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2 thoughts on “Exciting Things to Come”
I just wanted to acknowledge how far your blog has come. From day one to the present day you should be ever so proud of what you’ve achieved Mary.
Oh my goodness! You know that you are the sweetest? Thank you for saying that! It means a lot to me, and I got teary-eyed. I totally remember writing this very first and very short blog post like it was just yesterday!
It has been quite the blogging journey, and I’m so happy that many readers (yourself included) want to join me. Who knows what the future will hold? But as long as I have awesome readers, I feel like I’ve already succeeded! Thanks again! You made my day!
I just wanted to acknowledge how far your blog has come. From day one to the present day you should be ever so proud of what you’ve achieved Mary.
“Mighty oaks from little acorns grow”
Hey Gareth!
Oh my goodness! You know that you are the sweetest? Thank you for saying that! It means a lot to me, and I got teary-eyed. I totally remember writing this very first and very short blog post like it was just yesterday!
It has been quite the blogging journey, and I’m so happy that many readers (yourself included) want to join me. Who knows what the future will hold? But as long as I have awesome readers, I feel like I’ve already succeeded! Thanks again! You made my day!