A Swatch And Learn reader, Andii, tipped me off about the new KleanColor Chunky Holo polishes weeks ago. My ears perked up when she mentioned that one of them was named 230 and had a multichrome personality of Clarins 230 except in a chunky glitter finish.
Unfortunately, the KleanColor website doesn’t ship to Canada (just the United States), and eBay sellers were out of stock on some that I wanted.
Thankfully, I knew an American who was willing to order them for me from the official website and bring them up since he was going to be visiting me soon anyway. His name’s Matty, and you’ve heard me mention him many times. 🙂 (Thank you, Matty!)
Since each polish was only $3.49 USD and they had a free shipping offer if you spent over $40 USD, I decided to order all 9 colors in this collection…as well as a few back-ups to hit the threshold.
All of these are so beautiful…even prettier in person than my camera could capture! And I can’t wait to wear them as a full manicure. For now, though, here are some bottle pictures. I’ve also swatched them all by themselves and over black to give you a better idea of what these look like.
KleanColor Chunky Holo Collection Pictures

Which one is your favorite?
Colors from Left-Right:
- KleanColor 228 Chunky Holo Candy
- KleanColor 229 Chunky Holo Poppy
- KleanColor 230 Chunky Holo Fuschia
- KleanColor 231 Chunky Holo Scarlet
- KleanColor 232 Chunky Holo Clover
- KleanColor 233 Chunky Holo Teal
- KleanColor 234 Chunky Holo Purple
- KleanColor 235 Chunky Holo Bluebell
- KleanColor 236 Chunky Holo Black
Note: Please click on the above link to see a thorough review and swatches.

228 Candy & 229 Poppy

230 Fuschia & 231 Scarlet

232 Clover & 233 Teal

234 Purple & 235 Bluebell

236 Black

228 Candy

229 Poppy

230 Fuschia

231 Scarlet

232 Clover

233 Teal

234 Purple

235 Bluebell

236 Black
KleanColor Chunky Holo Collection Swatches

Left-Right (1 Coat & Natural Light): 228 Candy, 229 Poppy, 230 Fuschia, 231 Scarlet, 232 Clover, 233 Teal, 234 Purple, 235 Bluebell & 236 Black

2 Coats & Natural Light

1 Coat & With Flash

Left-Right (2 Coats & Natural Light): Bluebell, Purple, Teal & Clover

Left-Right (2 Coats & Natural Light): Clover, Scarlet, Fuschia, Poppy & Candy

Left-Right: 228 Candy, 229 Poppy & 230 Fuschia

Left-Right: 231 Scarlet, 232 Clover & 234 Teal

Left-Right: 234 Purple, 235 Bluebell & 236 Black
Quickie Review on the KleanColor Chunky Holo Collection
After swatching these, it’s clear that these are more layering polishes than wearing solo (unless you don’t mind having visible nail lines). While some people may think this is a hassle, I’m still really excited about them because it means I can transform any polish I already have with the stroke of one of these babies!
I love how the holographic glitter is suspended in a tinted base. This means that when I layer over another color, it’ll enhance the shade. I also noticed that 231 Scarlet was way more pigmented than others.
Layering Experiment: KleanColor Chunky Holos Over Black Polish

Left-Right: 234 Purple, 235 Bluebell & 236 Black

Left-Right: 228 Candy, 229 Poppy & 230 Fuschia

Multichrome glitter particles shift from green, yellow, orange & red when layered over black. When layered over other base colors, you can actually bring out a whole rainbow of glitter colors because the particles are holographic!
You’ll notice that they look very similar. Some (like 228 Candy) pull more reddish tones, but the rest are pretty similar with the red-orange-yellow-green holographic particles.
KleanColor Chunky Holo 236 Black stands out because the glitter consists of large hexagons and smaller particles.
All of these glitter polishes are not the same. To bring out the unique colors of each (and not just the holographic particles), I suggest layering them over complementary shades. Example: a grass-green polish under 232 Clover or a medium-purple under 230 Fuschia.
In future posts when I wear these as full manicures, I’m going to layer them over different base colors so you can see the magic they bring out in polishes you may already own. Watch for it! 😀
Key Notes
- Collection: KleanColor Chunky Holo Collection
- Colors in KleanColor Chunky Holo Collection: 228 Candy, 229 Poppy, 230 Fuschia, 231 Scarlet, 232 Clover, 233 Teal, 234 Purple, 235 Bluebell & 236 Black
- What I Paid: $3.49 USD each
- Where to Buy: KleanColor website & eBay
Which of these layering glitter polishes do you like the most? How would you layer these? Which one are you most interested in seeing me swatch under a different base color?
Amazing pictures. Thank you so much for reviewing these so thoroughly! I have to try them. How bad was the smell? I have one Kleancolor and that thing stinks to high heaven!
Scrangie recently posted: Essie 2011 Bridal Collection Swatches
Hello! 😀
I have them all and they are BEAUTIFUL!! They are a little bit stinky but it doesn’t bother me…the scent doesn’t last long, lol
Maybe these could be used instead of smelling salts? Heheh… 😛
Hey Scrangie!
OMG! SCRANGIE? You just made my day commenting on my blog post! 😀
Thank you so much for the compliment! You should see me now – I’m grinning ear to ear!
Oh man…the smell was terrible – definitely stronger than other polishes!
Hello Mary! 😀
Oh, you will have so much fun swatching these over different base colours..depending on what colour is used as a base coat the Chunky Holos take on thier own little personality! As a layering polish there are an infinite number of combinations that are possible 😀 My favorites are the Purple and the Bluebell. The Bluebell looks awesome over China Glaze Secret Peri-Winkle..I did a manicure out of that and couldn’t stop looking at my hands, lol
Hey Andii!
Thanks so much for tipping me off about these! 😀
My favorites so far are Bluebell, Purple, and Black. When I saw those, I literally said, “Oohhhh!” and felt compelled to keep picking them up and staring at them. It’s so pretty how you can see so many colors twinkling at the same time.
It’s gonna be hard for me to pick the first one to try.
It also just occurred to me..if people want to wear the natural color of the Chunky Holos but aren’t real crazy about VNL, just use a white as a base coat and layer the Chunky Holo over it 😀
Yes, that’s a great idea.
Andiiiiiiiiiii! So many layering possibilities! I can’t decide! Hehehe…. 😛
OMG…I think I just fainted a little…scratch that, a LOT!! These look SO gorgeous layered over black; you really captured it well!
Ruthe recently posted: Sally Hansen Pink Sapphire + Watermelon Nail Art! 🙂
Hey Ruthe!
I checked out your version of the watermelon nail art I did. Very impressed – yours look so much better! They’re not as messy as mine, and I actually prefer the finished look with the pink instead of the red I used. Yours look less Christmasy and remind me more of watermelon. Awesome job! 😀
I’m going to be trying out some other fruit nail art soon. How about you? They’re so fun especially for the summer. 🙂
Do you think you’ll be getting any of the KleanColor polishes? A lot of them look similar when layered over black, so you probably don’t need them all. But if you plan to layer them over other base colors, I think that’s when their individual uniqueness will shine through the most.
Aww thanks Mary! I still prefer yours, but like you said, the grass is always greener on the other side ;).
I really want to try more fruit nail art, but I seem to be getting stuck with designs! I can’t seem to come up with anything creative, cute, or recognizable, but I’m looking forward to your designs! I’m always so inspired by them! 😀
I really want to get some of these KleanColor polishes; 234 Purple, 235 Bluebell, and 236 Black especially look amazing!!
Ruthe recently posted: Sally Hansen Pink Sapphire + Watermelon Nail Art! 🙂
Hey Ruthe!
😀 Thanks soooooooooo much for saying that! I love trying new nail designs, and it’s nice to know that you appreciate my attempts. 🙂
Great choices – Purple, Bluebell, and Black are my favorites also!
I hope I’m not repeating any previous comment, but I placed an order for Kleancolor polishes last week on
and I paid 1.75 USD for each polish. They ship internationally ( I first heard of the site on the Konad-licious blog the blogger is Australian ). I ordered from France. My BFF and I ordered 44 polishes and paid about 50 USD for shipping. Hope it might help someone who’s lusting after Kleancolors and doesn’t know any Matty 😉
I’ve never heard of that site before, but it’s good to know that they ship internationally. I’m sure a lot of readers will be pleased to hear this! Haha, but I still think that everyone should know a Matty. 😛
Holy crap – 44 polishes? You must’ve cleared them out…hehehe! $50 USD for shipping is pretty good for so many bottles!
Hello, So far the favorite Kleancolor nail polishes have got to be the Chunky Holo Series! As a matter of fact I sell Kleancolor nail polishes on Ebay! And when I bought these I had no idea they would become so popular. As soon as I set them up in auction. I had a lot of people ordering them. These colors are so beautiful and amazing especially used on top of other colors. I might sometimes run out of stock on ebay but if you e-mail me I do have some available and will update every night. I also ship international. My Ebay ID is 27kitten
Hey Martha!
Yes, they’re so beautiful – I wouldn’t be surprised if you run out of stock soon! Thanks for letting me and other readers know where they can snatch these up. Happy selling! 🙂
Thank you very much! 😀
And if you hear about other hot KleanColor polishes, please let me know. I only got into the brand recently after getting tipped off by a Swatch And Learn reader!
OMG they have a lot of colors. Beautiful ones! I have used Wild Rose and Lady Pink. oh yes I fell in love with those. Right now I have a an auction just set up for the Chunky Holo! You get all 9 for $21.65 Free Shipping US only. International it’s $16.00 flat rate comes with insurance.
Hey Martha!
Yeah, KleanColor has a lot of variety for sure! This is my first experience trying out their polishes. My collection will only grow from this point on…
A little late to this party. I googled it,because for some reason, I have been pondering what my next haul is going to be. Kleancolor came to mind last night as I was getting ready for bed. I am anxious to see the rest of your Kleancolor Chunkys on your nails,particularly 230,233,234, and 236!
thalie recently posted: Teal Toes Giveaway
Hey thalie!
Welcome to the party – glad that you could make it. I don’t even care if you’re “late” to it! 😀 We can still have a good time. Better fashionably late than never, right? 😉
KleanColor is great for a haul because not only are their polishes so pretty, but they’re also so affordable. Hehe…the only thing is that they smell awful.
You’re in luck because in a few days, I’m planning to post swatches and a review on KleanColor 234 Chunky Holo Purple! Good timing. Let me just say this: it’s gorrrrggeeeouuusss! Couldn’t stop looking at my nails when I wore it layered over a purple OPI polish.
Okay, looks like it was waaaay more than a few days from the time I replied. Sorry!
My review and swatches of KleanColor Chunky Holo Purple are now live: http://www.swatchandlearn.com/kleancolor-chunky-holo-purple-swatches-review/
I now think this is the best one that I’ve tried in the collection so far! 🙂
Do you know if all of the KleanColor nail polishes are “Big-3 Free” (Formaldehyde, Toluene, & DBP Free)? I went online and was looking to buy a 48pc. collection from them, and I was curious about it.
By the way thanks so much for the review!!!!
Glad that you found my review useful, and sorry that I wasn’t able to be more helpful about your question regarding the ingredients.
Hey Susan!
Holy smokes! They have a 48-piece collection? That sounds like a treasure trove. Awesome!
That is a very good question. I’m not sure, actually! You can try contacting them (http://www.kleancolor.com/nav/contact_us.html) to find out. Hopefully they’re able to answer your question.