Ever since I saw this photo on Pinterest, I knew I had to try my hand at The Bride of Frankenstein’s Monster Nails!
Hers turned out better, but I still really enjoyed wearing my version of the Hallowe’en nail-art design because it has an underground comic-book feel.
I don’t think that my version immediately makes you think of the Bride of Frankenstein’s Monster. That’s why yesterday, when I posted a photo of it on Instagram and Twitter, I asked you what you thought they were.
Okay, some people did see the Bride of Frankenstein’s Monster (YAY!), but I also got other guesses: samurai and a rocker dude. Haha! After they mentioned it, I could see both! Oh, the power of suggestion!
And when my co-workers at lunch were looking at my nails, one thought that they were scary masks, and another thought they were a character from a horror film. Both agreed that the design was suitable for Hallowe’en.
Soooo…even if I missed the mark on them being ole Frankie’s better half, at least the seasonal vibe was there. 😉
Bride of Frankenstein’s Monster Nail Art Swatches
All swatches have:
- CND Stickey Anchoring Base Coat
- Hair
- China Glaze Liquid Leather (Black)
- L.A. Colors Art Deco Nail Art Lacquer White
- L.A. Colors Art Deco Nail Art Lacquer Silver
- Face
- China Glaze Snow (White)
- L.A. Colors Art Deco Nail Art Lacquer Red
- Milani Nail Art Black Sketch (This was provided by PR.)
- Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat
Flash Photos
Natural Light Photos
*~* Bride of Frankenstein’s Monster Nail Art Tutorial *~*
What I Used:
- CND Stickey Anchoring Base Coat
- Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat
- China Glaze Snow
- China Glaze Liquid Leather
- Milani Nail Art Black Sketch
- L.A. Colors Art Deco Nail Art Lacquer Red
- L.A. Colors Art Deco Nail Art Lacquer White
- L.A. Colors Art Deco Nail Art Lacquer Silver
- Piece of foil
- Daniel Stone Art Tool #1
Step 1: Apply a Base Coat
Step 2: Paint Your Nails Black
I will always sing praises for China Glaze Liquid Leather because it’s the best black nail polish ever! It’s not a flat black. It’s actually a black jelly, so the finish is insanely shiny even without a top coat. (It’s seriously so shiny that you can clearly see your own reflection in your nails!)
Wait about 10 minutes before proceeding.

2 coats of China Glaze Liquid Leather
Step 3: Paint the Gothic White Face
Paint the lower part of your nails. Don’t worry if the line isn’t even.
Here, I used China Glaze Snow, which is a nice and bright creme white.
Step 4: Start Streaking…with Hair Highlights (What were you thinking?)
Using your white nail-art striper, draw vertical lines with some squiggly goodness. I recommend adding more squiggles than I did.
(Side note: I love the word ‘squiggle’! It’s such a fun word to say and type!)
Step 5: Add a Little Extra Detail to the Streak
To emphasize the streak and give it some visual interest, add some shading with your silver nail-art striper.
Step 6: Let the Bride See Who She’s Gonna Marry
Add some black polish onto your piece of foil. Then, carefully dip your dotting tool to pick up some product before dotting two eyes per nail.
Tip: Re-dip your dotting tool after making each eye to prevent any wonky-looking eyes.
Step 7: Give Her Some Attitude!
Normally I like my nail art to smile back at me, but this time, I thought it was appropriate to make her look upset or bored.
Take your black nail striper and add horizontal lines on top of each dot you just created.
Step 8: Let Her Get Mouthy
Once again, I didn’t want her to be all smiles. I wanted it to be more sinister since it’s Hallowe’en-inspired! So for the mouth, I added horizontal lines. You can see, though, that my middle finger is trying verrrrry hard not to smile. 😉
Step 9: Add Some Cheek Colour
This stage is optional. I included it because it was in the original photo on Pinterest that inspired me. Also, it kind of looks tribal or bloody…not a bad thing when you’re going for this type of design.
Make sure you wait at least 15 minutes before you proceed to the next step because you don’t want to smudge your nail design.
(Of course, I sometimes don’t listen to my own advice. I had been up late painting this and was so sleepy that I just had to go to bed soon, so I slapped on Seche Vite probably too early and hit the sack. As you can see in the above swatches, parts of the design smeared.)
Step 10: Apply a Top Coat
Tip: You may want to alternate nails with this design and her hubby. I actually created Frankenstein’s Monster nail art before. Click on that link to go to the tutorial.
Did you actually see the Bride of Frakenstein’s Monster or something else? Will you be matching your nails to your costume on Hallowe’en?
Yay! I was one of those people who got it right 😀 It was the first thing I saw actually haha, but it’s interesting to see what other people thought it was 😛
Hey lawren!
I feel a little better after hearing that! 🙂 have a good weekend!
This is great Mary, i love it!
I’m trying to recreate this look for Halloween.
Carolia recently posted: Happy “Holiday Golightly” from Miss
Hey Carolia!
Can’t wait to see you work your magic!
Haha absolutely adorable! So creative
Catherine recently posted: Boots No 7 Lifting and Firming Foundation SPF 15
Hey Catherine!
Thanks! Are you going to try out the look?
Super fun idea! I think that the hair got me to think about frankensteins bride, that’s what’s made it! 😀 Love seeing your nail arts btw! Very inspirational! 😀
Gelic’ nail art recently posted: Abstract Halloween 3D pumpkin nail art
Hey Gelic’ nail art!
Okay, I’m glad to hear that. I really focused on the hair because the little squiggles were fun to do!
Thank you so much for your continued encouragement. It’s difficult to say whether or not a design will come out how I envision it in my head. So it’s nice knowing when the effort is appreciated, even if the design isn’t perfect. 🙂
This is so cute! 😀 I like it. And I definitely see Bride of Frankenstein in this.
The Lacquer Tracker recently posted: Cherry Blossom Nail Decals on Illamasqua Baptiste.
Hey The Lacquer Tracker!
Woo hoo! Haha, it’s funny how more people online see what it’s intended to be compared to people who saw my nails in real life. I wonder if it’s because the design is blown up on a screen and that helps…Hmm!
sweet so sweet
Hey Icequeen81!
Thank you so much! 😀
Great idea for this coming Halloween. I think I include this on my list.
Hey Faye!
Thanks! 🙂 Let me know how yours turn out.
This is cute! Despite not having done one myself this season I’m really loving these cute Halloween manicures!
Kas recently posted: Brrrrraaaaiiinnnsss! Zombie Nails: Pt 1
Hey Kas!
Out of all the seasons for nail art, Hallowe’en is my favourite because people get more playful and paint more “out there” characters on their nails. 🙂 I also love the ‘darker’ manicures that look menacing. Really artistic!