Welcome to another Smorgasbord Sundays post. This time, I’d like to take you down memory lane.
A few days ago on Twitter, a few of us were tweeting about Girl Talk, this game from back in the 90s that was very popular during sleepovers.
Even though I’m almost 30, believe it or not, I still have this stereotypical game in my closet. Yes, even when I moved out of my parents’ house years ago, I felt the need to lug this game to my new home. Haha, I really have no idea why since it’s not like I play it anymore.
Basically, you spin the wheel and see if you get a truth or dare challenge. If you do it, you collect a certain number of points as indicated below the challenge.
If you don’t do it, you have to put a red circular ‘zit’ sticker on your face. Obviously, if you wind up with too many ‘zits’ on your face, not only do you lose, but you look like a fool, too. Yeah, girls can be so nice, eh?
Along the way, you get to collect fortune cards that ‘tell’ you about your future – Career, Marriage, Children, Special Moments, and Feminist Activism. (Okay, I’m just kidding about that last one. Girl Talk is clearly a game chock full of gender stereotypes. It would’ve been cooler if it actually did have a Feminist Activism fortune card.)
I took lots of photos of this game to help bring back some fond memories (or maybe not so fond if you were the loser with zits). And I’m going to share some funny fortunes that you’ll probably also get a kick out of! π
Note: The rest of this post will be dripping with sarcasm. I can’t help it.

Girls on the cover putting someone else down to make themselves feel better. Or who knows? Maybe they are actually looking in the mirror...

The bottom of the box

The yellow knob in the middle is what you use to spin the wheel.

I probably still can't do this well today.

For pre-teen & teenaged girls, I think the challenge would be harder if it said to STOP talking for 30 seconds. π

You get points for lying to your friend. Nice.

I flipped the wheel over so you could see what it looks like. The game comes with more than 1 wheel in case you get bored of the same challenges or in case you become way too good at lying to your friend. π

Some challenges were just weird.

Fortune Cards: The 'important things in life'.

Not sure if you can make out the Marriage fortune at the top right. "The man you marry will be wearing a mask when you first meet." I got that card almost every single time I played Girl Talk, and I used to wonder, "Just how ugly is this man who I'm going to marry?" It was a bit depressing. But one of my sweet friends always suggested that maybe he would be a hockey player. Great, so missing some teeth? Yeah, I'm picky.

The square root of Pi?

This always worried me because it meant I was going to have 6 sons.

Nailphiles, looks like all our firstborns are gonna have XX chromosomes.

Just make sure that the man you marry ISN'T your uncle. Even if he IS your favourite. π

This fortune should've came with a warning: Beware greasy-haired dudes and the Pussycat Dolls.

Notice only 5 were used. My friends and I used these other, much-larger purple and blue stickers instead because we thought it would be funny if we had boils instead of just zits. Yup, takin' it to the next level!

Instructions it came with
Hope you found this fun. I haven’t looked at Girl Talk in so long!
Do any of you remember playing this game? Did you also have sleepovers often like I did? Do you know of any good feminist games for girls? (I can’t think of any off the top of my head!)
Oh boy! You’ve taken me back to my pre-pubescent years of oversized glasses, long red (yes I used to die my hair auburn= red), cord pants and oversized sweatshirts. π I was always the dork in elementary school and highschool and I get heart palpitations when I think of this game:) lol!!!! Buuut, having grown a bit of a backbone since then (lol) this game is disturbingly amusing :)))) I can’t believe that (thanks to your “boils” idea) this game is literally in mint condition.
Would you mind if I linked to this post on “pink Wednesday”? I think the girls in this movie would have had a hoot with this game π
Ps. I woke up this morning, brewed myself a cup of hot coffee and read your blog. I laughed out loud a few times (got weird looks from my kids…) “but don’t marry your uncle” and “six sons” lol (could have been worse, could have been 9). THANK YOU!
Marta recently posted: Playing with Mud
Hey Marta!
Ooohhh…red hair? I’m in love, actually! (I go ga-ga over all redheads. I blame Anne Shirley for that.) I can picture you with red hair! Cute!
Oversized glasses? Me too! Hehe, plus mine were square and had a red-pink-marbleized pattern back then. Beat that! π
Sure, feel free to link to this post. π I’m flattered! Oh yeah, those girls would’ve probably even made up even harder challenges, too.
And, no, thank YOU for leaving that comment and brightening up my day! π
I was pretty surprised to see a Girl Talk board game. I’ve never actually played the game but I remember reading the books. I still have them and while they’re preposterous now, I absolutely loved them when I was younger, along with The Babysitters Club and Sweet Valley Twins/High. (Yeah, big bookworm here. :D) I also remember hating that the mean girl had my (other) name, hahaha!
I loved how you wrote this post! The pics of everything and your caption were downright hilarious! I was laughing so much, it was such a great way to start my Sunday, thank you! (Guilty for sleeping in. π )
Hey Carmela!
Oh yeahhh…I had forgotten about those books, so I Googled it to see if the images would jog my memory. And they did! I remember those. And, yes, my friends and I read a lot of The Babysitters Club and the Sweet Valley Twins/High books, too. π Fellow bookworm here. π
Glad you thought this post was amusing. And now at least something good came out of lugging this to my place years ago. π
Um I totally had this game and loved it. Zit stickers are mean, huh? I never really realized how mean this game actually was! hahaha This brought back so many memories! Also, in your reply to Marta, are you talking about Anne Shirley as in Anne Of Green Gables (as in my favorite books/movies EVER??)?? You are awesome π
Maribeth recently posted: CND Pink Wishes Colour And Effects Nail Polish Duo Pictures And Review
Hey Maribeth!
Yes, the one and only Carrots…errr…Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables! π She was (and still is) a role model for me, even if she’s fictitious. Her spunk, wit, sense of humour, kindness, and impulsiveness make for a very attractive package. And, heck, her red hair was GORGEOUS, too!
I’m curious…Of the movies, which was your favourite? I liked the first two – the third was such a departure from the books, and although I was excited when I heard it came out, my heart sunk when I watched it. Was it just me or did Anne just not seem like herself in that movie?
Of the first two movies, of course I loved the first, but if I had to pick my absolute favourite, it would be the sequel when she’s a teacher and more mature.
Megan Follows is so pretty! Haha, and remember Josie Pye? Now, SHE would’ve loved to play Girl Talk! Pfft…remember her daring Anne to walk the ridgepole of the roof? 10 points. π
OMG that is HILARIOUS! Remember Pretty Pretty Princess? Operation? 1313 Deadend Drive? Dream Phone? Oh my goodness, the list goes on and on and on!!!
Remember one of the first texting devicies was a Secret Sender 6000? LOL… #1 on my Christmas list! hahaha
Good memories! Good post!
Hey Elle!
Hehe, glad you were laughing along with me. π Some things, like this board game, get funnier with age!
I remember Operation and Dream Phone! None of my friends had Dream Phone, so I never got to play it.
Haha, and I was terrible at Operation because my hands weren’t the steadiest. Plus I’d always play that with my brother, and during my turn, he’d always say things that made me nervous (on purpose! Brothers can be jerks…haha): “Oh, you almost touched the metal!” “Your hand’s shaking.” “BZZZZ!” And more often than not, whenever he said “BZZZ!” so loudly to mimic the sound you get when you touch the metal, I would jump (because, yes, I’d be concentrating that much and didn’t expect him to make that sound so loudly)…and then my turn would be over. My brother, however, was a whiz at that game. But probably only because I didn’t use psychological tactics. (:P)
And…hahaha…I forgot about Secret Sender 6000 until you mentioned it! All my female friends wanted one! π
LMBO…. this is HILARIOUS! Brothers are such pests.. but you gotta love em!!!!
Thank you for taking me down memory lane again… every now and then it’s good to look back! LOL
Elle recently posted: My Africa is showing
You’re most welcome. It was a lot of fun for me, too, and I enjoyed sharing it with you. π
OMG I had forgotten all about that game. We used to play it when my friends cam eover to spend the night. I remember thinking some of the things you had to do were so scandalous! Thanks for the laugh!
Jennifer Williams recently posted: Nail of the Day: OPI Princesses Rule
Hey Jennifer!
And did you actually end up doing the things that were scandalous? I usually did all the challenges, but there were a couple that I opted to put on the zit..errβ¦makeshift boil sticker instead. π
Youβre welcome. Glad that it brought back fun memories for you! π
I never played this game before, but just seeing it reminds me of all the fun we had as kids playing with board games. Now that I have my own kids, we play games with them. I know this will build lasting memories for them.
Mac Fryer recently posted: Moving Out of Parents House Checklist
Hey Mac Fryer!
I’m glad that you think that way. Growing up, I had a lot of great memories playing board games with my brother and my parents. It’s great to know that you’ll be building fond memories with your family. π