my blogging days so I thought they looked exactly alike…after I gave it away I realized they weren’t identical, but they are very similar.
Frosso recently posted: Drug Store Marathon Haul
Oops… I meant “Seriously Hip”
Frosso recently posted: Drug Store Marathon Haul
I figured that’s what you meant. 🙂
Oh, I see! 🙂 You know, even to this day, I just have one MAC nail polish – Jade Dragon! (I’m waiting for them to put out a multichrome…or a flakie…or just something really different.)
Yea I agree… I only have 2 or 3 and they are all black or black based. MAC hasn’t been coming out with any great nail lacquers for a while now 🙁 It’s too bad because they have great makeup.
Frosso recently posted: Drug Store Marathon Haul
Let’s just hope that they’re saving something incredible for 2012! 😉
I saw this a couple of weeks ago at my Loblaws (here in Ottawa). I picked it up and looked at it for a long time before putting it back again — damn! Gorgeous, should have bought it! I hesitated over the green-ness of it (I’m not big on green polishes) but in your photos it just shows as a lovely hint of olive-y gold. Hmmm, wonder if it’s still there at Loblaws …
Hey muscou!
Oh, I had no idea that you could even find it here in Canada! My readers will be excited to know this. No need to cross the border! Awesome!
If it’s not out of your way, I suggest going back to try to see if it’s still there. Don’t let it get away! Hehe!
I might have to get this one after a quick look through my collection! Starting my New Year’s resolution early!
Erin S. recently posted: December Birchbox
Hey Erin!
Is your New Year’s resolution to buy more amazing nail polish? Hehe, why didn’t I think of that? 😉
Oh how lovely!
You make everything look so AWESOME!
This shade reminds me of Revlon Mistletoe… do you have that one too?
This does appear (and photograph) like a multiple personality polish… but hey, the shrink part of me (I loved my psychology classes) really loves that 😉
Marta recently posted: Cult Nails Blackout
Hey Marta!
Funny…because that’s exactly how I feel about you and your nails – you always make every colour look incredible! 😀
I almost bought Revlon Mistletoe, but I kept putting it back in the display. It looked pretty in the bottle!
I am sooo glad you loved this, Mary!! 😀 I’m still at odds trying to figure out how to get you your Christmas present (or early birthday gift..?) without it getting smashed in transit. :S Also, Belated Merry Christmas and Advanced Happy New Year!! 😀 I’m so behind on commenting but as I was going through the posts I have yet to read, I knew I had to comment here first. 🙂
Actually, I’ve found a full display of this at my local Shoppers! I tweeted about it here (with a photo of the display): https://twitter.com/#!/polishedindulge/status/145339850449616896 because I was so excited to see it when I thought it was a limited edition release! I guess this is the limited edition release for Canada..? I could be wrong. Anyway, if there’s anyone looking for it, more of these displays should be out there. 🙂
Carmela recently posted: Nail Art Wednesday: Red Jelly and Gold Glitter
Hey Carmela!
Thanks again for surprising me with this wonderful polish! 🙂 It’s a great addition to my collection.
Hope you have a wonderful New Year! And I hope that your husband feels better soon so that he can start the year off right. 🙂
Ohhh…good to know that it’s easier than find than original anticipated – more chances for other people to enjoy this great colour!
there are still a bunch of bottles of this at my local cvs and rite aid because everytime i am in there i think of picking up a back up bottle…
Hey disassociation!
That’s good news! What makes you keep putting the bottle back? Seems like so many other people are dying to get their hands on it.
I’m commenting literally a year later! This is one polish I had several opportunities to get, wanted it, but chickened out each time (because of budgeting). Then I find a bottle TODAY in a Rite Aid in Detroit just sitting in a current seasonal L’Oreal display! It wasn’t on clearance (bummer), but I figured it was destiny jabbing me in the arm to finally get it already!
Hey zweisamkeit!
Wow, I can’t even pronounce your name…haha! It looks cool, but I wouldn’t be able to say it to save my life, sadly!
YAY for commenting on an older post. Some of my readers think that I only like to reply to comments on new posts, but that’s not true. I enjoy reading comments left on any post. 🙂 So thanks!
Oh? I didn’t even know that this colour was being re-promoted! That’s pretty cool because I’m sure a lot of people who missed out the first time will be thrilled like you to get a second chance. 🙂 Hope you enjoy it!