Who wears short shorts? I do! Err…only in the form of nail polish, as in Essie Short Shorts! 😉
When I was 16, I wore my first (and only) pair of booty shorts. They were black denim, and I thought I was hot stuff.
But then I got a gross and an inappropriate pick-up line from an extremely dirty old man. (I still feel like I need to take a shower when I think about it now.)
Upon returning home, I changed out of my shorts, put them in a drawer, and never wore them again. (Yes, my parents were thrilled!) 😛
Essie Short Shorts from the Summer 2008 Collection is now the only form of booty shorts I’m willing to wear. 😉
Essie Short Shorts Pictures


Natural Light

Dim Sunlight


Natural Light

Dim Sunlight
Essie Short Shorts Swatches
All swatches have:
- Nail Tek Foundation II Base Coat
- 3 coats of Essie Short Shorts
- Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat
Flash Photos
Natural Light Photos
Dim Sunlight Photos
√ Neon pink
Key Notes
- Name: Essie Short Shorts
- Collection: Essie Summer 2009 Collection
- Colours Available in the Essie Summer 2008 Collection: Short Shorts, Bermuda Shorts, Mini Shorts & Shorty Pants
- Amount: 15 mL (0.5 fl. oz.)
- What I Paid: $3.80 USD
- Where to Buy: Your best bet is eBay since this is from a pretty old collection.
- Discontinued? Yes!
Essie Short Shorts Review
Short Shorts by Essie is a neon pink as promised. Even in dim light, it looks like it’s glowing, and I suggest even pulling this out during the winter. I’ve done it several times, and it’s soooo bright and competes with the snow on a sunny day!
This is actually the very first neon nail polish I ever owned. Believe it or not, I strongly disliked neon lacquer, but that’s because I never tried it on my fingernails. From the second I wore this back in 2009, I was hooked. It’s like a little neon light bulb went off in my head: “Oohhhh, so that’s why people love it!”
This is a neon polish, but it doesn’t dry as matte or as quickly as my China Glaze neon polishes. That being said, it doesn’t dry really shiny, so be sure to slick on a good top coat to bring out its beauty.
Application & Formula
Since becoming more obsessed with China Glaze Flip Flop Fantasy and China Glaze Pool Party, I had forgotten how great Essie Short Shorts is. The formula provides good coverage, but you’ll need 2-3 coats for full opacity.
How Does Essie Short Shorts Compare to China Glaze Flip Flop Fantasy & China Glaze Pool Party?
These are the only neon pink polishes I have, so I was curious to see how they stacked up against one another.
As you can see, none of them are dupes, so you can justify owning all of them. (Weee!) 😉
Flip Flop Fantasy is a coral, so there’s that smidgeon of orange/peach. And Pool Party has a hint of red, which sets it apart from the pinker Short Shorts.
(Strange how when I put them side-by-side, Pool Party wanted to fit in and so it looks more pink here than it does in person. It’s definitely more of a redder pink in person.)

Natural Light (Left-Right): China Glaze Flip Flop Fantasy, Essie Short Shorts & China Glaze Pool Party

Flash (Same order as above.)
Final Verdict: 10/10
I’m a big fan of Short Shorts by Essie, and if you were lucky enough to purchase this when it was readily available, don’t forget to bust it out soon. You’ll fall in love with it all over again!
Of the 3 neons I showed in this post, which is your favourite? Did you used to hate neons, too, until you gave them a chance?
Hello pretty!!
Missed the Essie one, but still have Pool Party on my list for the next Sally’s trip.
Hey karen!
Not to worry – Pool Party will satisfy your neon-polish craving! 😉 Hope you really love it.
This color is so amazing on you!! Really pretty! Sorry about your short shorts experience. I don’t wear them.
MariJo recently posted: SpaRitual – Sacred Ground
Hey MariJo!
Haha, booty shorts are never classy. But…as a teen, well, it’s all about experimenting. Thank goodness I got that out of my system so quickly. 😛
Discontinued? Noooo!! All the good ones are always taken away
🙁 I’m on a hunt for Funky Limelight as well. I can’t have enough neons these days.
Frosso recently posted: Milani Jewel FX Hot Pink
Hey Frosso!
Yeah, sadly this colours from 2008, so it’s probably very hard to find. However, if you DO somehow manage to find it, grab it! That’s like a hidden treasure.
I’ve edited my post. For some reason, I got this 2008 collection confused with the 2009 collection (which also had neons and featured Funky Limelight). I’ve fixed my post so the information is now correct.
Yeah, Funky Limelight is a craazzzzy-bright neon yellow. The green tint to it makes it more wild than other neon yellows.
I’ve never managed to get around to trying a neon polish! Any recomendations for a good (non-pink) one?
RebeccaScarlett recently posted: Illamasqua Easter Hunt: Day One
Hey RebeccaScarlett!
Okay, if neon pink isn’t for you, how about China Glaze Kiwi Cool-Ada? It’s a neon green that POPS! Also, China Glaze Sun Worshiper (neon orange) is amazing! (Think radioactive macaroni and cheese!)
Thanks for the advice, they look great!
RebeccaScarlett recently posted: Illamasqua Easter Hunt: Day Three
Glad I could help! 🙂
Lovely! Love Pink, love neon, love Essie, love it on your nails!!!
Hey Julie!
Thanks! 🙂 I’m not usually a pink-polish lover, but in neon form, I’m all over it like a fiend.
LOL…I love your dirty old man story. This is a color I want! I’m going to look for it.
lacquerloon recently posted: Flaky Love
Hey lacquerlon!
Yup…it was a very memorable moment. But now I’m really glad that I don’t wear booty shorts! 😛
Hope you can find it – Essie Short Shorts is pretty tricky to find. Maybe eBay will have it?
Look at you sporting all of these cute neons! You make me want to drink a margarita and suntan 😉
I love flip flop fantasy the most 🙂 there is something special about that polish 😉
Marta recently posted: Happy Easter
Hey Marta!
Neons are instant mood lifters! Gotta love ’em.
Haha, and go ahead and have your margarita. 😉 May I join you?
Your blog is fantastic! It’s perfect and exactly the right info I want to read about polish. 🙂
Hi Mary,
perfect post and perfect beautiful nails … So in love with Neons! But there are really hard to find 🙁 so if you want to sell one of these essie beauties let me know 🙂
Hey Manuela!
Aww, thank you so much for the compliment! 😀
Yes, unfortunately Essie Short Shorts is from a very old collection and is very tough to find. The good news is that China Glaze probably has something similar. They do a lot of neons in their summer collections. (I consider them to be the neon experts because of how many they’ve released in comparison to other brands!)