Bath & Body Works Fresh Picked Pears Anti-Bacterial Gentle Foaming Hand Soap Review & Pictures

Bath & Body Works Fresh Picked Pears Anti-Bacterial Gentle Foaming Hand Soap Review & PicturesFor today’s post, I have a review on the Bath & Body Works Fresh Picked Pears Anti-Bacterial Gentle Foaming Hand Soap. I’ve been really wanting to try it because I heard that it’s a true-to-life scent, and I love the smell of pears!

You know how they describe some people’s figure as being ‘pear-shaped’? Well, I once saw a pear that was shaped exactly like a curvaceous butt!

This was several years ago when I was still living at home with my parents. And I took about a dozen photos of it from several angles because I thought it was hilarious. (Yes, I’m so mature…) 😉

If I manage to dig up the photos when I’m over at my mom’s place the next time, I’ll edit this post and include a photo of it somewhere near the bottom. It’s a must-see…hehehe!

Bath & Body Works Fresh Picked Pears Anti-Bacterial Gentle Foaming Hand Soap Pictures

Bath & Body Works Fresh Picked Pears Anti-Bacterial Gentle Foaming Hand Soap Review & Pictures

Bath & Body Works Fresh Picked Pears Anti-Bacterial Gentle Foaming Hand Soap Pictures & Review

Bath and Body Works Fresh Picked Pears Soap Review & Photos

Bath and Body Works Fresh Picked Pears Soap Review & Pictures

Bath & Body Works Fresh Picked Pears Anti-Bacterial Gentle Foaming Hand Soap Ingredients

Bath & Body Works Fresh Picked Pears Review & Pictures

B&BW Fresh Picked Pears Hand Soap Review & Pictures


Lightweight foam
Leaves skin soft & lightly scented
Smells of ripe, juicy Bartlett pears

Key Notes

  • Name: Bath & Body Works Fresh Picked Pears Anti-Bacterial Gentle Foaming Hand Soap
  • Amount: 259 mL (8.75 fl. oz.)
  • What I Paid: Bought on sale 7 for $25 CAD
  • Where to Buy: Bath & Body Works stores & Bath & Body Works website

Bath & Body Works Fresh Picked Pears Anti-Bacterial Gentle Foaming Hand Soap Review


The Bath & Body Works Fresh Picked Pears antibacterial hand soap smells exactly like juicy green pears, and I’m in love with it!

You get that sweetness, but it’s not like a sugary-candy kind of sweetness. It’s the kind you get from a fresh fruit.

The scent is light-moderate, so don’t worry about this being the kind that completely overwhelms you when you wash your hands. And you can still enjoy the scent lightly after you’ve finished washing your hands. It’s noticeable, but not enough to clash with my perfume, so it was all good in the hood.

This is the type of scent that I can never get tired of because the notes are all in balance with each other.

How Well Does It Clean?

The Fresh Picked Pears antibacterial hand soap by Bath & Body Works cleanses very well. I’ve washed my hands after eating greasy pizza, and it cut the grease extremely well.

I like how it’s very easy to rinse off. Sometimes when I use the Deep Cleansing soaps from Bath & Body Works, I have to rinse longer to get everything from underneath my nails. The foaming kind washes away faster.

Is It Drying?

It’s a little drying, but I find it much less so than the Deep Cleansing version of the same scent.


Compared to many other soaps, I find that I always burn through foaming soaps fast. Even if you just use one pump each time, you’ll finish the whole thing quickly. That’s the one major downfall that I see for this product. You have to replace it often.


For those who are trying to stick to using animal-friendly products, you’ll be pleased to know that Bath & Body Works says on their label that this isn’t tested on animals.

Limited-Time Fragrance

Although Bath & Body Works offered a bunch of different “Fresh Picked” scents last year, I don’t think they had a pear one out. Now they brought back the “Fresh Picked” line again this year, but who knows if they’ll return next year?

For that reason, I think you should stock up if this pear soap is a favourite of yours. Nothing’s worse than finding something you adore and then it’s discontinued, right?

You’ll probably be able to buy this until the summer. Then it’ll get harder to find when they roll in the fall scents.


  • True-to-life juicy green pear fragrance
  • Cleans hands well
  • Easy to rinse off
  • Slight fragrance lingers, but isn’t strong enough to clash with your perfume
  • Not tested on animals

  • You’ll go through the foaming soap very quickly
  • Fragrance available for a limited time

Final Verdict: 9.5/10

As far as soap fragrances go, this comes in second…just a hairline after my ultimate favourite, Vanilla Bean Noel!

I recommend this to you if you like sweet and fruity scents that are realistic and moderate to light. And if you already love pear scents, get ready to go to heaven! 😉

What other products would you recommend for people like me who love green-pear scents? Do you like any of Bath & Body Works’ foaming soaps?


2 thoughts on “Bath & Body Works Fresh Picked Pears Anti-Bacterial Gentle Foaming Hand Soap Review & Pictures

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Carmela!

      I’m pretty sure that the pear-butt photos are on my mom’s computer. Maybe for a future Smorgasbord Sundays post I can show off ‘my’ pear-shaped butt! Haha! Wonder how many perverts will come out of the woodwork, only to be disappointed! 😛

      Yup, Bath & Body Works has the Fresh Picked Pears scent in all the hand soaps – moisturizing, deep-cleansing, and foaming. I’m not sure if the scent is the same for all. I’ve noticed that a lot of times the moisturizing version tends to have a creamier scent than the deep-cleansing and foaming ones.


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