China Glaze Dorothy Who? is from the Wizard of Ooh Ahz Returns Collection that was released in 2009. It was a re-release of the collection from 2001. (The re-release commemorated The Wizard of Oz movie’s 70th anniversary.)
When this collection came out, I was over the moon. (I even bought the entire collection to give to a co-worker for a Kris Kringle. She loved it, of course! Hehe, and even though the giver was supposed to be a secret, everyone knew it was from me because, well, my nail-polish obsession wasn’t a secret!) 😉
The Wizard of Oz is my all-time favourite movie. I watched it all the time as a kid and numerous times since then. Even in university when I was in a filming-literature course, it was a movie we got to watch! It’s the type of movie that I can never get sick of. They just don’t make those kind of cinematic experiences anymore…
When I was a kid, I was constantly on the hunt to find red shoes that could pass as ruby slippers. And I wanted to adopt a flying monkey.
Plus another all-time favourite movie of mine is Return to Oz, which is the darker sequel starring Fairuza Balk (way before her The Craft days). The Wheelers, Princess Mombi, and The Gnome King were the coolest characters. (Hehe, and don’t tell my optometrist, but I’ve always thought that he looks like one of the Wheelers!)
So, you can imagine how excited I was to learn about the Wizard-of-Oz-themed nail-polish collection!
Please note that while the polish looks terribly sheer in my photos, you can build it up. Haha, I was painting my nails at night and the lighting wasn’t the best, so I didn’t even notice that it needed another coat. Then, I took photos the next day and was like, “D’oh!” 😉 Even so, you can see that Dorothy Who? is a beautiful blue!
China Glaze Dorothy Who? Pictures

Natural Light


Natural Light

China Glaze Dorothy Who? Ingredients China Glaze Dorothy Who? Swatches
All swatches have:
- CND Stickey Anchoring Base Coat
- 2 coats of China Glaze Dorothy Who?
- Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat
Natural Light Photos
Flash Photos
√ Blue
Key Notes
- Name:Â China Glaze Dorothy Who?
- Collection:Â China Glaze Wizard of Ooh Ahz Collection
- Colours Available in the Collection: Dorothy Who?, Ruby Pumps, The Ten Man, Cowardly Lyin’, Good Witch & C-C-Courage
- Amount:Â 14 mL (0.5 fl. oz.)
- What I Paid: $2.68 CAD
- Where to Buy: Victoria Nail Supply, Trans Design, NailPolishCanada & Head2Toe
China Glaze Dorothy Who? Review
Dorothy Who? by China Glaze has a vibrancy that’s fresh and full of fire! When it’s on your nails, it’s extremely stunning. How would I describe it? Picture what summer rain would look like if the raindrops were made of glitter. Yeah, like that! 😉 The base is blue, and there’s blue and silver glitter.
Get this: it has a jelly finish! 😀 It’s extremely pretty even though it’s very sheer. And because it’s a jelly, there’s a lot of depth, especially with the help of the glitter. It’s almost like you’re looking through clear blue waters at sparkling treasure.
However, as you can see from my photos, it’s sheer and you’ll see visible nail line. I only used 2 coats, so if you want to cover your nail line more, I suggest using 3-4 coats.
There is noticeable texture with this one. It’s not chunky and scratchy, but you can feel some grittiness. When you put on a thick top coat, it helps to smooth the surface.
Application & Formula
Dorothy Who? by China Glaze dries super fast! By the time I finished painting all my fingers, the first one was already dry! Love that because you don’t have to wait, and you can just continue painting away. 🙂 The polish was also easy to control because it wasn’t so runny that it was like water.
Final Verdict: 9.5/10
Dorothy Who? by China Glaze is spectacular! I loved wearing it because it’s a happy shade of blue with lots of sparkle. Plus the jelly finish adds more visual interest to your manicure!
What’s your all-time favourite movie? Which character did you love the most in The Wizard of Oz? Have you watched Return to Oz?
This is really pretty. I wish it was less sheer though. I would definitely want to layer it.
MariJo recently posted: How About Some Polka Dots?
Hey MariJo!
I should’ve done 3-4 coats. You can get complete coverage that way. You can layer it, but I think it might lose a little bit of the jelly quality.
I layered this with CG First Mate and it looks BEAUTIFUL!! I tried a few “base-blues” before choosing one, and First Mate really brings out the bluish sparkle. It takes care of the sheerness too 🙂
Sounds like a winning combination! I can picture it very well – gorgeous!
This one always get my hands grabbed for closer looks when I were it. I do often use a med blue base for this one since it takes me 3-4 coats to get opaque – and I use Gelous to hold down the grit since I am really bothered by grit feeling.
Hey beachgal!
You know what? One pet peeve of mine is when people just randomly grab my hands to look at my nails. If they ask first, then I’m more than happy to let them see, but I think it’s rude to just grab a person’s hand without asking.
The one funny time it happened to me was actually in CHURCH by an elderly woman! Hahaha! I was wearing China Glaze Party Hearty, and she just grabbed my nails and held them up to her eyes. :S It startled me at first because she was extremely fast, and I wasn’t expecting her to do that. In fact, I was praying, so that made it even more awkward that she pulled my hand away.
Beautiful! I was never really interested in this collection (I’ve never seen the movie) but this color is lovely! Reminds me of the sea.
Sonya recently posted: Nostalgic Nail Lacquer The Brain – Review, Photos, Swatches
Hey Sonya!
Oh. My. Goodness. You haven’t seen The Wizard of Oz? *Gasp* Go rent it. Immediately! It’s such a classic, and the effects were revolutionary for that time. It’s one of those movies that transcends all generations. You’ll love it!
This is gorgeous, I am not personally a fan of polish that shows the natural line, so I would use more coats, but absolutely gorgeous pollish and it looks great on you!
Hey Amanda!
I should’ve worn more coats of it. Haha, I need to pay more attention when I’m painting at night in dim lighting. 😛 Plus I was sleepy…That’s when you know you have a polish problem – you feel that you MUST change your manicure, even when you’re exhausted.
Beautiful swatches Mary! I bought Dorothy Who? a few months back and haven’t gotten around to wearing it until tonight. *WOW* simply, mesmerizing. It sparkles all kinds of crazy even in low light! I can’t imagine how it’ll look like in sunlight! I just might need sunglasses. And Ahaha! Yes! I was looking at my chipping nails thinking ‘I really need to change them, but it’s 10:00 pm! I’ll wait till tomorrow….*anxiously keeps staring at manicure that keeps grating at on my nerves with each passing second*… what the heck! *dons the marvelous Dr.-I mean Dorothy Who at 11:00 pm -.-* Now, I am ready to sleep xD ZzZz
Thank you so much! Glad that you’re enjoying my manicure photos! 🙂
Oh, you’re going to really love seeing Dorothy Who? in the sun – it twinkles and dances on your nails!
Haha, your comment made me smile. Spoken like a true nailphile! 😉
I have seen Return to Oz, I always wanted a lunchbox tree.
Hey Heidi!
Me, too! 😀 I liked the part where Belinda the chicken points out her foot and says, “Make sure you don’t pick a green one!” I need to re-watch that movie. It’s been a while!
Aaaah, a classic… Beautiful blue!!! I was obsessed with Wizard of Oz books when I was little, there are like 5 or 6 sequels to the original!!! But when I saw the actual movie I wasn’t impressed… I guess it’s because I saw it in the ‘technology’ age and all I remember from the Oz is a squared ass of the lion. WTH??? ;)). I hear ya about flying monkeys though, I would still adopt one now!! 🙂
Gosia recently posted: Holo Friday: Holographic is this Painter’s Passion!
Hey Gosia!
Did you have a favourite of the Wizard of Oz series books? I think I bought around 8 of them. But I didn’t bring all of them with me when I moved. Most of them at still at my mom’s place. But I just took a look at my shelf, and I have Ozma of Oz and Rinkitink in Oz here.
Hahaha, the first time I saw it was maybe when I was 3 years old, so I fell in love with it and wanted my own Toto. (Of course, I was more of a cat person, so we got a cat instead…and we called him Tiger, not Toto.)
Yeah, the Cowardly Lion is pretty funny, especially after his makeover. They actually curled his mane and put a bow in his hair!
Where can I get a flying monkey? I would love to hire one to send my mail and also to take me to work in the morning. 😉
I have this one, and don’t really love it. I adore how beautiful it looks in the bottle, but even with 3-4 coats the colour is not the same.
Also I was a little bit annoyed that the glitter in Dorothy Who was silver, I was hoping for a blue version of Ruby Pumps.
Viktorija recently posted: Hema # 11
Hey Viktorija!
Really? *Gasp* I actually really liked the silver because when it’s under the blue jelly, it seems to twinkle more. But, yes, I can understand what you mean about wanting a blue version of Ruby Pumps (which is an outstanding red glitter polish – must-have).
That is so awesome when two passions are connected into one (favourite movie and nail polish) 😉 I could totally feel your excitement in this post.
I used to be able to answer “my favourite movie” at the drop of a dime… now it is more difficult… I overthink it. I know I was (and am) smittend with the Shrek series and OPI also released a Shrek line (before my blogging time). Thought I will admit, I LOVE the Mr. Bean movie! I do… nothing like a bit of Mr. Bean to make me giggle.
Love how glittery this one is on you! 😀
Marta recently posted: On this Day…
Hey Marta!
Haha, yeah, I had to really hold back because there was even more I wanted to gush about that movie, but the intro was already getting very long. 😉
Yes – Mr. Bean was awesome! I didn’t actually see the movie, but I was a big fan of the TV show. He was hilarious, and it always amazed me how he didn’t even have to speak English (he’d just make noises), yet he could perfectly convey his message. Huge talent! (Wasn’t it cool to see him perform at the Olympics? :D)