China Glaze Summer Neons Collection Press Release & Promo Pictures

China Glaze Summer Neons Collection Press Release & Promo PicturesThe China Glaze Summer Neons Collection looks like another neon-polish winner!

You can count on China Glaze to come to the party all decked out with polishes so bright, you need to floss your shades.

If you follow me on Twitter or have hung around my blog for a good amount of time, you’ll realize that when it comes to neon nail polish, I can’t get enough of them!

They’re bright, cheerful, and are in-your-face. Hey, what’s not to love?

Come check out the official press release sent to me by the company, and let me know which ones excite you the most!


China Glaze Summer Neons Collection Press Release & Promo Pictures

There are 12 shades in the China Glaze Summer Neons Collection:

  • I’m with the Lifeguard
  • Ride the Waves
  • Sun-Kissed
  • Pink Plumeria
  • Under the Boardwalk
  • Splish Splash
  • Love’s A Beach
  • Hang-Ten Toes
  • Beach Cruise-r
  • Orange You Hot?
  • Surfin’ For Boys
  • Flirty Tankini

Here’s the official press release sent to me by the company:

Heat Up Your Summer with China Glaze® Summer Collection

Los Angeles, CA – (March 2012): The sun has nothing on you this summer! Rival its brightness and heat with China Glaze® Summer 2012 collection, Summer Neons. Featuring 12 new sizzling shades perfect for surf, sand and nightlife, the all new hot hues in China Glaze® Summer Neons include:

China Glaze Pink Plumeria China Glaze Summer Neons Collection Press Release & Promo Pictures

Pink Plumeria: Light pink with gold shimmer

China Glaze Under the Boardwalk China Glaze Summer Neons Collection Press Release & Promo PicturesUnder the Boardwalk: Fluorescent raspberry

China Glaze Splish Splash China Glaze Summer Neons Collection Press Release & Promo PicturesSplish Splash: Bright sky blue shimmer

China Glaze Love's a Beach China Glaze Summer Neons Collection Press Release & Promo PicturesLove’s A Beach: Sizzling hot pink

China Glaze Hang-Ten Toes China Glaze Summer Neons Collection Press Release & Promo PicturesHang-Ten Toes: Bubblegum neon with iridescent purple shimmer

China Glaze Beach Cruise-r China Glaze Summer Neons Collection Press Release & Promo PicturesBeach Cruise-r: Glimmering fuchsia grape

China Glaze Orange You Hot China Glaze Summer Neons Collection Press Release & Promo PicturesOrange You Hot?: Bright orange with attention-grabbing gold glimmer

China Glaze Surfin' for Boys China Glaze Summer Neons Collection Press Release & Promo PicturesSurfin’ For Boys: Glistening bright coral

China Glaze Flirty Tankini China Glaze Summer Neons Collection Press Release & Promo PicturesFlirty Tankini: Shimmery strawberry smoothie pink

China Glaze Ride the Waves China Glaze Summer Neons Collection Press Release & Promo PicturesRide the Waves: Dark ocean blue

(Click here to see my China Glaze Ride the Waves Swatches & Review!)

China Glaze I'm with the Lifeguard China Glaze Summer Neons Collection Press Release & Promo PicturesI’m With the Lifeguard: Glimmering lime green

(Click here to see my China Glaze I’m with the Lifeguard Swatches & Review!)

China Glaze Sun-Kissed China Glaze Summer Neons Collection Press Release & Promo PicturesSun-Kissed: Hot highlighter yellow

China Glaze Summer Neons Collection 2012 Press Release & Promo Pictures

Also available 8-piece box collection featuring Under The Boardwalk, Ride The Waves, I’m With The Lifeguard, Sun-Kissed, Orange You Hot?, Surfin’ For Boys, Flirty Tankini and Pink Plumeria.

China Glaze® Summer Neons will be available as open stock colors and 12-piece counter display. Individual polishes retail for $7 MSRP and the 8-piece box set retails for $56. China Glaze® Summer Neons will be available at fine salons and beauty supply stores nationwide in June 2012.

China Glaze is free of DBP, toluene, and added formaldehyde. China Glaze nail lacquers are available through salons and professional beauty supply stores nationwide. For more information, visit:

Although all the shades look lovely, my favourites are I’m With the Lifeguard (*ahem* Green fiend here!) ;), Sun-Kissed, Love’s a Beach, Surfin’ for Boys, and Hang-Ten Toes!

Which shades caught your eye the most? Is there a neon nail polish you wish a company would make? If so, please describe it!


16 thoughts on “China Glaze Summer Neons Collection Press Release & Promo Pictures

  1. Barbara

    Most excited for Splish Splash. Because this woman can’t have enough blue LOL! Ride the Waves would be good too!

    Went to Ulta yesterday for the express purpose of buying shades that weren’t blue. Bought China Glaze The Capitol Colors in Dress Me Up. So far, so good. THEN I picked Zoya Skylar and could not resist the blue! Got Essie Mesmerized because of your review and will do a mani with it tomorrow before working afternoons to check out my first Essie!

    Have a good weekend Mary!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Barbara!

      Thanks so much. Hope that you’re enjoying the remainder of your weekend, too! This one was relaxing for me, so I’m happy! Previous weekends have been so overloaded with social activities, and I didn’t have much alone time.

      YAY! Hope you love Essie Mesmerize as much as (or even more than) I do! 🙂 Great nail-polish choices.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Karen!

      Plus the name “Flirty Tankini” is too cute, isn’t it? 🙂

      You should check out Ride the Waves – it’s a blue jelly polish!

  2. Chelsea

    This neons collection is crazy! I think this will become a trend this summer. They really are attractive and it brings out the colors inside you. How much does one nail polish cost? Thank you very much for sharing this to others!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Chelsea!

      Yes, although I wear neons in any season, they’re always the most fun to sport in the summer when the sun’s beating down. 🙂

      Typically China Glaze retails for around $7 USD (according to the press release) and I think it’s around that here in Canada, too. Etailers will often sell these polishes for around $2.99 USD, though.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Cynthia!

      Seeing all the neons together really DOES make you want to buy them all. 🙂 They look so bright and happy, and how cruel would it be to break up the ‘family’? 😉

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Frosso!

      Haha, of course you wouldn’t object! That’s against the cardinal nailphile laws that govern our obsession. 😉

  3. Carmela

    I’m belatedly realizing that I need more neons in my stash so I’ll probably need the whole lot. Okay, I’ll qualify that as *want* the whole lot but I’ll probably restrain myself and only get a few. I wonder if Sally has them already so I can use my coupon for it…
    Carmela recently posted: First Ever Birthday Month Giveaway!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Carmela!

      You can never have too many neons in your collection! (This is from a neon addict, though…) 😉

      Wow, haha, I’m picturing you making out like a beauty bandit at Sally’s. If you get the majority of these shades, I’ll be drooling all the way from over here!


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